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  1. denizcan


    Can you name the songs ?
  2. İ found ''the right door'' ! Now where's my princess ?
  3. denizcan


    Can you tell me the name of my favourite band using only these images ? (The images are references to the name of songs , not the band . And no , it's not a flag . )
  4. -Read stupid jokes from Brainden.com loudly when they study . -Keep reading this until they get mad . -Keep reading this all the time . -Keep reading and you will see it's effective -Can you feel it's effect on them already ? -Keep reading . - Wow . You , my friend , are a really patient person . Did you really read all of them ? İf not , start from the beginning and ... Keep reading , Keep reading . -Make them read this post and i'm sure it will annoy them .
  5. Using this picture (Couldn't find a better one) tell me the name of one of my favourite songs . A clue : Where is the hole ?
  6. denizcan

    The story ...

    One day , there was a man . And another man wasn't there .
  7. What lays concealed in the forest ? İt may be something valuable ...
  8. İ think it's pretty good. i've installed it a month ago , and i haven't experienced any problems so far . İt's much better than 8 .
  9. Can you figure out the name of the songs , and the musician ? ,
  10. What can be caught , but not thrown ?
  11. What runs out ; and cannot be filled again ?
  12. denizcan


    Nowadays , a fresh apple costs up to 2 dollars . Somehow , a bitten apple cost up to several thousand dollars .
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