Hunting for treasure at the end of a rainbow one day you come across a Leprechaun. He tells you that he will share a portion of his treasure with you if you can pass a test. You agree and the Leprechaun produces a golden two pan balance scale and 15 coins out of thin air.
"One of the coins before you is fake! You will know the fake coin because it's weight is very slightly different than the others. You may use the balance, but no more than 3 times. Find me the fake and tell me whether it is too light or too heavy and the treasure is yours! I'll even help you out a bit."
The Leprechaun pulls one of the 15 coins aside and says "This coin is real."
He pulls aside another coin and says "If this coin is the fake then it is lighter than the others."
Describe a method you can use to guarantee finding the fake (and whether it is lighter or heavier) using the scale no more than 3 times.
Counterfeit Treasure B
Hunting for treasure at the end of a rainbow one day you come across a Leprechaun. He tells you that he will share a portion of his treasure with you if you can pass a test. You agree and the Leprechaun produces a golden two pan balance scale and 4 coins out of thin air.
"Two of these coins are fake! You will know a fake coin because it's weight will be either a quarter ounce heavier or a quarter ounce lighter than a real coin. You may use the balance, but no more than 3 times. Find me both fakes and tell me whether each is too light or too heavy and the treasure is yours! I'll even help you out a bit."
The Leprechaun produces a new handful of coins and says "These coins are all real. You can use them if you think it will help you, but I want them back if you fail!"
Describe a method you can use to guarantee finding the fakes (and whether each is lighter or heavier) using the scale no more than 3 times. (Note: It is possible for one of the fake coins to be lighter while the other is heavier)
The 15 coins are 1-9,A,B,C,D,S and R. Ris the real coin and S is the special coin that, if it's fake, islight.
Result of weighing 1 : Result of 2 : Result of 3 -> Fake coin and Weight (L for light, H for heavy).
= means the scales balance
> means the left side is heavy
< means the right side is heavy
12345=6789R : ABC=123 : D=1 -> SL
12345=6789R : ABC=123 : D>1 -> DH
12345=6789R : ABC=123 : D<1 -> DL
12345=6789R : ABC>123 : A=B -> CH
12345=6789R : ABC>123 : A>B -> AH
12345=6789R : ABC>123 : A<B -> BH
12345=6789R : ABC<123 : A=B -> CL
12345=6789R : ABC<123 : A>B -> BL
12345=6789R : ABC<123 : A<B -> AL
12345>6789R : 3459=12AB : 6=7 -> 8L
12345>6789R : 3459=12AB : 6>7 -> 7L
12345>6789R : 3459=12AB : 6<7 -> 6L
12345>6789R : 3459>12AB : 3=4 -> 5H
12345>6789R : 3459>12AB : 3>4 -> 3H
12345>6789R : 3459>12AB : 3<4 -> 4H
12345>6789R : 3459<12AB : 1=2 -> 9L
12345>6789R : 3459<12AB : 1>2 -> 1H
12345>6789R : 3459<12AB : 1<2 -> 2H
12345<6789R : 3459=12AB : 6=7 -> 8H
12345<6789R : 3459=12AB : 6>7 -> 7H
12345<6789R : 3459=12AB : 6<7 -> 6H
12345<6789R : 3459>12AB : 1=2 -> 9H
12345<6789R : 3459>12AB : 1>2 -> 2L
12345<6789R : 3459>12AB : 1<2 -> 1L
12345<6789R : 3459<12AB : 3=4 -> 5L
12345<6789R : 3459<12AB : 3>4 -> 4L
12345<6789R : 3459<12AB : 3<4 -> 3L
The 4 unknown coins are 1,2,3 and 4. R is one of the real coins.
Format: Result of weighing 1 : Result of 2 : Result of 3 -> Fake coin and Weight (L for light, H for heavy).
= means the scales balance
> means the left side is heavy
< means the right side is heavy
1=2 : 13=2R : 1>R : 1H2H
1=2 : 13=2R : 1<R : 1L2L
1=2 : 13>2R : 4>R : 3H4H
1=2 : 13>2R : 4<R : 3H4L
1=2 : 13<2R : 4>R : 3L4H
1=2 : 13<2R : 4<R : 3L4L
1>2 : 12=3R : 3=R : 1H2L
1>2 : 12=3R : 3>R : 1H3H
1>2 : 12=3R : 3<R : 2L3L
1>2 : 12>3R : 4=R : 1H3L
1>2 : 12>3R : 4>R : 1H4H
1>2 : 12>3R : 4<R : 1H4L
1>2 : 12<3R : 4=R : 2L3H
1>2 : 12<3R : 4>R : 2L4H
1>2 : 12<3R : 4<R : 2L4L
1<2 : 12=3R : 3=R : 1L2H
1<2 : 12=3R : 3>R : 2H3H
1<2 : 12=3R : 3<R : 1L3L
1<2 : 12>3R : 4=R : 2H3L
1<2 : 12>3R : 4>R : 2H4H
1<2 : 12>3R : 4<R : 2H4L
1<2 : 12<3R : 4=R : 1L3H
1<2 : 12<3R : 4>R : 1L4H
1<2 : 12<3R : 4<R : 1L4L
You could also begin with 12 vs RR or 123 VS RRR
Edited by bonanova Replace solutions at owner request
Counterfeit Treasure A
Hunting for treasure at the end of a rainbow one day you come across a Leprechaun. He tells you that he will share a portion of his treasure with you if you can pass a test. You agree and the Leprechaun produces a golden two pan balance scale and 15 coins out of thin air.
"One of the coins before you is fake! You will know the fake coin because it's weight is very slightly different than the others. You may use the balance, but no more than 3 times. Find me the fake and tell me whether it is too light or too heavy and the treasure is yours! I'll even help you out a bit."
The Leprechaun pulls one of the 15 coins aside and says "This coin is real."
He pulls aside another coin and says "If this coin is the fake then it is lighter than the others."
Describe a method you can use to guarantee finding the fake (and whether it is lighter or heavier) using the scale no more than 3 times.
Counterfeit Treasure B
Hunting for treasure at the end of a rainbow one day you come across a Leprechaun. He tells you that he will share a portion of his treasure with you if you can pass a test. You agree and the Leprechaun produces a golden two pan balance scale and 4 coins out of thin air.
"Two of these coins are fake! You will know a fake coin because it's weight will be either a quarter ounce heavier or a quarter ounce lighter than a real coin. You may use the balance, but no more than 3 times. Find me both fakes and tell me whether each is too light or too heavy and the treasure is yours! I'll even help you out a bit."
The Leprechaun produces a new handful of coins and says "These coins are all real. You can use them if you think it will help you, but I want them back if you fail!"
Describe a method you can use to guarantee finding the fakes (and whether each is lighter or heavier) using the scale no more than 3 times. (Note: It is possible for one of the fake coins to be lighter while the other is heavier)
Replace solutions at owner request
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