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I know that there are sometines topics that deserve to be deleted besides repeats(i've made a few of those myself). But if theres a new valid topic that gets locked, which would bring up much controversy. I say that if we think a good topic shouldn't be deleted, we should be able to vote on it. This mainly pertains to debates. I want to hear some responses from the moderators as well as rookie for this. Please take this into consideration.

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I know that there are sometines topics that deserve to be deleted besides repeats(i've made a few of those myself). But if theres a new valid topic that gets locked, which would bring up much controversy. I say that if we think a good topic shouldn't be deleted, we should be able to vote on it. This mainly pertains to debates. I want to hear some responses from the moderators as well as rookie for this. Please take this into consideration.

After I created the thread complaining about post deletion by moderators , I regretted it. In hindsight, I realize that the best way to have a smoothly operating forum is to entrust moderators with the appropriate authority to do their job painlessly. One of the main reasons for this is that "their job" is not a job at all, but something they do voluntarily. Implementing a voting system would imply that we don't trust the moderators to make good decisions, which takes an already thankless job and turns it into a real bummer. So no, I don't think that's a good idea.

As has been stated plenty of times, if you disagree with a moderator's decision, you can PM him about it, but only once. If you think there are others who would agree with you, perhaps you could PM them first to get feedback. If there's consensus, this could be stated to the moderator ("I've discussed this with A,B,C, and D and we would like you to reconsider X"). However, it's important to recognize that it's ultimately his decision. If he says no, tough. Hopefully he provided you with a reasonable explanation why, but regardless, there's no advantage to arguing about it. To be honest, I can't imagine that there are many issues regarding thread locking/creation/deletion that are important enough to fight about.

Often, what lies at the core of a dispute is a failure to see the reason for the other person's actions. If a moderator says "No", why? Because he likes being a punk? Probably not. Whether or not you agree, he's trying to make a decision that's best for the greatest number of members, so rather than just getting irritated, try to see the point he is making. There's a good chance you can reword the post or present the topic in another way that meets with approval.

That's my two cents, having just come from the other side of the fence. ;)

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After I created the thread complaining about post deletion by moderators , I regretted it. In hindsight, I realize that the best way to have a smoothly operating forum is to entrust moderators with the appropriate authority to do their job painlessly. One of the main reasons for this is that "their job" is not a job at all, but something they do voluntarily. Implementing a voting system would imply that we don't trust the moderators to make good decisions, which takes an already thankless job and turns it into a real bummer. So no, I don't think that's a good idea.

I agree with Duh Puck. The moderators do a great job here and I think that the undermining of their authority, guidelines and decision-making should come to an end now. Seriously. They are all very respectful and answer PMs readily and thoughtfully. This is about the fifth thread I've seen in the last week that has attempted to take control out of their hands and this really needs to come to an end. These matters should also not be taken publicly into the forum.

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I guess you're right. It was just a thought, but I guess it would be highly inplausible to work. Lock this one up rookie/martini/bonanova before more people comment on it.

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