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I have finally found a religion that represents me philosophically and spiritually. :)The Jedi Way can be found here. That link is short, and I strongly suggest you read it before continuing reading or contributing to this thread. (I describe myself as Pure Land, btw)

Jedi Oaths can be found here. I'm going to repost the 16 Basic Teachings of the Jedi here to start some discussion.

1. As Jedi, we are in touch with the Living Force flowing through and around us, as well as being spiritually aware of the Force. Jedi are trained to become sensitive to the Force's energy, fluctuations, and disturbances.

2. Jedi live and focus on the present; we must neither dwell on the past nor be overly concerned about the future. As the mind wanders, focusing on the present is a task not easily attained, for the mind is not content with the eternal present moment. As Jedi, we must release our stress and ease our minds.

3. Jedi must maintain a clear mind; this is achieved through meditation and contemplation. Our minds can become cluttered and infected by forces and attitudes that we encounter every day, and must be purged of these unnecessary elements on a daily basis.

4. As Jedi, we are mindful of our thoughts... we focus our thoughts on the positive. The positive energy of the force is healthy for the mind, body and spirit.

5. As Jedi, we trust and use our feelings. We are intuitive, more so than others and with this heightened intuition we become more spiritually evolved as our minds become more harmonious with the Force and it's influences.

6. Jedi are patient. Patience is elusive but can be consciously developed over time.

7. Jedi are mindful of the negative emotions which lead to the Dark Side: Anger, Fear, Aggression, and Hate. If we sense these emotions manifesting within ourselves, we must meditate on the Jedi Code and focus on purging these destructive emotions.

8. Jedi understand that physical training is as important as training the mind and the spirit. We understand that all aspects of training are necessary to maintain the Jedi way of life and to perform the duties of a Jedi.

9. Jedi protect the peace. We are warriors of peace, and are not ones to use force to resolve a conflict; it is through peace, understanding and harmony that conflicts resolve.

10. Jedi believe in destiny and trust in the will of the Living Force. We accept the fact that what seems to be random events are not random at all, but the design of the Living Force of Creation. Each living creature has a purpose, understanding that purpose comes with a deep awareness of the Force. Even things that happen which seem negative have a purpose, though that purpose is not easy to see.

11. Jedi must let go of obsessive attachment, both material and personal. The obsession over possessions creates the fear of loosing those possessions, which can lead to the Dark Side.

12. Jedi believe in eternal life. We do not become obsessed in mourning those who pass. Grieve as you will but take heart, for the soul and spirit continue in the netherworld of the Living Force.

13. Jedi use the Force only when it is necessary. We do not apply our abilities or powers to boast or be prideful. We use the Force for knowledge, and exercise wisdom and humility in doing so, for humility is a trait all Jedi must embody.

14. We as Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to our lives. We must love each other as we love ourselves; by doing this, we envelope all life in the positive energy of the Force.

15. Jedi are guardians of peace and justice. We believe in finding peaceful solutions to problems, gifted as we are we remain negotiators of the utmost ability. We never negotiate out of fear, but never fear to negotiate. We embrace justice, protecting and preserving the fundamental rights of all living creatures. Empathy and compassion are vital to us; it allows us to comprehend the wounds caused by injustice.

16. We as Jedi make a commitment to, and are loyal to the Jedi cause. The ideals, philosophies, and practices of the Jedi define the belief of Jediism, and we take action on this path for self improvement, and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our Faith.

Here are my personal thoughts on those.

1. This is entirely true if the Force is a synonym for Nature. We battle nature constantly, and actually train ourselves to combat with it. With, not against.

2. You might attribute this to age or immaturity, but I tend to live minute to minute. One of the biggest drawbacks of conventional religions is maintaining certain behaviors to eventually achieve the nirvana you want. You focus on the future, not the now. By concentrating on the present (but still being mindful of the future), we better ourselves. The Jedi nailed it.

3. Also true. There is no practicality to dwelling on thoughts that obstruct our ability to think by triggering emotional responses (like internet trolls). By clearing our minds, via meditation or whatever your preferred method is, we cleanse ourselves and are more capable of dealing with situations.

4. True without dispute.

5. Okay. No. Disagree. Being a "feeler" as opposed to a "thinker" can lead to potentially hazardous life destroying situations. Maybe your initial impulse is to "feel", but without backing it up with conscious reasoning, it's hard to take seriously.

6. Mhm.

7. Agree.

8. Very true. Healthy minds and bodies are essential to a happy living. :)

9. Yep.

10. Okay, disagree. Randomness occurs. I don't know if I can wholly explain that, so won't try. But.. Yeah.

11. Mhm.

12. ..This depends on whether the universe is flat, open, or closed. I do not personally believe physicists or astronomers have progressed enough to give a conclusive answer for this. If we are infinitely expanding, or expanding and then remaining at a constant immensity, then yes, life is eternal, but not our lives, simply the existence of the universe (which is beautiful enough).

13. Hmm. Well, this is a prerequisite for not appearing like a jackass, but I don't know if it should be required. It definitely.. sounds nice. I don't make conscious strides to practice humility.. Maybe I should.. pick that up. >_> Undecided.

14. Yeah.

15. Yessssh.

16. <3

So.. with the exceptions of 5, 10, and possibly 12 and 13, I can totally back this. I consider it the embodiment of how a person should behave anyway, without the attachment of some super natural entity for good (*cough* bad *cough*) measure. The religion is simply a name for like minded people. :)

What do you guys think?

