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Sorry if this isn't where to post this, but I thought it was a good idea.

Is it possible to put some kind of switch, etc. so the OP of a topic can click it and the forum will show some sort of "solved" graphic? That would be swell so you can tell which posts have been solved and the discussion is just continuing, and which have yet to be solved.

Just my two pesos. :blink:


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Sorry if this isn't where to post this, but I thought it was a good idea.

Is it possible to put some kind of switch, etc. so the OP of a topic can click it and the forum will show some sort of "solved" graphic? That would be swell so you can tell which posts have been solved and the discussion is just continuing, and which have yet to be solved.

Just my two pesos. :blink:


I had the same idea and posted this in the comments and suggestions section ;) The problem is that it would require all users to have infinite edit access. And sending a pm to a moderator to put a check mark would take too much time on their end. I still really like this idea and think it should be looked at again though. Maybe there's an easy solution we haven't thought of yet. Maybe have everyone have VIP access to their own topics, but then I'm sure editing will get out of control...

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Sorry if this isn't where to post this, but I thought it was a good idea.

Moving to "Comments and Suggestions".

Is it possible to put some kind of switch, etc. so the OP of a topic can click it and the forum will show some sort of "solved" graphic? That would be swell so you can tell which posts have been solved and the discussion is just continuing, and which have yet to be solved.

Just my two pesos. :blink:


What would the purpose be? If the OP wants others to know the solution he believes to be correct has been solved, he can just post a congratulatory post (and many often do this already). But even then you'll get posters that don't agree with the OP's intended answer (and sometimes rightly so).

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What would the purpose be? If the OP wants others to know the solution he believes to be correct has been solved, he can just post a congratulatory post (and many often do this already). But even then you'll get posters that don't agree with the intended answer (and sometimes rightly so).

The purpose would be to help members avoid spending time solving a problem that has already been solved. Some enjoy solving the problems anyhow, but many prefer to post only if the solution has not already been posted. Having a visual indicator would thus be kinda nice.

I would see this as being most helpful if it worked as a thread status indicator, just like the "Hot Topic" icon. Actually, could the Post Icons be used for this purpose? Most posters don't bother to select a Post Icon, which tend to be meaningless anyhow. But if there were an icon which indicated that the problem has been solved, and the OP'er could change it after the fact, it would address this concern without stopping anyone from contributing further.

Of course, it may not be possible to allow changing of just the post icon without having complete edit rights, which is obviously not desirable. Just a thought.

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The purpose would be to help members avoid spending time solving a problem that has already been solved.

I think most posters here enjoy attempting to solve the riddles whether or not someone posted the solution the OP intended (at least I'm hoping). One still has to wonder if the OP ever got around to marking the riddle as solved and is still "wasting time". One has to wonder even further if the OP really knows the correct solution and appropriately marked the riddle as solved.

Some enjoy solving the problems anyhow, but many prefer to post only if the solution has not already been posted. Having a visual indicator would thus be kinda nice.

You'd still have to at least skim through the posts to make sure the solution you came up matches the one the OP believes is correct.

I think such a system only makes it seem that we're supporting the idea that riddle solving is some sort of contest or that solving a riddle isn't as gratifying or worthy of one's time discussing unless you're the first one to post one person's idea of what the correct solution is. Just my 2¢; we'll see what others think.

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my idea was for the forum topic list, like the "hot topic" button. I find sometimes posts with a lot of follow up are not solved, and some posts with only 1 or 2 are. I don't read all the posts especially now that there are so many on the boards, so I'd like an easy way to see which are solved and which not. You know?

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I think most posters here enjoy attempting to solve the riddles whether or not someone posted the solution the OP intended (at least I'm hoping).

I try to solve them all, but if I could prioritize unsolved riddles ahead of one's with solutions in the posts I would because I find it more fun to try and be the first person to solve a riddle. The check mark would also help once a riddle gets deep into the archives. An unsolved riddle won't get lost among a bunch of solved riddles because it will be unmarked. Therefore, I think it will also reduce OP hints and spoilers, because there would be no incentive to keep bumping an unsolved riddle up the list.

One still has to wonder if the OP ever got around to marking the riddle as solved and is still "wasting time". One has to wonder even further if the OP really knows the correct solution and appropriately marked the riddle as solved.

True. But it would reduce the amount of possibilities to look through. The check mark doesn't have to mean an official solve, just that the OP is satisfied and the discussion or debate can keep going.

You'd still have to at least skim through the posts to make sure the solution you came up matches the one the OP believes is correct.

Right, but that would be done no matter what the case is.

I think such a system only makes it seem that we're supporting the idea that riddle solving is some sort of contest or that solving a riddle isn't as gratifying or worthy of one's time discussing unless you're the first one to post one person's idea of what the correct solution is. Just my 2¢; we'll see what others think.

Well, if I solve a riddle that was posted and answered months ago that was exceptionally difficult, I feel good. As for the first part, is it a bad thing to try and be the first to solve a puzzle? As long as you're not spewing 40 posts to try to get the correct answer, I for one, like the idea of a bunch of people thinking at once and trying to solve something first. -Just my opinion.

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I try to solve them all, but if I could prioritize unsolved riddles ahead of one's with solutions in the posts I would because I find it more fun to try and be the first person to solve a riddle.

I think you can do that just fine now by looking on the first page and looking for threads that are fairly new. Older posts are usually solved and I'm betting that will also be the case for older threads that aren't checked off by the OP. It will probably just mean the OP didn't get around to check it off (or likes the extra attention of having a non-checked off thread and purposely doesn't do it).

