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23 answers to this question

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  CuteSparklezGirl said:
How many words can you get from the words "The Perfect Person"?


So far I have found 14 including The, Perfect, Person :):)

Good luck!

No one has ever said that to me before :P


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  CuteSparklezGirl said:
How many words can you get from the words "The Perfect Person"?


So far I have found 14 including The, Perfect, Person :):)

Good luck!

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I have got 20, but not sure if cute girl is going to accept all of them.

the, perfect, person, respect, erect, force, theft, nose, pent, neon, sore, cone, tent, test, son, err, no, on, so, he,

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teeth, ten, teen, three, fresh, hen, pen, pope, reset, enter, front, post, north, often, soft, pence, encore, font, cheep, chef, secret, protest, sport, present, represent, proper, force, fresco, soft, forest, report, ferret, open, horn, thorn...

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  brhan said:
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I have got 20, but not sure if cute girl is going to accept all of them.

the, perfect, person, respect, erect, force, theft, nose, pent, neon, sore, cone, tent, test, son, err, no, on, so, he,

They all work!

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  = W = said:
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teeth, ten, teen, three, fresh, hen, pen, pope, reset, enter, front, post, north, often, soft, pence, encore, font, cheep, chef, secret, protest, sport, present, represent, proper, force, fresco, soft, forest, report, ferret, open, horn, thorn...

Wow, you did better then me!

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It's like Boggle! Sort of.

she, prefect, perp, perps, shep, sheps, err, errs, there, here, crest, strep, prep, preps, nope, hope, hopes, pope, popes, rope, ropes, norse, sort, port, fort, sorts, ports, horse, force, forces, throne, thrones, fern, ferns, pet, pets, rest, fester, pester, sect, nest, pest, refect, refects

AHH I can't stop!

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  onetruth said:

AHH I can't stop!

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It's like Boggle! Sort of.

she, prefect, perp, perps, shep, sheps, err, errs, there, here, crest, strep, prep, preps, nope, hope, hopes, pope, popes, rope, ropes, norse, sort, port, fort, sorts, ports, horse, force, forces, throne, thrones, fern, ferns, pet, pets, rest, fester, pester, sect, nest, pest, refect, refects

You left out the bottom burp - keep going!

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[spoiler=8 letters and above per word. Leaving the easy ones.... ;) ]Threepences Preferences Preference Threepence References Retrospect Threescore Reenforces Retrenches Preceptors Perfectest Freestone Recentest Properest Enforcers Reference Freshener Conferees Confreres Trenchers Represent Stretcher Referents Reenforce Preceptor Therefore Pretences Perfecter Respecter Receptors Presenter Protester Creepers Trochees Fetchers Honester Northers Foreseer Portents Referees Forester Rottener Receptor Enforces Shoetree Conferee Therefor Trenches Trencher Reechoes Reenters Prophets Retrench Prefects Oftenest Cheerers Pretense Erectors Pretence Perforce Perfects Choppers Preteens Presence Prospect Torrents Percents Croppers Confrere Reforest Recenter Treetops Foreseen Precepts Enforcer Coherent Protects Softener Referent

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Do acronyms count? If so, I have more...

so, perse, prest, pore, pores, theft, thefts, shot, hot, hots, pot, pots, rot, rots, tot, tots, soft, sone, hone, hones, tone, tones, phone, phones, cone, cones, none, pone, pones, shone, stone, prone, these, nether, ether, ethers, either, or, for, tore, torn, porn, horn, horns, corn, corns (?), fore, forn, store, serf, forest, pert, cert, free, frees, see, tee, tees, tree, trees, thee, pee, pees, fee, fees, posh, post, host, cost, rost, rose, those, pose, poser

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  bonanova said:
[spoiler=8 letters and above per word. Leaving the easy ones.... ;) ]Threepences Preferences Preference Threepence References Retrospect Threescore Reenforces Retrenches Preceptors Perfectest Freestone Recentest Properest Enforcers Reference Freshener Conferees Confreres Trenchers Represent Stretcher Referents Reenforce Preceptor Therefore Pretences Perfecter Respecter Receptors Presenter Protester Creepers Trochees Fetchers Honester Northers Foreseer Portents Referees Forester Rottener Receptor Enforces Shoetree Conferee Therefor Trenches Trencher Reechoes Reenters Prophets Retrench Prefects Oftenest Cheerers Pretense Erectors Pretence Perforce Perfects Choppers Preteens Presence Prospect Torrents Percents Croppers Confrere Reforest Recenter Treetops Foreseen Precepts Enforcer Coherent Protects Softener Referent


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I was so curious, I went to word finder.com

here is what i found:

2-letter words

ef, eh, en, er, es, et, he, ho, ne, no, oe, of, oh, on, op, or, os, pe, re, sh, so, to

