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I would have a democratic republic based on morality. Citizens of certain regions would make decisions for them in large meetings, as we can't have everyone making decisions at same time. I would have experts on morality who would examine the elect and see if they were suitable both professionally and morally for the job. I would not enforce charity taxes as socialists do, but I would highly encourage them. I would try my best to be a beloved leader, and since I rule the world, there would be no war, and funds could be redirected to more important things. With crimes, I would put major crime people in jail, and if they truly did repent, I would let them out. I would use the best technology, and psychologists, to make sure they truly did repent, and then, just in case, I would have a monitoring anklet on their leg, which, in the event they committed a crime again, would inject them with a fast-acting tranquilizer, knocking them out. I might have little life-monitoring devices on people, so that we would know if anyone was murdered. Then there's the fact that pop culture has all this gang and violence and drug stuff, and I would strongly discourage that. If I successfully became a popular leader, people would follow my example. For example, in the 30's, most of America loved FDR. Community would NOT be income-sharing, though there would be a small pension for the unemployed if no one would help them out that would be paid for by taxes, and also a pension for the unemployed. However, I would encourage that, instead of everyone being forcefully taxed, that people just give a small amount of their income to their government, and to others in need (going back to the charity thing). My successor would be chosen democratically,with morality experts like the other leaders. And I would have a nice online suggestion box for people who came up with ways to improve :D Phew finally done. OH, and I would discourage materialism too. And still same basic rights and stuff in U.S. Constitution.

Edited by NickFleming
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the differance between libertarianism and anarcy is fairly small, but there. in a libertarian government you still have a government elected by the people, but they make very few laws. their job is more in the law enforcement department, making sure freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, etc. are observed. under anarchy, there is no governing body save the citizens themselves. they have to organize and set rules as they see fit for their various local commuities. (esstially martial law, but with most people acting as the martial.)

i don't think this type of anarchy is achieveable over night, if we went from the kind of government we have now to anarchy that would cause alot of chaos and looting. even going from the kind of government we have now to the libertarian form would be tough. never the less i think we could signifcantly reduce the size of government and no one would be much worse off (except of course government employees, but only for a "short" period of time; unitll the free market picks them up.)

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^There's also social libertarianism (what I am - sort of), where what you said above holds true, but the government also collects taxes to make roads, schools, provide public health care, etc.

Hmm. I just had a thought. You know how you guys put together things you wanted to accomplish and fabricated Phronism based off of that? I think we should do the same thing, but more politically based. After agreeing on what we want to happen.. we.. might actually generate a dignified political policy. :ph34r:

Oh my gawds, I was so wrong..

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