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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. BMAD

    The investment Game

    The game starts sunday 6/9/12 morning. Look to see some possible additions.
  2. How would your calendar show Wed. June 19, 2013? A better question is, "How does the calendar show Wed, 19 Aug"? marvelous
  3. yeah..... I read the op and the newbie forum....still no real idea. I guess i will just flounder around at first and maybe die off early...yeah me!
  4. How would your calendar show Wed. June 19, 2013?
  5. That answer works. Is there a shorter answer, one that uses less numbers? I don't think so. 5,1,1,1 also works. I think these are the only solutions There are two others: 1,5,1,1 and 1,1,5,1. But is there a three number solution?
  6. While the individual chances of totaling to 7 is greater than totaling to 6 after the first roll, the cumulative totals always favor 6. For example, the chances of landing a 7 or 6 on the second throw is 6/36 and 5/36 respectively, but 6 already had a 1/6 chance added from the first roll. Bonanova's simulations produced results very close to the actual figures. (Although, I'm not sure how well Excel handles rounding, so he very well might be spot on.) This is a good point! I will reexamine my numbers.
  7. yeah i find it truly interesting. I calculated more ways to make 7 after two rolls meaning that it would have a higher theoretical probability than 6 as opposed to your experimental probability. The count definitely gets big as we are dealing with a massive tree diagram of possible outcomes of up to 13 possible rolls.
  8. So this is based off simulation? My method led to a different conclusion but it wouldn't be the first time I made a mistake.
  9. here is a poorly drawn sketch of what i feel the problem means. I would be interested in the family tree of what you mean. It is possible, but i would like the visual to help it make sense.
  10. you may want to consider the likelihood of rolling the numbers below 13 as well
  11. I have made a desk calendar out of six blocks. Each block has six faces. When read from left to right, they tell: The current day of the week on one block, in one or two letters (M, Tu, W, Th, F, Sa, Su). The date of the month on two blocks, one digit per block. The abbreviation for the month on three blocks, one lower-case letter per block (jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec). (I do not mean that this is the count of blocks needed to make each item but rather it is the amount of blocks it takes to show the event---1 block shows the day of the week not that all of the days of the week are on one block) What are the symbols (letter or number) on each face of each block?
  12. Each of three fractions has a one-digit numerator and a two-digit denominator. The three fractions together add up to one. Place all of the nine digits 1-9 into the fractions to make the equation correct.
  13. You are given a plate of spaghetti and told to do the following: Pick up one end of a spaghetti noodle and tie it to another end of a noodle (randomly selecting each). Continue to do this until all the ends have been tied together. If there were originally N pieces of spaghetti, what is the expected number of loops of spaghetti you would form? A loop may consist of any number of pieces of spaghetti tied together, and the loops could be linked to one another.
  14. Find two rectangles, with integral sides, such that the area of the first is three times the area of the second, and the perimeter of the second is three times the perimeter of the first.
  15. An ordinary die is rolled until the running total of the rolls first exceeds 12. What is the most likely final total that will be obtained?
  16. BMAD

    The investment Game

    Sign Ups are now commencing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  17. Hopefully I don't ruin the question this time. Assume that we have two coins that are not identical in size but are both perfect circles. We want to roll a coin along the edge of another coin where the moving coin starts at 1 side and ends up on the exact opposite side (only traveling half of the non-moving coin) and still end up in the same starting position (the moving-coin's orientation ends in the same position it started). What size(s) must the moving coin have relative to the non-moving coin? If we want the moving coin to travel 3/4's around the non-moving coin and still end up in its starting position, what sizes for the moving coin work?
  18. for some reason my factors is half of yours but even still i am finding a higher divisible number
  19. That answer works. Is there a shorter answer, one that uses less numbers?
  20. Mike has a magic scale, each side of which holds a positive integer. He plays the following game: each turn, he chooses a positive integer n. He then adds n to the number on the left side of the scale, and multiplies by n the number on the right side of the scale. (For example, if the turn starts with 4 on the left and 6 on the right, and Mike chooses n = 3, then the turn ends with 7 on the left and 18 on the right.) Mike wins if he can make both sides of the scale equal. Show that if the game starts with the left scale holding 17 and the right scale holding 5, then Mike can win the game in 4 or fewer turns.
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