3-letter words

cee, cep, con, cop, cor, cos, cot, efs, eft, ens, eon, ere, ern, err, ers, eth, fee, feh, fen, fer, fet, foe, foh, fon, fop, for, fro, hen, hep, her, hes, het, hoe, hon, hop, hot, nee, net, noh, nor, nos, not, nth, oes, oft, ohs, one, ons, ope, ops, opt, orc, ore, ors, ort, ose, pee, peh, pen, pep, per, pes, pet, pht, poh, pop, pot, pro, rec, ree, ref, rep, res, ret, rho, roc, roe, rot, sec, see, sen, ser, set, she, son, sop, sot, tee, ten, tet, the, tho, toe, ton, top, tor, tot

4-letter words

cees, cent, cepe, ceps, cere, cero, cete, chef, chon, chop, coft, cone, cons, cope, cops, core, corf, corn, cosh, cost, cote, cots, crop, eche, echo, efts, eons, epee, epos, erne, erns, eros, errs, erst, etch, eths, fees, feet, fehs, fens, fere, fern, fete, fets, foes, fohn, fons, font, fops, fore, fort, free, fret, froe, heft, hens, hent, here, hern, hero, hers, hest, hets, hoer, hoes, hone, hons, hope, hops, horn, hose, host, hots, neep, nest, nets, nett, noes, nope, nose, nosh, note, once, ones, open, opes, opts, orcs, ores, orts, pech, pecs, peen, peep, peer, pees, pehs, pens, pent, peon, pepo, peps, pert, peso, pest, pets, phon, phot, poet, pone, pons, pope, pops, pore, porn, port, pose, posh, post, pots, pree, prep, prof, prop, pros, recs, reef, rees, refs, reft, rent, repo, repp, reps, resh, rest, rete, rets, rhos, rocs, roes, rope, rose, rote, rots, scop, scot, sect, seen, seep, seer, sene, sent, sept, sere, serf, sett, shoe, shop, shot, snot, soft, sone, soph, sore, sorn, sort, soth, spec, spot, step, stet, stop, teen, tees, tens, tent, tern, test, teth, tets, thee, then, thro, toes, toft, tone, tons, tope, toph, tops, torc, tore, torn, torr, tors, tort, tosh, tost, tote, tots, tree, tref, tret, trop, trot

5-letter words

cense, cento, cents, cepes, ceres, ceros, cetes, cheep, cheer, chefs, chert, chest, chops, chore, chose, chott, cones, conte, copen, coper, copes, copse, corer, cores, corns, corps, corse, coset, cotes, creep, crepe, crept, crest, croft, crone, crops, crore, eches, enter, epees, ephor, epoch, erect, ernes, erose, escot, ester, estop, ether, ethos, feces, fence, feres, ferns, fetch, fetes, fetor, foehn, fohns, fonts, force, fores, forte, forth, forts, freer, frees, frere, fresh, frets, froes, frons, front, frore, frosh, frost, froth, hefts, hence, hents, heres, herns, heron, heros, hoers, honer, hones, hoper, hopes, horns, horse, horst, hosen, neeps, nerts, netop, netts, north, notch, noter, notes, ocher, ochre, octet, often, ofter, onset, opens, other, otter, pechs, peens, peeps, peers, pence, penes, peons, pepos, perch, perse, pesto, peter, petto, phone, phons, phots, poets, ponce, pones, popes, porch, pores, porns, ports, poser, preen, prees, preps, prese, prest, profs, prone, props, prose, prost, recon, recto, reefs, reest, refer, rente, rents, repos, repot, repps, repro, resee, reset, retch, retro, roper, ropes, roset, rotch, rotes, rotte, scene, scent, scone, scope, score, scorn, scree, senor, serer, seton, sheen, sheep, sheer, sheet, shent, shoer, shone, shore, shorn, short, shote, shott, sneer, snore, snort, sorer, speer, spent, spore, sport, spree, steep, steer, steno, stere, stern, stone, stope, stopt, store, strep, strop, teens, teeth, tench, tenet, tenor, tense, tenth, tents, tepee, terce, terne, terns, terse, teths, theft, thens, there, these, thorn, thorp, those, three, throe, tofts, toner, tones, topee, toper, topes, tophe, tophs, torch, torcs, tores, torse, torte, torts, toter, totes, treen, trees, trets, trone, trope, troth, trots