The check mark would also help once a riddle gets deep into the archives. An unsolved riddle won't get lost among a bunch of solved riddles because it will be unmarked.

But they will get much more attention then other posts, and since the group here is pretty darn good at solving riddles, it'll be threads that the OP didn't bother to check off or doesn't want to check off because of the extra attention. The other case will be that the OP doesn't check it off because he believes he is the only one with the correct answer. I believe that will cause a lot of posts saying, "C'mon, OP, check it off already; you know the riddle was answered correctly!". I'm betting there will be a lot of posts made just to announce that the OP still hasn't checked the riddle as solved.

True. But it would reduce the amount of possibilities to look through. The check mark doesn't have to mean an official solve, just that the OP is satisfied and the discussion or debate can keep going.

How? Read the quote you're responding to. The OP may have checked it off because he's mistaken about what the correct solution is or marked it off by mistake, meaning you still have to read the posts. Or the OP may not have checked it off even though the riddle has been solved, meaning you still have to read the posts.

Right, but that would be done no matter what the case is.


Well, if I solve a riddle that was posted and answered months ago that was exceptionally difficult, I feel good. As for the first part, is it a bad thing to try and be the first to solve a puzzle?

No one even suggested that what makes you feel good is a bad thing. Just that having the check off system supports the idea of the boards intent being one of competitiveness. I for one, believe it goes against the spirit of what I believe this board is about, but that's also -Just my opinion.

I foresee a bunch of impossible to answer riddleds started (probably for dumb reasons) because of some sort of prestige of having a non-checked off thread.

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But they will get much more attention then other posts, and since the group here is pretty darn good at solving riddles, it'll be threads that the OP didn't bother to check off or doesn't want to check off because of the extra attention. The other case will be that the OP doesn't check it off because he believes he is the only one with the correct answer. I believe that will cause a lot of posts saying, "C'mon, OP, check it off already; you know the riddle was answered correctly!". I'm betting there will be a lot of posts made just to announce that the OP still hasn't checked the riddle as solved.

I foresee a bunch of impossible to answer riddleds started (probably for dumb reasons) because of some sort of prestige of having a non-checked off thread.

Well, I don't have such a negative opinion about the members here. I don't foresee a lot of posts asking for a seemingly solved riddle to be checked off. I also don't foresee OP's purposely not checking off their riddles to get extra attention. Also, what are these impossible riddles you speak of? If they are not brain teasers, they will get locked or just deleted.

You also ignored my point, which I think is very valid, that the check system would reduce the amount of hints and spoiler answers and also reduce unnecessary bumping.

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Well, I don't have such a negative opinion about the members here. I don't foresee a lot of posts asking for a seemingly solved riddle to be checked off. I also don't foresee OP's purposely not checking off their riddles to get extra attention.

Oh please. I didn't suggest that I have a negative overall opinion of "the members here". Keep your eyes open to some of the immature posts that do go on here and it should be obvious that a check off system is an invitation for all sorts of immaturity.

Also, what are these impossible riddles you speak of? If they are not brain teasers, they will get locked or just deleted.

And we need more inappropriate threads to get locked and deleted here?

You also ignored my point, which I think is very valid, that the check system would reduce the amount of hints and spoiler answers and also reduce unnecessary bumping.

Is this a debate and I'm supposed to respond to your points? I ignored it because it made no sense. I see no reason to believe OPs won't bump their own threads or give spoilers. You say, "An unsolved riddle won't get lost among a bunch of solved riddles because it will be unmarked." You're forgetting that there are already hundreds of riddles here that are unmarked. Old posts get bumped to the first page all the time. There will eventually be old posts unchecked and newer posts unchecked because the OP doesn't get to it and very little to no posts unchecked because the riddle hasn't been solved. Can you point to any posts older than a week that haven't been solved? I don't think there are any riddles without solutions posted as you claim and if there are, it's because the OP has abandoned it and hasn't posted the solution. In that case, I see no reason why the OP wouldn't abandon it in the same regard and not check it off. BTW, you ignored almost all of my points- pot calling the kettle black.

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Seeing as how I originally brought up this idea in a previous thread I'll just provide a link to it. It was a much more civil discussion without all this petty banter.

You mean like accusing someone of having a negative opinion of the posters here? Petty banter requires more than one person.

Scraff made some good points that aren't addressed in the thread you linked to, especially the point that the majority of unchecked threads will be solved, since as far as I can see, all riddles here get solved. Going through the forum reading unchecked threads in the hope of being the first to solve a riddle will be a hopeless exercise.

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You mean like accusing someone of having a negative opinion of the posters here? Petty banter requires more than one person.

Scraff made some good points that aren't addressed in the thread you linked to, especially the point that the majority of unchecked threads will be solved, since as far as I can see, all riddles here get solved. Going through the forum reading unchecked threads in the hope of being the first to solve a riddle will be a hopeless exercise.

The thread I linked to is the original thread. There shouldn't even be 2 open threads addressing the same thing in the first place. I was hoping, if need be, the discussion could be kept on one thread, but alas my hopes have been dashed.

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The thread I linked to is the original thread. There shouldn't even be 2 open threads addressing the same thing in the first place. I was hoping, if need be, the discussion could be kept on one thread, but alas my hopes have been dashed.

already posted ... continue in the original thread

this thread is locked

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