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Posts posted by TimeSpaceLightForce

  1. Episode 25

    The Lion Turtle & the spirits
    are looking for it in the 4 elements
    Summed the Master to study fire
    Sent a warrior to see earth
    Let the bender to search water

    When The Avatar find it in air..
    He told the Lion Turtle that he have it.
    When all the others came back
    they all declared they have it too.

    Now the Lion Turtle and the spirits
    know they had what the 4 elements has

    But who have it first?

    hey there guys ,

    your riddles are quite difficult but very nice .its my first post here.thanks

  2. I guess this is unanswerable after all..
    in most escape games point and clicking
    some sign can give you the right number usually
    need to open a coded box, door,compartment
    that has another item inside:
    X means multiply
    M 11^ flip & cut
    A - 4 breaking
    S 8 meeting ends
    T 7 - dropping
    R 1 2 separating
    E E 6
    9 rotate and link..
    this is how to do it in games:
    but still don't make sense...

  3. This is a 21 unknown 21 equation problem:

    a = ? zero = 0
    b = ? one = 1
    d = ? two = 2
    e = ? three = 3
    f = ? four = 4
    g = ? five = 5
    h = ? six = 6
    i = ? seven = 7
    l = ? eight = 8
    m =? nine = 9
    n = ? ten = 10
    o = ? twelve = 12
    r = ? fifteen = 15
    s = ? twenty = 20
    t = ? thirty = 30
    u = ? forty = 40
    v = ? sixty = 60
    w =? hundred = 100
    x = ? thousand = 1000
    y = ? million = 1000000
    z = ? billion = 1000000000

    I hope some other puzzle can be derived from this like: " what word is posible for 18896063730041700?"

    i.e. = brainden but that is difficult and i dont know if there are other posible answers

    Congratulation to the team work participants that answered this!

  4. Good job k-man! I sure did accidentally lose the "w".

    And, TSLF, that puzzle is a TDF (tour de force)!

    I used excel for this.. just divide and multiply easy

    the w is the first to give answer from twenty= w(ten)(ty)=w(10)(10)=20

    thanks CaptainEd and all the solvers..

  5. What is the product for unanswered = ?
    If letters are factors of equations
    zero = 0
    one = 1
    two = 2
    three = 3
    four = 4
    five = 5
    six = 6
    seven = 7
    eight = 8
    nine = 9
    ten = 10
    twelve = 12
    fifteen = 15
    twenty = 20
    thirty = 30
    forty = 40
    sixty = 60
    hundred = 100
    thousand = 1000
    million = 1000000
    billion = 1000000000

    note: i got the idea for this puzzle post from X-MAS TREE thread that was unanswered by dtdt..thanks

    happy holidays!

    • Upvote 1
  6. +- -- ++ -+
    sv iv sh ih
    if M is -+ +? -! (-++-)= +
    L tells +
    if M is +- +? -!
    L tells +
    if M is -- +? -!
    L tells -
    if M is ++ +? -!
    L tells -
    if L is -+
    L tells -
    if L is +-
    L tells -
    if L is --
    L tells +
    if L is ++
    L tells +
    Minna is insane human leads to Lucy is insane vampire
    Lucy can not be sane human if she tell true
    Lucy can not be insane vampire if she tell true
    If minna is insane vampire can be sane vampire but one is human
    if Lucy is insane can not tell false because both are insane.
    If minna is sane human Lucy can tell false but both not insane
    ..not sure just follow the signs

  7. actually the lever method is the best next to pipet solution ..


    Take glasses 1 2 3 4 off the scale

    Spill some of 2 then refill from 1

    Weigh mixture 2 with 3. If reading:

    a bit > A+A : glass1 has it

    a bit < A+A+x :glass2

    =A+A+x :glass3

    =A+A :glass4

    note: taking the 4 glasses at the same time with two hands needs caution

    the purpose of spilling some of glass2 content is to make sufficient

    difference on poison weight (e.i about 2% to 20% water volume).

    The scale can read milligram anyway 2%gram=20mg 98%gram=980mg.

    Warning: DO NOT try this at home !

  8. on the laboratory bench next to the digital scale, place a knife edge as a fulcrum, and balance a plank of length 2 meters on the knife edge, with one end touching the digital scale.

    At this point, the plank is adding exactly no weight to the scale.


    * place G1 on the plank directly over the scale,

    * place G2 on the plank at a distance of 1/2 from the fulcrum

    * place G3 on the plank at a distance of 1/3 from the fulcrum

    * place G4 on the plank at a distance of 1/4 from the fulcrum

    * read the scale

    * Without the poison, the scale would read G1 + G2*1/2 + G3*1/3 + G4*1/4 will be (A+A/2+A/3+A/4) =

    (12A + 6A + 4A + 3A)/12 = (25A/12)

    However, the poison of weight X will either appear as an addition of X (if in G1), X/2 (if in G2), X/3 (if in G3) or X/4 (if in G4).