6-letter words

cenote, censer, censor, center, centos, centre, certes, cheeps, cheero, cheers, cheese, cherts, chores, chosen, chotts, cohere, confer, contes, copens, copers, copper, copter, corers, corner, cornet, corpse, corset, cosher, coster, cotter, creeps, creese, creesh, crepes, crepon, crofts, crones, crores, echoer, echoes, encore, enserf, enters, entree, ephors, epochs, epopee, erects, escort, etcher, etches, eterne, ethene, ethers, ethnos, fencer, fences, ferret, fester, fetors, fetter, foehns, forcer, forces, forest, fortes, foster, freers, freest, french, freres, fresco, fronts, froths, hector, hefter, hereof, hereon, hereto, heroes, herons, herpes, hetero, honers, honest, hopers, hopper, hornet, horste, hotter, nester, nestor, nether, netops, netter, norths, nosher, noters, nother, ochers, ochres, octets, oftest, opener, others, otters, pecten, peeper, pensee, peones, pereon, perron, person, perter, pester, peters, petter, phones, ponces, pontes, porter, posher, poster, poteen, potent, pother, potter, preens, prefer, preset, presto, pretor, proper, proser, recent, recept, recons, rector, rectos, reecho, reefer, refect, refers, renest, renter, rentes, reopen, repent, report, repose, repots, repros, rerose, resect, reseen, resent, reshoe, reshot, resort, respot, rester, retene, retest, retore, retorn, retort, retros, rhetor, rochet, ropers, roster, rotche, rotten, rotter, rottes, scorer, scoter, screen, secern, secret, sector, seethe, senhor, septet, serene, settee, setter, shoppe, snorer, soften, softer, sorner, sorter, speech, spence, sphene, sphere, sprent, stench, steppe, stereo, stoner, stoper, street, teener, teepee, teeter, teethe, tenets, tenors, tenrec, tenser, tensor, tenter, tenths, tepees, terces, tercet, terete, ternes, terret, terser, testee, tester, teston, tether, thefts, thence, theres, thorns, thorpe, thorps, threep, threes, throes, throne, tocher, toners, topees, topers, tophes, topper, torten, tortes, toters, tother, treens, trench, troche, trones, tropes, troths

7-letter words

cenotes, centers, centres, cheeper, cheerer, cheeros, chopper, coherer, coheres, confers, contest, coppers, copters, corners, cornets, cotters, creeper, crepons, crofter, cropper, echoers, encores, enforce, enterer, entrees, epopees, erecter, erector, esthete, estrone, etchers, ethenes, fencers, ferrets, fetcher, fetches, fetters, forceps, forcers, foresee, freshen, fresher, freshet, fretter, fronter, frontes, hectors, hefters, heptose, heteros, hoppers, hornets, horrent, necrose, netters, norther, notcher, notches, oftener, openers, openest, pectens, peepers, penoche, penster, pentose, peptone, percent, percept, percher, perches, perfect, perpent, perrons, pertest, petters, porches, porrect, portent, porters, posteen, postern, poteens, potence, potheen, pothers, potteen, potters, precent, precept, preener, prefect, prefers, present, presort, prester, preteen, pretest, pretors, proette, propene, propers, prophet, prosect, prosper, protect, protest, pschent, recepts, rechose, rectors, reefers, reenter, reerect, refects, refence, referee, refresh, refront, renters, reopens, repents, reports, reposer, rescore, reshone, respect, restore, retches, retenes, retorts, rhetors, rochets, rosette, rotches, rotters, scepter, sceptre, scorner, secrete, serener, serpent, sheerer, sheeter, shereef, shopper, shorten, shorter, shotten, sneerer, snorter, specter, spectre, spencer, sporter, spotter, steepen, steeper, steerer, stentor, stepper, sterner, stertor, stopper, stretch, strophe, teeners, teepees, teeters, teether, teethes, tenches, tenrecs, tenters, tercets, terpene, terreen, terrene, terrets, tethers, thereof, thereon, thereto, thorpes, threeps, thrones, tochers, toppers, torches, torrent, treetop, trochee, troches

8-letter words

cheepers, cheerers, choppers, coherent, coherers, conferee, confrere, creepers, crofters, croppers, enfetter, enforcer, enforces, ensphere, enterers, entrepot, erecters, erectors, fetchers, fetterer, foreseen, foreseer, forester, forspent, fosterer, frenches, frescoer, fretters, honester, northers, notchers, oftenest, penoches, peptones, percents, percepts, perchers, perfecto, perfects, perforce, perpents, pesterer, portents, postteen, potences, potheens, potteens, potterer, precents, precepts, preeners, preerect, prefects, prepense, prescore, presence, preteens, pretence, pretense, proettes, propenes, propense, prophets, prospect, protects, recenter, receptor, rechosen, reechoes, reenters, reerects, refences, referees, referent, reforest, refronts, repenter, rescreen, resetter, retrench, rottener, screener, secreter, secretor, sheepcot, shoetree, softener, stropper, teethers, terpenes, terreens, terrenes, therefor, torchere, torrents, trecento, treetops, trencher, trenches, trochees

9-letter words

conferees, confreres, contester, copresent, ecosphere, enfetters, enforcers, entrecote, entrepots, ferrocene, fetterers, foresheet, freestone, freshener, perfecter, perfectos, potterers, precensor, precentor, preceptor, preerects, prepotent, prescreen, presentee, presenter, pretences, properest, protester, recentest, receptors, reenforce, reference, referents, refreshen, repenters, represent, respecter, sheepcote, shortener, stretcher, therefore, torcheres, trecentos, trenchers

10-letter words

entrecotes, ferrocenes, perfecters, perfectest, precentors, preceptors, preference, reenforces, references, retrenches, retrospect, threepence, threescore, treehopper

11-letter words

preferences, threepences, treehoppers

Of course, I spell checked it, and most of them were marked as incorrect.

But I left them all there any way!

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