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So Google announced it's Wave sofware in March - worth a look at on you tube - over an hour but it is awesome stuff.

I was wondering if any one has or is using it, if so please let us know more.



Edited by Lost in space
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Izzy, Ive asked for it, I'm a bit worried it'l be like being on IM all day, I can scroll through updates in my email at the mo to catch up - if I have to use it on a project (Euro space), they'll be watching over my shoulder. I'm a slow inacurate typer, it may help some things. Truthfuly, they'l see that my achievement is doen with so little work compared to others, I may have my job reviewd O_o.. not good! unsure.gif

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You can opt out of using it?

Dude, I dunno.. It was weird. My friends and I were talking about how cool it would be to have a program that just lets you "rewind" what you've done on the computer and replay it, and then we hear about it a few days later. Weird stuff.

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It's been around, recording key strokes, just this is in the open and tidy looking - If I opt out it will cause suspicion. I get the job/contract done but I don;t want anyone 'seeing' what I do - it's not illegal, just giving away my hard earned secrets. Maybe I can opt out of being in. Not like I'm an employee, just casual.

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Do you think Google will archive the data somewhere? Will make incriminating online predators, people researching murders online, etc. extraordinarily easy. ...And incriminate other people for much lesser crimes... I'm not sure I'm entirely cool with that idea.. Need some law to only have our internet privacy rights infringed if we're arrested for a charge relating to it needing to be seen..

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I got the impression it was just routing, but the key strokes are recorded somewhere, I'm not sure about google storing any data of that kind - no one would be interested on that basis - that said, can we ever be really really sure; Im a little concerned - but you can let us know soon (i hope)

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Well, I can let you know (soon, hopefully, yeah :D) how far it goes user-friendliness and that sorta thing (might do some screen recording bit and link it here), but I doubt I'll know what they're actually doing with the data. ...I can get my friend to ask his friend, though.

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