Edited by Izzy
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Sounds like an awesome way of life Izzy! :)

It embodies the virtues/ethics of most religions, but without the threat of damnation if you don't subject and a deity that requires praise and sacrifice.

It also sounds awesome when you say it;

"Hey! What god do you believe in?"

"Oh, I follow the code of the Jedi." :D

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Heh, I wish I would have discovered this earlier. Aside from the positive benefits it would have on my life, being registered as a Jedi on our massive religion module in history and in World Religions class would have been epiiiiiiiiiic.

Now, off to go embrace physics to make a lightsaber and some sort of gloves that will let me wield The Force. :wub:

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They totally stole all of our ideas! These heretics must be dealt with. Fortunately Phronism enables its followers to attain such a powerful connection with the Essence, or "Force" as the Jedi call it, that our lightsabres don't even need handles. I usually wield 7 at a time.

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They totally stole all of our ideas! These heretics must be dealt with. Fortunately Phronism enables its followers to attain such a powerful connection with the Essence, or "Force" as the Jedi call it, that our lightsabres don't even need handles. I usually wield 7 at a time.

Yes, they stole our ideas back in 2005. :lol: They must have used the Force to build a Hot Tub Time Machine ( :rolleyes: ) or something. Fifty years from now, when the whole world accepts Phronism as their religion, the cult of Jediism will build a time machine to go back to 2005 to preempt Phronism's tenets and bring about the Jedi World Order in 50 years instead.

Our only chance is to start work on a time machine now so that when Jediism is the dominant religion in 50 years, we can go back to 2003 and start Phronism to beat back the Jedi Code. :ph34r:

On a more serious note, I do think that they've got some good ideas. I agree with a lot of Izzy's analysis. They do have one thing that Phronism lacks. They have that popular element to introduce it since most of Western Culture recognizes the Jedi and knows what it means to be one. They've taken the fictional concept and tried to turn it into an actual religion, whereas, we tried to take actual concepts and turn them into a fictional religion (blasphemy, I know, but fortunately, Phronism is pretty relaxed about blasphemy B)) ). But as Prophet unreality stated, Phronism needs some prominent, popular figure to bring Phronism to the fore, and Jediism more or less already has that concept covered, in so far as they have adopted something that has permeated our culture as their own. I guess they're still missing their charismatic leader, but they've gotten their feet in the door.

I guess Phronism needs to find their own pop culture meme to cannibalize...can we tie Phronism to the Matrix? :unsure::D

Sorry to sort of co-opt your thread Izzy... :o I think that the Jedi should petition the Texas School Board (their home state) to be accepted as an official religion to taught about in schools. :P

I guess that I'm somewhere in the Pure Land/Humanist realm (depending on how you define Humanism).

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Eek, triple post. >_>

So, I gave the links to my mom to read, so she could understand it all before being my witness to the oath. She thought it was awesome and is now considering following it herself, haha. I said the Oath. And then.. haha. >_>

Me: *finishes oath*

Mom: Aww. This is so perfect. You've always wanted to be a Jedi! (Not even joking. Since I was three, man.)

Me: *half crying* I knoowww.

Mom: Aww. You don't need to cry.

Me: I'm just.. so happy.

*much hugging follows*


No, really, so happy. :)

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Awesome, Iz. I wonder, have you visited the 'Communion of Dalle' Facebook page where I posted a link to The Jedi Church back on May 5th?

The Communion of Dalle is the 'First Phronist Foregathering', a first cut at a practical religion with a symbolic deity and a committment to critical thinking. Skeptics and non-believers are the life-blood of the Communion of Dalle. We do not approach truth by agreeing among ourselves.

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I haven't heard of it until now. Interesting.

Jediism > Phronism. :P

Ah, but if the Jedi Code became a religion, what about the over-ambitious, non-passive people? It wouldn't really fit them. And so, when the Jedi rise, so will the Sith! I've got to say though, dark force tendrils are pretty cheap. Just like that "Ha! Disentegrated you!"

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^ The point of the code is to better yourself and learn patience.

(Umm, sorta rather unlike myself at Disney yesterday. "ELI. OMG. LOOK. *points at stormtroopers and Jedis on a stage, acting out bits of Episode VI. ...Then a bunch of little kids get legit padawan certificates. ..Asked this dude how old we had to be (4-12), and then how old we looked (50 and 20, haha whut (actually 16 and 15)). Boo at the actor playing Luke, though. He can't wave his hand around like that. You can't use mindtricks on 6 year olds. )

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^ The point of the code is to better yourself and learn patience.

(Umm, sorta rather unlike myself at Disney yesterday. "ELI. OMG. LOOK. *points at stormtroopers and Jedis on a stage, acting out bits of Episode VI. ...Then a bunch of little kids get legit padawan certificates. ..Asked this dude how old we had to be (4-12), and then how old we looked (50 and 20, haha whut (actually 16 and 15)). Boo at the actor playing Luke, though. He can't wave his hand around like that. You can't use mindtricks on 6 year olds. )

Unfortunately you must start Jedi Training at young age :( Guess I'm stuck with sith now.... Or I could be exception like Darth Revan's retraining! :D

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Not necessarily. Luke started at a rather late age, as did those when the New Republic was looking for members to create a new jedi order. Yeah, preferably younger, but there's nothing wrong with older recruits.

And Luke and Revan made great jedi... So I still have hope!

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