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Everything posted by t8t8t8

  1. t8t8t8

    My guesses. [spoiler='5. It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannon t be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and fools after, Ends life, Kills laughter. ']Dark [spoiler='8.This thing all things devours: Birds, beast, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; slays kings, ruins town, and beats high mountains down. ']Time
  2. t8t8t8

    I got bobbing bobcat, but my best was 0.059 seconds!
  3. 100 first try:) it was pretty easy though..
  4. t8t8t8

    My name turned out to be: Ha! Wasn't
  5. t8t8t8

    I use firefox, but there's IE on our pc too. I find firefox a lot better than IE although i haven't tried chrome yet.
  6. t8t8t8

    My first try... and i got 270! same as izzy.
  7. t8t8t8

    I read the first book, but couldn't find the others.
  8. t8t8t8

    If you go to this website, you can find a lot of funny signs. I haven't figuered out how to show pictures so I'll just tell you the website. http://www.doheth.co.uk/funny/signs
  9. 9/10 i think i missed 4,5 or 6.
  10. t8t8t8

    I think if you use a codebox the spaces don't get deleted. Puting periods can also work.
  11. t8t8t8

    It might also be...
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