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Everything posted by t8t8t8

  1. And the above mentioned special agent is able to get a fully built boat out of a basement, but still doesn't know how to use most electronics.
  2. t8t8t8

    When life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how you did it. ^found that somewhere..
  3. t8t8t8


    Izzy - 381 Glycereine – 288 Unreality - 284 Plainglazed - 185 t8t8t8 - 185 Framm - 177 Vineetrika - 154 Dawh - 97 woon - 94 NickFleming- 89 golfjunkie - 72 Cherry Lane - 40 blahblah99 - 28 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 JarZe - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 I updated the scores
  4. t8t8t8


    C O M E T BLOCK - 0 TWIST - 1 TOAST - 2 BLACK - 0 BOAST - 2 QUILT - 1 COMET - 5 Unreality +5 Izzy + 25 That was fast.
  5. t8t8t8


    _ O _ _ T BLOCK - 0 TWIST - 1 TOAST - 2 BLACK - 0 BOAST - 2 QUILT - 1 Izzy +5
  6. t8t8t8


    _ O _ _ _ BLOCK - 0 TWIST - 1 TOAST - 2 BLACK - 0 BOAST - 2 Unreality +5
  7. t8t8t8


    _ _ _ _ _ BLOCK - 0 TWIST - 1 TOAST - 2
  8. t8t8t8


    _ _ _ _ _ BLOCK - 0 TWIST - 1
  9. t8t8t8


    Yay _ _ _ _ _
  10. I think I understand what they meant, but I could be wrong. In the picture, the holes are both 6 inches long(the dark gray part), but there are caps (the light gray part) that are cut off. So only the white part is left and that's the part we are looking for. That's why they don't tell you the diameter. It changes depending on the size of the sphere.
  11. t8t8t8

    What I have so far: Did you use anagram genius?
  12. t8t8t8


    Last letter is K because prank is 1 prune is 0 so no pr n boast is 1 but that's for s so no a k is left
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