    (Firefox doesn't seem to play well with this spoiler editor.)

    I can not say no to this one CaptainEd it is so resourceful and using mechanics is cool..using knife and bench and plank.

    You might as well look at the corner cabinet for the poison scanner

  9. I'm not sure I would accept this challange. But if I had to , place two glasses on scale. Either these two, or the other two weigh 2A+x. We now know that the poison is one of of the two heavier pairs. Now the hard part : drink one of these glasses. If you don't die, you know the other glass is poison. If you die, you go to your grave knowing you were also correct

    This is one solution if you have a goldfish in the bowl

  10. Badhri's principle is to construct a situation with differing fractions of the four glasses, so that we can compute which glass it was that had added mass.

    However, the OP says that the glasses are "full", which means there's no room to add from one into another.

    So, here's an alternative:

    (1) I gather that we are given:

    * A, the weight of one glass full of water

    * X, the weight of added poison.

    (2) remove all glasses from the scale, without peeking at the scale.

    (3) Using a volume measuring device, such as a pipet, measure the volume in G1, and empty it, call that volume V.

    (4) measure V/6 from G2, transfer to G1

    (5) measure V/3 from G3, transfer to G1

    (6) measure V/2 from G4, transfer to G1

    (7) At this point, G1 is full

    (8) place G1 on the scale.

    (9) If G1 weighs A, original G1 had the poison

    --if G1 weighs A + X/6, original G2 had the poison

    --if G1 weighs A + X/3, original G3 had the poison

    --if G1 weighs A + X/2, original G4 had the poison

    if you have estimated half a glass and it weighs more than half the water weight, the additional weight can be water or poison's..thats why the volume must be precisely measured as done here..still that is troublesome.. the glass weight shall be considered too in that case

  11. If using the LCD screen, I would put all 4 on the scale, and remove one until one took off more weight than the others. only using the scale once. Or you could go the opposite route, and you would have to put them all on the scale one at a time as to not spill. So just watch the weights as you put a new cup on and you would know which one had the poison.

    Your solution is right unless making the machine do its job means using it

    (in that case reading weight trice). It is resting if nothing is on it. If there is

    a reading already using once means having a new reading..

    Use the scale tray if you would like take them off or place them on the scale

  12. I guess we are assuming that some mass has been added. So, if there's no change in volume, the vessel with the poison must have a higher density than the others. So, without even using the scale, we could perhaps measure density in each vessel, and declare the one with the highest as the poisoned one. Since we don't know what mass of poison has been added, I don't know whether this is a realistic approach or not. For example, if only one molecule of the poison has been added, we won't be able to measure the change in density.

    Interesting problem, TSLF! Thanks.

    Right CatpatinEd in terms of Physics..but say we have a simple chemistry problem and 1:100 x to A ratio is observed..

  13. Not sure!!!!

    Take away all the glassess first (since i have to use it only once).

    Let me have the glassess as g1,g2,g3,g4

    pour one quater the amount of g2 to g1 say g1+g2/4

    same half and three fourth of 3rd and 4th respectively

    so the first glass will now have g1+g2/4+g3/2+g3*3/4 (Assuming we are able to measure g2/4 , g3/2 or g3*3/4)

    now weigh that glass if the weight gonna be

    CASE 1 :(A+X)+A/4+A/2+3A/4 then g1 is poisoned

    CASE 2: A+(A+X)/4+A/2+3A/4 then g2 is poisoned

    CASE 3 : A+A/4+(A+X)/2+3A/4 then g3 is poisoned

    CASE 4: A+A/4+A/2+3(A+X)/4 then g4 is poisoned

    That is a good solution :(Assuming we are able to measure g2/4 , g3/2 or g3*3/4)

    Let weight be B. Then (B - 2.5A)*4/x is the number of the glass ..but less practical solution

  14. ..more for completion

    8'' 4' > 1' 11 3

    8'' 4' > 1 11 3'

    8' 4' > 1 11 3

    8' 4 > 1 11 3'

    From above broken posts :

    If 8 4 ? 1 11 3

    is balanced pick 1 + 3

    if tilted right pick 4

    if tilted left pick 4 /11

    This confirms Prime's solution.. thanks

  15. On top of a digital weighing scale
    are four identical glasses, filled with
    water, weighs A grams each. Then,
    somehow the poison X was sneaked
    into one of them with no change in
    color, odor or volume.

    \ / \ / \ / \ /
    \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/
    [4 A + x ]

    Using the scale once.Can you find out
    which of the glasses is poisoned?

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