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Everything posted by onetruth

  1. onetruth

    Tombstone Mafia

    Hopefully Morgan knew what he was doing...
  2. onetruth

    Tombstone Mafia

    That's just araver being araver. Perhaps his confidence is coming from elsewhere? @Hirk: There is obviously info that you're keeping from us, and you're the only one with the answers. Everything you've said about your role could be (and probably is) completely false. But it's mafia...I don't trust any of you completely. Not yet, anyway. :/
  3. onetruth

    Tombstone Mafia

    Okay, so that could've gone better, but it could've been worse. Hirk survives, proving his goodiness (or at least non-baddiness), and Araver and probably EDM are outed...Hurray! Tombstone in 6 minutes.
  4. onetruth

    Tombstone Mafia

    I wasn't expecting that...But I had the same thoughts about EDM, Glyc. :/ Tombstone on AMC at 8pm tonight. That's less than 30 min. away for me.
  5. onetruth

    Tombstone Mafia

    @Panther...You can always add a quick message in here asking us to add your vote for you. @Everyone...I think EDM is in that marvelous place called the dream world right now. Hopefully she gets online soon. She had to have known we would doubt her. If she's innocent, perhaps we should spend some time looking at MM?
  6. onetruth

    Tombstone Mafia

    He would out himself if he did that. Although, at this point, he wouldn't. Edit: At least not entirely.
  7. onetruth

    Tombstone Mafia

    I don't think that they can be considered inactive just yet. I didn't check the night post or anything until this morning, but maurice had my action a long time ago. There's still more almost 9 hours left of the day. That's plenty of time. That being said, I am seriously considering changing my vote to EDM. Even a switch to araver will look suspicious without a decent explanation. @Vine & Hirk: It bothers me, too, but it seems like a good idea. Unfortunately, with this large of a group, there will probably always be defectors. *glares at EDM*
  8. onetruth

    Tombstone Mafia

    Host: maurice 1. Blablah - dead, outdrawn by Johnny Ringo 2. MollyMae - shooting @ OboePassion 3. Oboe Passion - shooting @ Hirkala 4. Hirkala - Shooting @ curr3nt 5. curr3nt - shooting @ slick 6. slick - shooting @ onetruth 7. onetruth - shooting @ Vine 8. Vineetrika - shooting @ Panther 9. Panther 10. benjer 11. EDM - shooting @ umm.....MollyMae 12. Araver - shooting @ Glycereine 13. Glycereine - shooting @ young scientist 14. young - shooting @ MollyMae EDM...You're making yourself look suspicious...Makes me want to vote for you. Unless you have info you're not sharing...
  9. onetruth

    @Hir-ka-la...Except for the rare occasions when they do. Like this game. ;p @ys...Usually goodies don't know who their teammates are, but sometimes, such as in this game, one or two goodies may know the identity of one or two other goodies. For example, Wyatt and Doc have BTSC with each other. They won't know who the rest of the goodies are, though. It's the same basic idea for indies, where there are more than one. But each game is different and has different rules. Good luck! Unless, of course, we end up in different factions.
  10. onetruth

    Host: maurice 1. Blablah 2. Darth Legion 3. Framm 4. Hirkala 5. curr3nt 6. 7. onetruth 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Glycereine! 14. As promised.
  11. OMG! That's because it went back in time, right? That's hilarious!
  12. onetruth

    From what I was told by a kid from China (he was very articulate and knowledgeable, so hopefully this information is accurate), students are tested at a certain age. If they do well, they can move on and go to university and become doctors and lawyers, etc. If not, they have little hope of moving forward in life and will have to learn a trade to become their station in life. Also, those test results aren't included when averaging the national scores, resulting in a false average. I do agree that we are too easy on our kids (at least in the US). We coddle them and worry about self-esteem rather than challenging them. They need to know when they make mistakes, even if it embarrasses them or makes them feel bad. It will be worse for them in the future if they continue making those same mistakes. Basics of parenting. I think the problems stem from the parents and sometimes grandparents of the current generation. Kids who only speak English can hardly form grammatically correct sentences, but their parents speak the same way. In my opinion, morals play a huge role in issues like this. I've done some stupid things in life, but I've always had shame. This generation has no shame at all! They will party, skip school, etc., and they will be proud of themselves for it. And the parents act like victims and do nothing to properly guide their children. It's pathetic. I know a dozen or so teachers fairly well, and their biggest complaint is the lack of parental involvement. They are left to raise the kids, with no reinforcement at home and no academic help. That's not to say that there aren't tons of smart people. The "dumb" ones are just easier to find. Maybe they're louder.
  13. onetruth

    We also lucked out with a block and a redirect that helped us immensely. We are able to block MM from redirecting me N2 (which I knew he'd do...especially after he called me out on trying to kill him) and then redirect him N3 in case he tried to save himself. Maurice knew you were Jema. And firno played up the noob aspect and no one even looked at him for a while.
  14. onetruth

    haha We obliterated you guys.
  15. onetruth

    Aww...that's so cute that you think we'd believe that.
  16. onetruth

    Ahh slick, we all know it's true, apparently even Hirk. *high fives maurice and firno*
  17. onetruth

    Dang, does everyone know where I live? Crazy Internet stalkers. Who know where I live and don't even visit me. Did you just call us all fools?
  18. onetruth

    It's okay Jema. We also had extraordinary luck. And awesomeness.
  19. onetruth

    Yeah, I'm going over it again and again, and this is the only conclusion I can come to as well.
  20. onetruth

    1. Molly - DEAD - killed by the Bodyguard 2. maurice - voting for woon 3. DarthNoob - LYNCHED - found to be Purim 4. Segul - LYNCHED - found to be the 2nd Scorpion Army boy 5. BlaBlah - zombified! 6. Hirkala - zombified 7. onetruth - voting for woon 8. NickFleming - DEAD - killed by the Bodyguard 9. woon 10. slick 11. Brandon - zombified 12. firno I did want to hear from you before, seahorse. I wish the rest of the team had agreed at the time. Edit: maurice, you're next on my list. I may change that to first.
  21. onetruth

    1. Molly - Voting for DarthNoob 2. maurice - Voting for DarthNoob 3. DarthNoob 4. Segul - LYNCHED - found to be the 2nd Scorpion Army boy 5. BlaBlah voting for woon 6. Hirkala - zombified 7. onetruth voting for woon 8. NickFleming - DEAD - killed by the Bodyguard 9. woon 10. slick 11. Brandon - zombified 12. firno I'm gonna go make a spreadsheet. For now, I'm voting for woon. Get it together, Bruce!
  22. onetruth

    I'm way too lazy...Who's replacing whom?
  23. onetruth

    Are you guys sure Segul isn't just making a noob mistake?
  24. onetruth

    We can still change votes until the day is over.
  25. onetruth

    Sage Joch: LJ 1. Molly - Voting for Slick 2. maurice - Voting for woon 3. Framm - Voting for Maurice 4. Segul 5. araver - Voting for Slick 6. Hirkala -- Zombified 7. onetruth - Voting for Maurice 8. NickFleming 9. woon 10. slick 11. Brandonb 12. firno Maurice, let's keep you talking, since you do that so well. I don't know who to vote for. I have little to no information.
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