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Everything posted by unreality

  1. everything is awesome (I tested out the reputation system too and gave every post in this topic +1 hehe) Anyway, I am only worried about one thing... the other day I went to get the link for topics like Mafia II... and the word "prune" was in the URL. In forums, "pruning" is a polite word for "deletion of old topics"... so I was just checking to make sure you don't have any pruning system enabled accidentally/purposefully. The old riddles and old games may be old, but people still love & read them.
  2. A collection of random problems I've come up with over the past few days... [please use spoilers when answering!] (1) A large sphere of radius 'r' is rolling around the interior of a massive cube-shaped room, chasing around a smaller sphere. The room's volume is thousands of times bigger than the larger sphere and completely empty (other than the spheres). The smaller sphere's radius is some constant multiplied by 'r'. The smaller sphere is rolling away from the larger sphere, trying to escape... it quickly realizes that the only possible escape is to wait it out against the edge or in the corner. (1a) What is this constant's upper limit if the smaller sphere can fit against the edge of the floor and a wall and not touch the larger sphere? (1b) What is this constant's upper limit if the smaller sphere can fit snugly in the corner of the room (ie, the floor and two walls) and not touch the larger sphere? (2) You have a 10 by 10 by 10 cube, made of 1000 unit cubes. You also have a "punching device", which can be aimed at a specific surface unit square and pointed perpindicular to that surface square. This "punches out" and gets rid of all of the cubes in that column. If this is hard to understand, I can elaborate further. The question is, what is the maximum number of "punches" you can use to completely eliminate all of the cube? (3) You are playing hide-and-go-seek-tag with a friend (problems of this type also translate into scenarios where two separated parties are looking to meet up and are simultaneously moving around). You and your friend are in an area that can be described as a circle with a circumference of 100. You are at one point on the circle, your friend is somewhere else. Assume that if someone is going in one direction at a constant speed, they won't change directions. Also, your speed is 'v', your friend's speed is 'w', and v>w>0. All of this applies for both sub-problems. (3a) It's a tossup whether your friend is going to stay put, move counterclockwise or move clockwise. Because you don't know which of those three options your friend will choose, and the game has to end sometime, you HAVE to move, either clockwise or counterclockwise (you intend to flip a coin to choose which way to go). What is the average time it will take for you to catch your friend? (3b) In this scenario, you know that your friend is NOT going to stay put... so you have to choose, between moving (either counterclockwise or clockwise) of course, or staying put and waiting. What is the average time it will take for you and your friend to meet up in both cases (ie, with you moving too or with you staying put)? So, what should you do - stay put or move? And what is your answer to that if v=5 and w=3? For what set of speeds (v,w) does it not matter whether you go or stay (ie, both options have the same avg time) and what does this have to do with the golden ratio? ~~~ thanks and good luck
  3. see post for who's dead and who's alive. Speaking of who's dead, Gmaster and magic_luver cannot participate in game-related PMing (or I guess 'PCing' now lol) since they're no longer among the Hivemind living
  4. sorry bout that guys, I was gone of the 4th of july weekend I understand It was Gmaster's guess only incorrect ;D Gmaster and magic_luver are dead... Gmaster was team A, magic_luver was team B * HIVEMIND * 1) GMaster479 {A} 2) Kat 3) Magic_luver {B} 4) underground_dan 5) crazypainter 6) randro 7) Izzy 8) Social Darwin
  5. hey everyone: randro just PMed me his team! He's in the game!
  6. bringing this post over to this page. For the purposes of the rest of the game we'll assume that Magicluver is still team B (you cannot change teams, I didn't see her PM to tell her, but it doesn't matter since other stuff on her roster was wrong) and you don't need to include Randro in future guesses until he actually decides on a team ;D
  7. oh well: (1) i didn't get the PM sorry (2) you can't change teams (3) it doesn't matter since there were numerous other errors
  8. also, official guesses right now don't have to incorporate Randro (or anyone that may join late) since he hasn't even chosen a team yet
  9. magic_luver just PMed with the following official guess: Team A Izzy Social Darwin Gmaster479 MagicLuver Team B Kat underground_dan crazypainter randro she must've had a deathwish, because not only is it wrong (even accounting for the team mixup) but she herself is on team B, I don't know why she put herself as team A Anyway, thanks for playing magic_luver Roster: * HIVEMIND * 1) GMaster479 2) Kat 3) Magic_luver 4) underground_dan 5) crazypainter 6) randro 7) Izzy 8) Social Darwin 9) 10) edit - also keep in mind that the teams aren't necessarily 4-4 OH and magic_luver can no longer be involved in PMs that are related to Hivemind Again, thanks for playing, m_l
  10. Also there can be some ambiguity about whether a roster is meant for me as an official guess or as a speculation with another player. For example I just got a PM from magic_luver with a roster but I asked her if it was official before assuming it was. From now on, for an official guess, I'd like you to (a) bold the post and put it in [blue] color tags and (b) announce that it's official thanks Also, when I "kill" the person (if their guess was wrong), in addition to revealing their team, I will also post their incorrect roster guess
  11. lol this is has been hilarious in its unfolding... lots of PMs going around... get in on the action if you're not... remember that everything is a balance of trust and deception... how well can you trust someone else when mutual honesty gives mutual furthering? The twist is that the info being honest or not is related to the furthering AND future honesty. So it's a complex sociopsychological/gametheory dilemma and rather hilarious for me to watch
  12. some people started PMing so it's open game now btw if you PM straight to me and CC to the person you actually want to PM to, I see who sent it and who receives it while the person it's CCed to only sees who sent it, so that may be more efficient
  13. just one left (randro) We can start now without randro if you guys want, and just have nobody send PMs to him until he tells me what team he's on, then he joins in. Or we can wait a bit longer, whatever is preferred
  14. edit ~ just need 2 more now
  15. unreality


    paragons parables parabola paradise
  16. unreality

    Ender's Game Mafia

    why yes... I've been dropping clues like easter eggs
  17. does this mean that we can kiss goodbye to the annoying can't-send-PM-again-until-yymmdd thingy? I'm excited!
  18. yes I've gotten 5/8 of the team PMs so far
  19. I've received a couple PMs so far, waiting on the others
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