Actually I agree that beliefs (when misused) can start wars. They are very powerful and can be used to rally people.
As a forum you have already proved that they can be too easily misused
Ladies and Gentleman
What you have held in your hand for a number of days is one of the seeds to religion.
The seed of peace.
Many religions are based precisely on this concept.
Already we have made judgements, marginilised and maligned others on the basis of thier belief (or in Unreality case what he doesn't believe)
The seeds of conflict
Basically without any outside involment the human race is F****D (hmm, I don't swear in real life)
This is why I have established the beliefs I have.
The road to peace is a lot harder than many of you are prepared for
It involves not disarming the nuclear weapons that "protect" our countries,
but disarming the weapons and wall we have placed in our hearts to "protect" ourselves.
The weapons that claim "I'm right, and you are wrong", "I have more value than you", "I hate you because you are a serial murdering psyco (or worse)"
Disarming these weapons is not for everyone as it carries a huge risk. The risk that you may be abused, misrepresented or thought badly of.
If even after that disclaimer you are still interested in peace here is some of the first steps
Crazy Painter, I am sorry if I have contibuted to any of your fear of "relgious" people. Understand this I value you because you have a different lifestyle. Even though it may give away your next mafia role. You are Da Bomb!
Unreality, I value you and what you have to say. It is necessary for to have people who believe differently to I do so I can see things from another angle. I am sorry if anything I have done or said has offended you.
Slick, I am sorry that I went fishing in this forum (and you ended up taking the bait). I realise that you want to promote peace and not be antagonised by people like me.
LIS, Puzzlegirl, I am sorry if I offended you in any way, I realise now that your voices should be heard even if some may claim it is whining
I have met a lot of nice people here on BrainDen and just cause I have missed you out does no mak you any less valuable, If anything I have said has touched raw nerve I appologise. I need to be really careful right now because I am at work, if I burst out in tears I could get in trouble.
As I don't think soapboxing is such a good idea on BD this will be my last post to this thread. I hope I will see you guys again. If not live well