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In an ancient kingdom there exists an evil Queen and a kind Princess. In this kingdom, if you are accused of a crime you must undergo the Grape Test, which goes as follows. Two grapes, one red and one white, are placed into a velvet bag and the accused must reach into the bag without looking and pull out one of the grapes. If the white one is pulled out, the subject is found innocent and released immediately, but if the red one is pulled out, the subject is found guilty and executed on the spot. Because of the Queen’s jealousy for the Princess, she accuses the Princess of a crime and demands that she take the Grape Test. However, she places two red grapes in the bag to ensure that the Princess is found guilty and executed. The Princess is no fool and knows what the Queen is up to, so she devises a way of outsmarting the Queen, and sure enough on the day of her test, she is found innocent and allowed to live. She doesn’t cheat by looking or bringing her own white grape, and she defiantly pulled one of the red grapes out of the bag, so how does she outsmart the Queen?

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1) She pulls both grapes out, exposing the Queen's plan. You state, "she defiantly pulled one of the red grapes out of the bag", which is still true if she pulls both grapes out. Or;

2) She pulls one grape out and states that the grape she is holding is white. When the Queen and witnesses dispute this, the princess rebuts that they are all colour-blind and thus mistaken that the one she picked is red. She proves this by taking the second grape from the bag to show them that they cannot tell the difference between them. The Queen cannot use the same tactic by saying that she is not colour-blind, and that the second red grape pulled out is actually the white grape; this is because the princess technically did not know that both grapes where red, since it was the queen that put them in the bag. This shows to the witnesses that the princess is telling the truth that they are all colour-blind. For those witnesses that do not believe that they are colour blind, they at least can see that the Queen has rigged the outcome of the grape-test, and hence why the princess lied.

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  On 2/10/2011 at 11:47 PM, Gyvven said:

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Pulls out one grape and immediately eats it, then asks the Queen to pull out the other grape. When the Queen pulls out the red grape everyone knows the one the Princess ate must have been white, so she is innocent.

This is the answer or a variation of the answer, so lets get creative here: She pulls out any grape, throws it at the queen and yells "Tick". The bodyguards swarm the Queen hoping to be the first to kill the vile creature. After the commotion subsides, she shows the remaining grape in the bag to be red.

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  On 2/10/2011 at 11:47 PM, Gyvven said:

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Pulls out one grape and immediately eats it, then asks the Queen to pull out the other grape. When the Queen pulls out the red grape everyone knows the one the Princess ate must have been white, so she is innocent.

This is the answer I came up with!

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  On 2/11/2011 at 1:47 AM, Aaryan said:

Already posted hundreds of times. try checking up if your topic has been posted before. I couldnt find the original, but I am absolutely certain it has been.

Hum... I couldn't find the original either, that's why I posted it. But thanks anyway for the tip.

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