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Everything posted by peace*out

  1. Oh..... THen i go for AP - wait a sec...
  2. peace*out

    How do you host a mafia anyway? I have 2 ideas, and made two amazing (thats just me) intros. I want to host them, but i dont know how!
  3. Crap! my internet was down AGAIN, and i come back to find im DEAD!!!!
  4. Yes!! Sorry i wasn't on - our internet was down!
  5. in the url it ends wiht member6734 (or whatever ur member # is). i replaced that with '1', and got to the new puzzles page...
  6. HIHIHIHIHI!! sorry - tell me if you want me to stop leaving comments - i just LUV to do it!! :P sorry!

  7. This is a joke, but in a riddle form - you have to find out the wording, then the answer.... THe member of the feathered flock crossed the black sea, long, not wide nobody knows how he survived, but the real question is 'why?'
  8. peace*out

    uh-oh..... What would we do then? AAA?
  9. peace*out

    When i was young, my favorite color was 'rainbow' - i liked EVERY color!! (and still do!!)
  10. SO the letters like 'alpha, beta, gamm, delta..' (sorry if the spelling is wrong - learned it from a song).... if so - i cant do this...
  11. We need a thread where EVERY joke goes...that would be cool! I love that one...though it's the first time i've heard it...
  12. peace*out

    Mwah-ha-ha?? you doof - who knows - maybe the good people are bad, and the bad people are who everyone's rooting for....think about that...
  13. peace*out

    I LOVE acting like a little kid...I AM KAT!! SAY I AM!! so has clozo been on yet? Who are we waiting on AAA?
  14. So let me get this strait: Family Guy peeps are bad, and Simpsons are good? or do they just wanna kill each other...
  15. peace*out

    Host: Impervious 1. ST 2. Reaymanator 3. SomeGuy 4. Izzy 5.A. Person 6. GC 7. PG 8. Mekal - since he told me to add him 9. Lemonymelon 10. Firebird766 11. Peace 12. 13. 14. 15.
  16. If i had fun experiences like you guys, i'd have more to add.... When your BFF see's a piece of paper labled 'mafia' and gives you the look...
  17. Thank you!! I'm not good at these games yet, and im watching the signs. In the end i think it's the killers who attack, so that means it doesn't really count... Either way, I'm trying to come back and be preticipating. I'm going for impervious becuase i'm pretty sure that he is VERY energetic in real life, and i think he might have gotten a role that leads him to be so... THis is a hunch, but it's mafia, right? This is a game, and i will play it my hardest, but impervious: In real life, i would protect you! (i hope)
  18. peace*out

    Will it harm or leave cookies on ur computer? I would probobly only play it once...
  19. Host:dms 1)ST -voting for lemony 2)FIF 3)Kat - voting for Rainthinker 4)AP-voting for FIF 5)Reay - voting for Rainthinker 6)Limeliam - killed by Bob (Lois) 7)Lemonymelon - voting for Impervious 8)SomeGuy - voting for lemony 9)RainThinker- voting for Peace*out 10)Impervious - voting for lemony 11)Peace Out - voting for Impervious 12)Lexi*Penguin
  20. peace*out

    I said she will play - if you want her too. she's all exited now...
  21. peace*out

    Lexi*penguin will join - and no, i didn't force her!! We're good!! (though i have a question: can i say, Peace does this, and later a PM might say Lexi's moves??)
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