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Everything posted by t8t8t8

  1. t8t8t8


    pizzas-xoo sticks-oo Faster-o Grapes-o Cranky-oo Nickel-oo Essays-o Tycoon-oo Purple-_ master-o letter-_ puzzle-o pickle-oo fizzle-oo
  2. t8t8t8


    pizzas-xoo sticks-oo Faster-o Grapes-o Cranky-oo Nickel-oo Essays-o Tycoon-oo Purple-_ master-o letter-_ puzzle-o changed
  3. t8t8t8


    pizzas-xoo sticks-oo Faster-o Grapes-o Cranky-oo Nickel-oo Essay-x Tycoon-oo Purple-_ master-o Slow down!
  4. t8t8t8


    pizzas-xoo sticks-oo
  5. t8t8t8


    pizzas-xoo Arrgh, first word and i make a mistake
  6. t8t8t8

    Going to a Party

    I'm going to a party and i'm bringing the invitation.
  7. t8t8t8


    Ok, I'm awake now. 6 letters
  8. t8t8t8

    Going to a Party

    I'm going to a party and i'm bringing a parrot.
  9. t8t8t8


    Someone else can host. I have to go to bed.
  10. t8t8t8


    i tariff XO or OO?
  11. How do you make it go down? It only looks like it's going up for me.
  12. t8t8t8

    Someone was telling this in class the other day, and i wanted to share it with you. You know how there are A batteries and C batteries and no B batteries? Well if there were B batteries it would sound like you're stuttering. Here's how it would sound: "I would like some b-batteries please" "What kind of batteries?" "I said b-batteries!" An you shouldn't order two C batteries either. "I would like to see batteries" "They're right over there" "i want to see batteries!" D batteries would be bad if you're foreign. "I would like de batteries please." "what kind of batteries?" "de batteries"
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