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Little harder here (also ripped from my "Lateral Puzzles" book to anyone concerned about plagiarism :P).

Determine the logic behind the following sequence.


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...S K A L N T...when you pronounce it, take notice of where in your mouth the letters originate from. You'll notice that this sequence originates in the back of your mouth and progresses towards the front...

NASTY NASTY NASTY ONE, this sequence...I would have been amazed if anyone would have solved it :D

I don't get it an s is the tip of the toungue

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I don't get it an s is the tip of the toungue

Only if you accentuate the sound - just say without drawing out (i.e. keep your tongue on the floor of your mouth and notice you don't have to touch it to the roof of your mouth, then see what happens)

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Wait ! Maybe this was meant for the Joke file. Ha ha the Jokes on you!!

What?? I once saw a South Park episode about how Family Guy episodes are created, and how (manatees, I think), just pick random thoughts and string them together, no matter how incoherent. Sometimes I think you may be one of those manatees...

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...S K A L N T...when you pronounce it, take notice of where in your mouth the letters originate from. You'll notice that this sequence originates in the back of your mouth and progresses towards the front...

NASTY NASTY NASTY ONE, this sequence...I would have been amazed if anyone would have solved it :D

Wow. I don't feel the least bit bad about not getting this one :P It's a good one, but I doubt anyone can get this, maybe 1 out of 10 million people or something.

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*I couldn't edit my previous post*

largeneal would you please enlighten us as to how exactly you are pronouncing this? ess-kay-ay-el-en-tee/ s-k-ah-l-n-tee/ etc. I've studied phonetics quite a bit while learning Korean, and this just doesn't make much sense to me.

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*I couldn't edit my previous post*

largeneal would you please enlighten us as to how exactly you are pronouncing this? ess-kay-ay-el-en-tee/ s-k-ah-l-n-tee/ etc. I've studied phonetics quite a bit while learning Korean, and this just doesn't make much sense to me.

yesssssss, that's right. You don't feel the "s" start in the back of your mouth and the letters progress towards the front of your mouth??

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What?? I once saw a South Park episode about how Family Guy episodes are created, and how (manatees, I think), just pick random thoughts and string them together, no matter how incoherent. Sometimes I think you may be one of those manatees...

LOL :D:lol:

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I agree with MLeww. I had actually considered where the letters are pronounced in your mouth a while ago but I dismissed it as a possible answer because I don't think it works. Neal and I have discussed it extensively and I'm still not convinced that it's a sufficient answer.

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I agree with MLeww. I had actually considered where the letters are pronounced in your mouth a while ago but I dismissed it as a possible answer because I don't think it works. Neal and I have discussed it extensively and I'm still not convinced that it's a sufficient answer.

Works fine for me. Maybe it's dependent on a certain accent(s) / manner of speaking?

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I did some research on this subject, and there is a little more to this area than I thought. There are apparently 11 places in the mouth where sounds, specifically phonemes, come from. I have found conflicting data on where in the mouth these phonemes come from. It depends on the language being spoken, actually. The article I WANT to reference is an IEEE article by some Japanese group, however my pubmed server is being a dirty ***** tonight and not letting me log in. But there are fricatives, apical/laminar consonants, diacritics, etc etc. Anyways, I'm sorry I don't have more of an explanation besides that of the empirical. I have nothing else to say on this one, and for any other complaints, ask email a linguistics professor. Just go to any university's website, look in faculty directory for a professor whose bio includes linguistics' studies, then just write an email.

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