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Everything posted by t8t8t8

  1. t8t8t8

    Thank you for the link iliveanddie. I managed to see my 1st 3d pic! It was only for a few seconds, but hey! I saw it.
  2. t8t8t8

    I acctually thought of a pink spoon. I was about pick yellow cup, but then I realized it wasn't that much of a tool. Does it say hammer anywhere in the questions?
  3. t8t8t8

    Going to a Party

    Alumilum foil.
  4. t8t8t8

    Going to a Party

    can i bring a tree?
  5. t8t8t8

    Going to a Party

    I'm going to a party and i'm bringing a cat.
  6. t8t8t8

    Oh I see! sheepdog and sheep.
  7. t8t8t8

    What's the answer to Clue #10?
  8. t8t8t8


    eraser editor senses
  9. t8t8t8

    do you like chess?
  10. t8t8t8

    do you like BEETS?
  11. t8t8t8

    Haha! "Grizzly bear dung has little bells in it and smells like pepper."
  12. t8t8t8

    do you like HEAT?
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