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Everything posted by peace*out

  1. yes it is! Lemme explain... a never ending road until it ends - it just keeps going around and around until it ends a circle that is not a circle - same here a turn ever so gently - the curve is not sharp, and is spread out so the lines don't overlap each other part of an animal yet nothing of the sort - its part of the snail (the spiraly shell), but isn't a body part
  2. no (and please use spoilers). in the spoiler is a riddle thats a catagorty this thing's in. EX: it's a tree - well a tree may not be the exact answer - maybe a oak tree might be it.
  3. peace*out

    I liked the christmas cards - especially the first one with Chudleigh and the snow dog!!
  4. no no Its not representational (though it should be). Good guesses though!!
  5. no!! finally - a harder riddle!! thanks for guessing, and i can tell your on the right lines!! good luck!!
  6. a never ending road until it ends a circle that is not a circle a turn ever so gently part of an animal yet nothing of the sort What am i?
  7. YES!! I'm sorry that one was so easy to solve!!
  8. For some its torture for others not considered yellow with black spots look out can do but look in to fast except when it stops to cast out or take inside at somepoint for a few days it eats everyone together then at another time it spits them all out in a line What is 'it'??
  9. yep!! Good job!! i was talking about how the lines are like roads, yet cars dont drive on them.......
  10. peace*out

    Star Wars Mafia

    nice intro!! LET"S GO!!! *pulls out a hot pink light saber* Jedi time!!
  11. Izzy: Can you explain that one to me?? The snow's making me all ditzy!
  12. peace*out

    Best: Ping-pong table/hat from morocco/my mom's book (yeah it's my moms, but it's SO GOOD!!) Worst: im sorry - there was nothing that i didn't like!!
  13. :P:P:P and mine has chocolate!!
  14. the previous card is the card that the person before you discarded. the person knows what the previous card is, but not the next one.
  15. ~-~The Rules of BD Quiddler: Players: Each game will have around (though i will have just 4) 4 players. This is a good number, because it will add some fun, but it wont take to long to go around in a circle. Before the game: Each Player will be PMed the number of cards and their values (EX of one card: B (8)). i will start with the first player on the list, and go down each new round. That is also the playing order for the Game. Placing yourself in just the right spot can sometimes be a wonderful strategy. The Game: for the first round, i will PM each player 3 cards. I will ask the person if he wants to pick up the previous card (and tell him/her what it is) or ask if s/he would want to pick up an unknown card. They will deside. There are two options: 1) Picks the previous card (and discards one. He will say, “I’m out” if he’s made a 3 letter word. 2) He chooses the unknown card (will discard after he chooses his new card. S/he can be ‘out’ too. After that, it goes onto the next person, and the same will happen. If someone becomes ‘out’, there is a full round (from that peson to the one right before them), where everyone has a chance to be out. 2+ to be out: If you’re the second (or later) person to be out, then you have several options: 1) Make a (the # of cards here) - letter word when it is your turn 2) Create 2 words with your letters 3) If you have no other options, you PM me and say ‘Fold’ – that means that you have no options Once you PM me, then it is the next person’s turn. Once the round is done:[b/] When the round is done, you count up the points. Remember this: B (8)?? The letter stands for the letter. The # in parentheses stands for the # of points you get at the end of the round for using that card. But when there are cards you can not use (possible with Options 2&3 (under 2+…), the #s are they points deducted. At the end of all the rounds, the person with the most points wins!!! We will play 3 rounds at first (aka 3 cards, 4 cards, 5 cards)!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FYI: I have the game of Quiddler, and know how to play the game... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Host: Peace 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
  16. peace*out

    Eclipse in the warriors series...the one with all the cats?? but yes, ive also ready all of the twilight series...
  17. When you realize there's someone on BD that has more in commen with you than anyone you know...
  18. peace*out

    for 2).... My sister got eclipse and long shadows for X-mas!! the problme: They're hers, so she gets to read them first.. x-(
  19. yes!! we established that, but good job!! Good luck on your next riddle, and PLEASE use spoilers!!
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