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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. BMAD

    Dice Game

    All good guesses but not quite. Dark Magician is closest.
  2. BMAD

    HTML help

    thanks. I used survey monkey before but I haven't figured out how to make it grade the enties of the user and provide feedback. I know how to get the scores they put in and email the results but it doesn't give the instanaeous feedback i need. I did however find a site called quia that does what i need. Thanks for the help!!
  3. Suppose n fair 6-sided dice are rolled simultaneously. What is the expected value of the score on the highest valued die?
  4. What is the expected number of times a fair die must be thrown until all scores appear at least once?
  5. What is the minimum number of times a standard die must be thrown for there to be at least an even chance that all scores appear at least once?
  6. Two students play a game based on the total roll of two standard dice. Student A says that a 12 will be rolled first. Student B says that two consecutive 7s will be rolled first. The students keep rolling until one of them wins. What is the probability that A will win?
  7. I never meant to suggest the property applies to every combination. Just the ones I listed.
  8. Two overlapping spherical soap bubbles, whose centers are 50 mm apart, have radii 40 mm and 30 mm. What is the diameter D of their circle of intersection?
  9. Anna, the older twin, was born three hours before her younger sister Lana. On Lana's 21st birthday, they both went out to a club with some friends. The bouncer was checking ID's and let Lana go in. But when the older Anna tried to follow her in, the bouncer said, "I'm sorry, your 21st birthday isn't for another two days." How is this possible?
  10. BMAD

    Who am I?

    Very nice argument, sadly Nakluendo beat you to it.
  11. Does any of our Spanish speaking friends know if such convergence exist for Spanish numbers? I am unsure as I believe cuatro is seis and seis is cuatro making a loop. But I am not as proficient in spanish to be certain.
  12. Consider a terrestrial spheroid to be a sphere, and let our given points be A of which the latitude =x1, and longitude y1, and B of which the latitude =x2 and longitude y2. The shortest distance between these points on the surface of the sphere is along the arc of the great circle joining them. Suppose this great circle track passes, north of a given parallel of latitude x; Find the minimum path between A and B on the spherical surface which does not pass to the north of latitude x. The shortest path consists of two arcs of great circles drawn from A and B to a point P in latitude x in such a manner as to make equal angles with the parallel x at P. Determine this point P. note: I couldn't figure how to write the correct symbol so, x =
  13. BMAD


    Sorry, but in my homeland the game is played only with corner pockets.
  14. . A ball with a 1m diameter starting out in the middle of a 5 pointed star table (outer 5 points - 10m radius..... inner 5 points - 5m radius) has a starting angle of a random value from 0 to 360 degrees. The ball is now set loose and travels around the table. Now how many sides on average will have been hit once the ball has travelled 1000m ? Also, where are the most likely points that the ball will end up? To make things even more wonderfully confusing, the star rotates at an ever increasing speed of half a revolution for every 10 metres the ball has travelled. These speed increases are in incremental 'jumps'. Observe: 0 revolutions per 10 metres of ball travel: (when the ball has travelled 0 - 10 metres) 0.5 revolutions per 10 metres of ball travel: (when the ball has travelled 10 - 20 metres) 1.0 revolutions per 10 metres of ball travel: (when the ball has travelled 20 - 30 metres) 1.5 revolutions per 10 metres of ball travel: (when the ball has travelled 30 - 40 metres) etc. etc. Now how many sides on average will have been hit once the ball has travelled 1000m ?
  15. A 'snooker' table (measuring 8 meters by 4m) with 4 'pockets' (measuring 0.5m and placed at diagonal slants in all 4 corners) contains 10 balls (each with a diameter of 0.25m) placed at the following coords: 2m,1m...(white ball) ...and red balls... 1m,5m... 2m,5m... 3m,5m 1m,6m... 2m,6m... 3m,6m 1m,7m... 2m,7m... 3m,7m The white ball is then shot at a particular angle from 0 to 360 degrees (0 being north, and going clockwise). Just to make it clear, a ball is 'potted' if at least half of the ball is in area of the 'pocket' Assuming the balls travel indefinitely (i.e. no loss of energy via friction, air resistance or collisions), answer the following: a: What exact angle/s should you choose to ensure that all the balls are potted the quickest? b: What is the minimum amount of contacts the balls can make with each other before they are all knocked in?
  16. Consider the consequences of all the cases.
  17. We have a cylindrical glass, which can hold 12 ounces of liquid. It is 6 inches tall. It is tipped so that my drink is about to spill out the top. The liquid is 2 inches from the bottom, on the other side (See the diagram). How many ounces of liquid are still in the glass?
  18. BMAD

    HTML help

    I am attempting to develop a website for a university project where I am supposed to create a quiz that stores the users name and answers then decides if the answers are sufficient for mastery. If the student does well enough then a 'certificate' is printed to the screen for the user to print out their recognition. If they do not then it reports back their answers so that the student knows to go back and study. The problem is, is that we are supposed to build this website in google sites. i have little qualms with google sites for the project is almost complete except for the fact that google sites and javascript do not seem to get a long to well; which i believe is the key to solving the quiz problem i am having. Every time i attempt to enter javascript into the html editor on the site i get an error and find that the google site edited my code pretty incredibly. However, HTML seems to have little issue with editing the site. Is there a way to build my quiz in html to meet my above requirements? if not or if this isn't efficient does any one have any ideas as to how i could make my quiz according to the specs? The quiz needs to be 20 questions. So i am currently, and painstakingly so, making a giant tree like web to cover all the combination outcomes but clearly this is quite extensive and exhaustive. So any help would be appreciated.
  19. here is the figure of what i am talking about
  20. There are 5 ways to prove a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram. -Prove both pairs of opposite sides congruent -Prove both pairs of opposite sides parallel -Prove one pair of opposite sides both congruent and parallel -Prove both pairs of opposite angles are congruent -Prove that the diagonals bisect each other
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