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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Yoruichi-san

    "belong to anyone? Prehaps you Norman? just suggesting as Kathryn said she saw something gold in your bag..." ooc: doing this now as i know you will all be impatient for it while i am at school Thanks...wow...the evidence against Norman is stacking up... I don't recall you mentioning anything about a son/daughter...what happened to the child? Again...where did the money for the silver charm bracelet for Vicki come from then? Aha. So you married Vicki out of duty, not love. The one you really loved was Elizabeth... To everyone: Where were you and what were you doing after everyone separated and before the body was found?
  2. Yoruichi-san

    Hmm...how do you know it was her screaming? Why couldn't it have been the screaming of the first person to find the body... In fact, if she were attacked from behind in the dark as the scenario implies, she wouldn't have seen her attacker and would have no reason to scream...so who was the one screaming, i.e. the first person on the scene?
  3. Yoruichi-san

    Yeah...intuition alright...XP But how was Elizabeth killed? What was the murder weapon? When did she die? Why won't the lights turn on...did someone cut the power? Since she was 'face down in a large pool of blood', that means she was attacked from the back? (Where's that :backstab: when you need it...;P). Also, that means the blood hasn't dried yet...so she hasn't been dead long...so who's been away from the party recently...
  4. Yoruichi-san

    Hmm...find anything particularly interesting about the town...particularly about it's history...maybe some gold prospectors or oil...or buried treasure? Or...anything about current plans for the town development? Well...in regards to the paper (Enrique should answer as well), find anything interesting about the town's history? Maybe some bank-robbers were caught but the loot was never found, and it's hidden somewhere... Hoping for a relationship? Who is the other person...anyone we know? Personally I would like it to go a little faster...but I guess when we find the body we'll have more to work with...
  5. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...okay...let's give a shot... Do you have any other hobbies? What do you do with your free time? Are you in a relationship, or have a love interest? What about past relationships? What jobs did you do in your past? What are your plans for the future...do you want to stay a librarian or is there something else you want to do...
  6. Yoruichi-san

    Hmmm...who was this client? Anyone we know...say...Robert Killingsworth? And to Ms. Librarian and/or Mr. Graves...what were these papers about? And to Mr. Nightshade...why were you at the library? I'm definitely getting the impression that there's more than meets the eye about this particular plot of land...perhaps a trip to the library would help me...;P
  7. Yoruichi-san

    So...if you don't have a job...how can you afford those lavish gifts...that silver charm bracelet for your wife and the gold whatever it was...? Why are you always talking about 'boys'? There's definitely something you're not saying on the subject...which boy exactly got b/w you and your sister? Robert or Norman?
  8. Yoruichi-san

    Had a thought...what if he found it somewhere like in his car or his house...meaning the one who put it there...was Vicky? *insert chin-stroking smiley* (Yes, I've been smiley-spoiled by Bb ;P)
  9. Yoruichi-san

    Was it a gold corkscrew? Do they even make gold corkscrews...lol... Hmmm...and what exactly was discussed at this meeting?
  10. Yoruichi-san

    Hmm...well my speculation about the corkscrew that flustered Elizabeth...could it have been something that belonged to Robert and disappeared when he died...
  11. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...yeah, well...maybe I should start writing all my posts in Lie Over Sneeze 2 code...;P Interesting...so someone used her plot to commit the murder? If the murder were unsolved in the novel, only she knew how it was done, the trick the culprit used...hmm... I hope this information helps... iI found it in Elizabeth's room at a small shrine for her husband. Okay...question to tal: are those suppose to be '1's in Killingworth's name? Question to everyone else, obviously, where were you on the morning of April 21st?
  12. Yoruichi-san

    Or the alternative: Hide a speaker somewhere (probably connected to your computer). Have it play ominous noises at intervals, such as squeeking/moaning/howling, which get progressively louder. When your roommate asks you if you "hear that", give him/her a confused look. As the sounds let louder and your roommate gets progressively irritated, look at him/her as if he/she is going insane. And if your roommate watches Heroes, it's easy: Start mumbling about being special and make ticking sounds. ;P
  13. Yoruichi-san

