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this is quite a complicated game so i hope you will still read the instruction and pls tell me if you are interested in playing

pls give comments to make this game better, as i'm trying to develop it further. XD

The Myth Race- Objective of this game is to increase your Race’s population as much as possible.

There are four Races in total, Vampire, Werewolves, Zombies and Humans.

Each Race is suppose to increase your population as much as possible

To increase your number, one must 'TAP' another, for example, a Vampire 'TAPS' a Human, the Human will become a Vampire. Same goes for the Werewolf too, but the Zombie can only turn Dead into a Zombie, if a Zombie 'TAPS' a Human, he or she will die and become a Dead.

But the Player cannot 'TAP' the same person twice, unless you had 'TAPPED' two more person then you can 'TAP' the same person.

How to 'TAP' a player

In this case, we'll make use of our BD account's message system.

Roles will be given out to each player, be it a Vampire, Werewolf, Zombie or Human.

To 'TAP', one must send a message to the player you want to 'TAP'

for example, a Vampire 'TAPS' someone, the Vampire must state in the message : "I am a Vampire, you are bitten" (or something in that format)

and if the player that was 'TAPPED' is a Human, he or she will reply : "Bitten, i am now a Vampire" (or something in that format)

And thats how add one player to your race.

Each roles that are given to each player are a secret to everyone playing, except the GameMaster, who gives out the roles.

so you will not know who is Human, and who is not. This game is entirely based on luck.

The Roles


-there are three types of Humans: normal humans, Priests, and Hunters

a normal human does nothing, :D

Priests are special humans that can 'Purify' Vampires, Zombies and Werewolves.

The Priest has to find someone that he or she suspects to be Non-Human, and when he 'TAPS' someone he must message : "I am a Priest, you are now 'Purified'"

If the player is a Non-human, he or she will lose their monster form and be reverted back into a Human. then they must reply : "Purified, i'm now a Human'"

but Zombies do not turn back into Human, but a Dead

But if the player is a Human, he or she will become a Priest and reply : "Purified, i'm now a priest"

But if a Priest is 'TAPPED' by a Non-human, the Priest will turn into a Non-human

Hunters are Humans that are trained to Kill Non-humans. So when a Hunter 'TAPS' a Non-Human, the Non-human will die, and become a Dead

so the message will be: "I'm a Hunter, you are now Killed"

and the non-human will reply : "Killed, i am now Dead."

But if a Hunter 'KILLS' a Human, and accidentally killed him or her

the Human must reply: "I am a human, and you have sinned."

then the Hunter will lose his or her status and reply: "i have sinned and i shall resign"

and the Hunter and will revert back to a normal Human. So Hunters have to be careful who to 'TAP'

Hunters can also be formed when a Hunter 'TAPS' a human by saying : "I am a Hunter, and you are hired."

And the person replied : "Hired!"

of course the Hunter must be sure that the person 'TAPPED' is a human, if he 'Hires' a Non-human, the Non-human may reply back that he or she is not human and will bite the hunter, turning the Hunter into a Non-Human, except for Zombies as they are weak against Hunters

Dead are of course those who had died, regardless what race you are in. Dead cannot 'TAP' as they are out of action. they can only be revived into a human, not heir previous race, by a Priest when a Priest 'Purifies' a Dead. They cannot be turned into a Vampire or a Werewolf, but only a Zombie.


- They can only turn Humans, Priest and Hunters into Vampires. Vampires will die if 'TAPS' or was 'TAPPED' by a Zombie as they are weak against Zombies


-'same as Vampire, '' ''. Werewolves will die if 'TAPS' or was 'TAPPED' by a Vampire


-Can only turn Dead into Zombie, and kills humans, Priest, but not Hunters. Zombies will die if 'TAPS' or was 'TAPPED' by a Werewolf

The non-humans will reply if tapped by the weaker non-human: "i am a Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie, you are weak against me"

and of course the other player will reply: "I am now Dead"

if it the weaker one that was tapped, he or she will reply : "I am a Vampire/Werewolf/Zombie, i am now Dead"

if there is no conflict between 'TAPPED' players, the reply must be : "No effect"

eg: a Vampire 'TAPS' a Dead, the Dead will reply: "no effect"


there will be a single player, specially picked by the GameMaster, called 'God'.

God cannot be changed or be affected by anybody, but has the ability to change anyone he or she wants

for example, God 'TAPS' a player and messages: "I am God, and you are now a Vampire"

then the player will reply : "I obey your commands and i am now a Vampire"

and the player will become a Vampire no matter what Race he or she was before.

God may be the most funnest role ever, but the GameMaster can also choose not to put in this role.

Other Rules

-No one is allowed to reveal their race to anyone else, unless he or she is playing the game.

-You cannot change your race by yourself, only others can change it

-Do not lie, please be honest

-feel free to reply or 'TAP' as casual as you want but make sure the other player can understand your message

-other from 'TAPPING' or replying, use of the messaging system to reveal other information is not allowed

-please do not use vulgarities in your messages

the game will last for a week, and at the end, each player will report to the GameMaster what their role is by the message system and the GameMaster will calculate which Race has the most number of people, and will be declared the Winners

i think that is all, if you are interested or have any questions please leave a reply :D

Edited by mangamathsfreak
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9 answers to this question

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This game is entirely based on luck

I will probably be willing to read further, but in all honesty I stopped at this line...I am going to imagine others on BD will as well. Please tell me there's more to it before I read on as I did have some interest.

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I have a ques: if a person is tapped by two persons at the same time, then what rule will govern it?

Then the person will have to response to the stronger one, like Vampire is stronger than a Werewolf, so you reply to the Vampire and reply 'No effect' to the weaker one.

if both are the same type, then the player will just pick one of them, and reply 'no effect' to the other one

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I will probably be willing to read further, but in all honesty I stopped at this line...I am going to imagine others on BD will as well. Please tell me there's more to it before I read on as I did have some interest.

ahhh...i'll work on that...>.< sorry

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So, who are the winners?

It doesn't really work because you can start as one race, get tapped in the last minute and win without making any contribution to the winning team.

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Also, what stops me from tapping everyone the minute the game starts?

I would say nothing other than the fact that you are sure to die. If you are a priest, though, you could TAP everyone right at the beginning and (before anyone gets a chance to reply?) you will be sure to eliminate the entire Zombie faction. With no zombies left, nobody could ever become a zombie. Broken.

My suggested patch: You can only TAP one person at a time. Before you can TAP another, the person you have tapped must reply and the entire tap process between the two of you must be resolved. PROBLEM: Time zones/inactivity.

@Maurice: There's a fair amount of luck in this game, but it's not entirely luck. A group of logical players could make this game very fun. I think there would have to be a public thread where anything can be said (including one's current status). I'm sure WIFOM will come into play.

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I would say nothing other than the fact that you are sure to die. If you are a priest, though, you could TAP everyone right at the beginning and (before anyone gets a chance to reply?) you will be sure to eliminate the entire Zombie faction. With no zombies left, nobody could ever become a zombie. Broken.

My suggested patch: You can only TAP one person at a time. Before you can TAP another, the person you have tapped must reply and the entire tap process between the two of you must be resolved. PROBLEM: Time zones/inactivity.

@Maurice: There's a fair amount of luck in this game, but it's not entirely luck. A group of logical players could make this game very fun. I think there would have to be a public thread where anything can be said (including one's current status). I'm sure WIFOM will come into play.

thats what i was gonna say...XD

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