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I'm starting this thread for anime/animation lovers so we can share and rate awesome animated shows and moments and get ideas for new shows to try out.

Here's my Top 10 all-time Anime list(dramatic, Japanese animation):

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1)Fullmetal Alchemist

2)Naruto/ Naruto Shippuuden

3)Death Note


5)Cowboy Bebop

6)FLCL (fooly cooly)


8)Neon Genesis Evangelion

9)Code Geass

10)Last Exile

Here's my Top 10 all-time Animation list (comedic, American animation):

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1)South Park

2)Simpsons (First 10 seasons at least)

3)Family Guy


5)Venture Brothers

6)Aqua Teen Hunger Force

7)Space Ghost Coast to Coast

8)Home Movies


10)12 oz. mouse

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  Blade said:
I really like Naruto. It's one of the only anime shows i watch but still its pretty good and really gets you into the story line. I havent watched any others but they consist of stupid humor on Adult Swim... me personaly i dont like it, so i dont watch much of anything else.

I watched Cowboy Bebop on Adult Swim! It was my first introduction to good anime (only thing I saw before that was Sailor Moon...ew...XP). And I think it's the only anime that I don't mind dubbed...;P

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  Yoruichi-san said:
I watched Cowboy Bebop on Adult Swim! It was my first introduction to good anime (only thing I saw before that was Sailor Moon...ew...XP). And I think it's the only anime that I don't mind dubbed...;P

I was introduced to anime on Adult Swim too! I saw Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha in English and those are the 2 I don't mind dubbed even now. Samurai Champloo I like in English too. For Cowboy Bebop, a lot of key lines are changed for some reason, which I really don't like, and I much prefer Jet and Ed in Japanese. Spike's not bad, I think he's Mugen's voice.

A long time before Adult Swim I saw Vampire Hunter D, but I didn't really think about anime at the time. I just thought it was an awesome movie B)) Same with Ninja Scroll actually.

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I'm not a huge fan of anime, but I have some very fond memories of watching Dragon Ball Z as a kid. That show was beastly.

The past couple of years I got sucked into Avatar- that series was pretty amazing, too.

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Why are people using spoilers for this topic????

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  itachi-san said:
I was introduced to anime on Adult Swim too! I saw Fullmetal Alchemist and Inuyasha in English and those are the 2 I don't mind dubbed even now. Samurai Champloo I like in English too. For Cowboy Bebop, a lot of key lines are changed for some reason, which I really don't like, and I much prefer Jet and Ed in Japanese. Spike's not bad, I think he's Mugen's voice.

A long time before Adult Swim I saw Vampire Hunter D, but I didn't really think about anime at the time. I just thought it was an awesome movie B)) Same with Ninja Scroll actually.

Oh, yeah, Vampire Hunter D was totally wicked! But actually, I like the english Spike better and the english Faye better (japanese girls sound too innocent ;P). I watched Inuyasha too on Adult Swim too, but I gave up on it after Naraku made all his little minions b/c I could tell it was going to be one of those things...:P

But actually, a lot of times I'll see an episode of something on Adult Swim and then I'll go download and watch the subbed series...like Trinity Blood and Trigun and Noein...

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  Yoruichi-san said:
But actually, a lot of times I'll see an episode of something on Adult Swim and then I'll go download and watch the subbed series...like Trinity Blood and Trigun and Noein...

yeah, I do that for all their shows =) That's how I even got the idea to watch Death Note in the first place. Sorry [as], but if you air the shows in Japanese I'll watch. :P

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Wow...Though I don't have cable/satellite and wouldn't have know without a friend telling me...It seems Cartoon Network's Toonami has ended.

Toonami Ends

Though most pages that have any information on this say reportedly/allegedly, my friend said it's true and the block has ended.

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Do I just go to youtube and watch them or is there a special site for them?

I haven't watched any anime that I know of... but my sis lent(spelling?) me her deathnote books and she had to teach me how to read them... but I got really into them :)

Anywho! which site? :rolleyes:

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Noooooo....D.Gray-man is ending! And it was just getting good...I wanted to see the Marshals kicking some serious Akumass...it seems to random...so much left unresolved in the storyline...T_T

That sucks. I tried getting into it and watched about 20 eps. but I just couldn't keep at it [too slow]. Now that I hear it's ending in Inuyasha style (nothing getting resolved) I'll never watch it.

I started watching Darker than Black though and that seems pretty sweet so far.

Also, Naruto Shippuuden is getting seriously awesome right now!

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Time to revive the discussion with some more input:

Soul Eater. Watch it. It is hilarious. ;P

The main characters (Maka and Soul) aren't that interesting...but Kid and Black Star are awesome. I like Anime Enlightenment's subbing...they way they have Black Star refer to himself as "the BIG me!" is great :lol:

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So I finally saw those bonus eps. of Baccano! they were sweet, but they coulda used some Ladd craziness. The mechanic guy was cool though.

Naruto Shippuuden and Bleach are FINALLY finished with their fillers! The Bleach one was really really bad <_<

Y-San or anyone who's seen Gray-man: now that it's over, is it worth seeing? I couldn't get into it, but maybe it gets better...

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  itachi-san said:
So I finally saw those bonus eps. of Baccano! they were sweet, but they coulda used some Ladd craziness. The mechanic guy was cool though.

Naruto Shippuuden and Bleach are FINALLY finished with their fillers! The Bleach one was really really bad <_<

Y-San or anyone who's seen Gray-man: now that it's over, is it worth seeing? I couldn't get into it, but maybe it gets better...

About the Baccano! specials...Chane + Vino <3 Forever!!!!!!! ;P My absolute favorite couple of all time :D. As if meeting on top of a train covered with blood and fighting a psycho wasn't a good enough first date...they give you a marriage proposal in a warehouse while fighting kidnappers...sooooo romantic!

About Bleach...yeah...they finally finished the filler but then they had to have a recap episode...grrr...oh, and lol, I'll give them one thing...they finally figured out how to make Ichigo not look pathetically weak compared to the Captains (in the filler)...XP...but seriously, "cancels out Shinigami powers"? That's way too convenient...:P

About D. Gray-man. It was just getting good when they abruptly ended it. Basically they had the Marshalls (equivalent to the Captains in Bleach) come in...and then the show ended without showing off any of their cool powers :(. Oh...and not only did nothing get resolved, but they just introduce a new kind of villain at the end of the series, and if that's not bad enough, they actually end the last episode by introducing a new kind of power that promises to bring about new unpredictable changes to the fighting and the characters and, like, everything... :mad:

But you know what is worth watching...;) Soul Eater. Oh, and forgot to mention that Stein is freaking awesome as well...(as well as a freak ;P)

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