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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. I think you are assuming too much I still disagree with your analysis
  2. I think you are assuming too much
  3. Suppose you have a unit circle. You cut the circle into four equal parts. Where the radii of one of the four pieces exists (0,0) to (0,1) and (0,0) to (1,0). Putting one of the four pieces on each of the following coordinates, (0,0) , (0,1) , (1,1) , (1,0) and fitting them together so that the radii produce a square causes the interior to have overlapping arcs. There is a piece, in the innermost center, where all four arcs overlap. What is the area of the overlapped center?
  4. You were just hired to work at a lightbulb factory as a lightbulb tester. They just invented, they believe, a lightbulb that can resist breaking when dropped from most heights. They have asked you to test their product and find its threshold by dropping the new product out of their 100 floor building. Realizing that this is your first assignment at the company and also that these bulbs are expensive, you will want to test it accurately but not want to waste the product. What is the best way to test this product?
  5. Consider a photo of someone you think is you eight years ago. What makes that person you? You might say he she was composed of the same cells as you now. But most of your cells are replaced every seven years. You might instead say you're an organism, a particular human being, and that organisms can survive cell replacement But are you really an entire human being? If surgeons swapped George Bush's brain for yours, surely the Bush look-alike, recovering from the operation in the White House, would be you. Hence it is tempting to say that you are a human brain, not a human being. But why the brain and not the spleen? Presumably because the brain supports your mental states, eg your hopes, fears, beliefs, values, and memories. But then it looks like it's actually those mental states that count, not the brain supporting them. But the view faces a problem: what if surgeons imprinted your mental states on two pre-wiped brains then will there be more of you? How do you know who you are?
  6. If you were to choose an answer to this question at random what is the probability that it would be correct? a) 25% b) 50% c) 100% d) 25%
  7. Youre in a row boat, which is in a large tank filled with water. You have an anchor on board, which you throw overboard (the chain is long enough so the anchor rests completely on the bottom of the tank). Does the water level in the tank rise or fall?
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