Suppose we allow digits in our base ten system to be any integer. Let's write the
"unusual" digits inside brackets, {}. Then 123 would have its usual meaning, but
1{-2}3 would be interpreted as 1×100 + (-2)×10 + 3 = 83, and 7{12}9 would be
interpreted as 7×100 + 12×10 + 9 = 829. Allowing these unusual digits, what would be
the limit of this series: 9/1, 98/12, 987/123, 9876/1234, 98765/12345, 987654/123456,
9876543/1234567, 98765432/12345678, 987654321/123456789, 9876543210/123456789{10},
9876543210{-1}/123456789{10}{11}, 9876543210{-1}{-2}/123456789{10}{11}{12}, ... ?
Please provide a proof of your answer.