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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Lol...what did I say about explaining...;P
  2. Aw...don't tell me you gave up? You're so close...here's a hint...
  3. Correct on the colors...but the shapes depend on something else...which will give the exact answer ;P
  4. Good use of color, but no...it actually has more steps than that...mixing colors are fun for children, but what would the woman in your life want? *hint, hint* My Guess Not quite, but getting warmer...;P
  5. Actually...for once I'm being less of a scientist and more of a woman...;P
  6. Very observant, but orientation of the shapes is not significant. Color on the other hand, is significant.
  7. Clever solution, but no...the colors are important too ;P
  8. The question is on the white so it's referring to the shapes on the white. Which of those shapes?
  9. Yoruichi-san

    Decided to give the show another chance...was kind of mad that the future Peter I was into stopped existing when he lost his powers...XP Microwave kid...so now Sylar can have warm popcorn when he tortures ppl... Anyways, I have to comment...the kid's name is Luke...so I guess that makes Sylar...Sylobi-wan? Edit: "Luke, use the (Electromagnetic) Force!"
  10. Of course, explain, don't just guess.
  11. Yoruichi-san

    Elements or elements in compounds? For pure elements the oxidation number is 0. The oxidation number for any compound is the net charge on that compound, which for neutral compounds is 0. For the individual elements in compounds, the method is usually: Some elements are determined by the group #. In order of priority: Group 1, the alkali metals (first column of the periodic table) elements are +1, group 2, the alkaline earth metals, is +2. Oxygen is usually -2. Halogens (group 7) are usually -1. Then for the remaining elements, you add up the oxidation numbers of the elements you know, then subtract that from the net oxidation number of the compound. For example: H2SO4 (sulfuric acid...yummy ) Net is 0 Each H is +1 Each O is -2 S is unknown, call its oxidation number x You have 2 H's and 4 O's, so 2*(1)+4*(-2)+x=0. -> 2-8+x=0 -> x=6 I was a TA for general chemistry once...this feels familiar ;P
  12. Yoruichi-san

    Hey woon, been awhile ;P :whistling: Now off again to the azure mOs...if you want to catch me...well..."how do you catch a moon beam in your hand?"
  13. Don't be so busy looking for what's hidden that you miss what's in plain sight ;P.
  14. My enigmatic smile should shed some light on the situation ;P.
  15. Clever...but it should have also revealed a message from Sinistral about 'if you can read this...' XP
  16. Uh...I was fortunate enough to have a pretty extensive education and the task of listing it is somewhat daunting...I'm willing to help whoever needs it but I'd prefer to help with things others can't...so I guess I'll list the kind of specialty things I've had experience in: Special Topics (all college level or above): Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Quantum Chemistry/Physics Game Theory (which went under 'Political Science' at my college ;P)/the mathy side of Economics Some philosophy, mostly on the fundamentals of existence, i.e. Descartes, Hume, etc... Complex Analysis Calculus/Differential Equations Probability/Statistics (including Theory) I'm probably missing something...basically...if you need something that seems mathy/sciency and is somewhat obscure...you can try me ;P.
  17. Lol...or you can PM me...and I'll help you understand how you really don't need to know anything about source codes...you just need to be a nice person ;P.
  18. If you haven't found the place to sign up telling you that you're done...you're not done ;P.
  19. Congrats to those who've finished! And you're welcome to stay for Three Kingdoms...;P The rest of you, keep going, you're almost there!
  20. FYI, first place is as of yet unclaimed
  21. Okay...to settle some common confusion...as the Prince's clue hints at...
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