    Interesting...you didn't answer my question about your thoughts on Robert... Dr. Barren, care to comment? What was this book about? Why the controversy? I guess being sued means you need a way to get quick cash...hmm... 'Taking care of the books' is a slang phrase meaning to keep track of financial affairs. I assume Robert was in charge of the finances of the farm/winery business. What is your major? What do plan to do after you graduate? Hmmm...looks like my theory about embezzlement may hold some water after all...or should I say wine? ;P Oh? Care to elaborate? What problems exactly are you having with your friends?
  14. Yoruichi-san

    Okay...question: You've been friends with Elizabeth for a long time. What was your opinion about Robert? You say you're the largest gossip in town...hear any rumors about any of the people here?
  15. Yoruichi-san

    Oh...I haven't accused you yet? So sorry...hold on a sec...;P So what do you plan to do after leaving? Maybe take a trip around the world with the money you've embezzled from the farm business? I'm sure Robert was the one taking care of the books...and when he died, it became your responsiblity...
  16. Yoruichi-san

    Question: Who does the grape fields in the top right corner belong to?
  17. Yoruichi-san

    Interesting... So Robert dying caused the farm (is it a vineyard?) business to start failing. Whoever killed him might have know that would happen...Here's a possible scenario: Someone wanted to buy the farm land for some reason (i.e. to develop or perhaps there is buried treasure there?). Robert refused to sell. The person killed Robert in order to make the farm fail and get Elizabeth to sell it... Actually...from the map it looks like the culprit might know that the government is planning to extend the highway through there...and would pay a pretty penny to buy out the farmland...so the culprit planned to buy the farm cheap from Elizabeth and then sell it to the government for a hefty profit... Anyone have any connections that might get inside info from the government? ;P
  18. Yoruichi-san

    Clozobozo (Enrique), I see you! Question: If Robert was killed 6 months ago...why do you have to leave the farm now? Oh, and to ST: 您是否杀害了他? ;P
  19. Good catch...but what about the shape? There's a connection there...
  20. Yoruichi-san

    Well...I think Kat did it...b/c she's always a baddie . But when do we get the details of the murder?
  21. Yoruichi-san

    Well, the OP says: Vicki D’Adly - Elizabeth’s estranged sister from New Jersey, she and her husband were traveling on vacation when Vicki decided to drop by Killingsworth Farm for a visit... a surprise visit. Norman D’Adly - A real estate broker from New Jersey and husband to Vicki, Norman is trying to salvage his job and his marriage while travelling across the country on vacation. So what happened b/w Elizabeth and Vicki which caused their relationship to be estranged? And what happened b/w Norman and Vicki to make their marriage need salvaging? A possible answer to both seems to be if there's something going on in the Vicki/Robert pairing or the Norman/Elizabeth pairing. Seeing how upset Vicki was about Elizabeth's and Robert's marriage seems to imply it's the Vicki/Robert one...or maybe she's upset about Norman taking a fancy to Elizabeth, who was always more popular with the boys?
  22. Yoruichi-san

    Lol...when I was twelve...actually, eleven I was reading Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles... Anyways, where's the sister? I had a question for her...she seemed pretty disgruntled about Elizabeth's marriage...was it from losing a sister or losing a lover? ;P
  23. Yoruichi-san

    So...what exactly does your husband do? Perchance, is he into real-estate or perhaps, development? Or maybe archeology? Hmm...my memory fails me...could you refresh my memory by relating what you did on that episode? Oh...personally I think that perhaps you're barking up the wrong affair tree...have you ever read Agatha Christie's 'Evil Under the Sun'? You seem rather concerned about Mr. Killingsworth...did you have a personal connection with the deceased? On another note...did we ever get the details of the death? If not...since Enrique was here when it happened, could he relate the details? Thanks.
  24. Yoruichi-san

    Interesting...I'd imagine with the recent economic problems real estate would would cheap now... Also...with all these people here, how do you know the homeowner is absent? The only way you'd know she wasn't one of the people gathered here is if you've met her before and are only pretending to be at the farm for the first time...so what's your real story? ;P
  25. Yoruichi-san

    Aww...think you have room for one more? My inner Haibara is screaming at me...;P
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