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Posts posted by TimeSpaceLightForce

  1. Another ultimate mate position in 11 moves.


    1) Qd6; 2) Kd2; 3) Ra8; 4) Rh5; 5) Bb2; 6) Bd4; 7) Bg2; 8) Bd5; 9) Na3; 10) Nf3; 11) Nh2.

    Superb position Prime! A good chess player can't be as good puzzle solver. thanks for this find...

    btw, beware of stealmate,like if the Black king is on f1 on your 9)Na3... you can make it your 11) Na3 instead

    Thanks, TSLF.

    I don't see how Black can get stalemate in that sequence.

    If Black King is on f1 when 9) Na3, then 9) .... Kg4; 10) Nf3 Kf1(or Kg2); 11) Nh2 checkmate.

    Besides, it is not entirely clear from the OP that Black King is not allowed to skip a move and stay on the same spot. Another issue is that of the White King moving into a check. For example, in my sequence: 1) Qd6 Kc2; and now White does not have 2) Kd2. I guess, Black should not be allowed to stay on the same square on his move. Then White can always get to his planned end position by changing move order.

    I could not find the 9-move variation. :(

    my blunder, Kg4 yes, the black king is just there for the play , i guess any solution can give continuous checks to ensure checkmate.

  2. Another ultimate mate position in 11 moves.


    1) Qd6; 2) Kd2; 3) Ra8; 4) Rh5; 5) Bb2; 6) Bd4; 7) Bg2; 8) Bd5; 9) Na3; 10) Nf3; 11) Nh2.

    Superb position Prime! A good chess player can't be as good puzzle solver. thanks for this find...

    btw, beware of stealmate,like if the Black king is on f1 on your 9)Na3... you can make it your 11) Na3 instead

  3. when dropping ants at the same time..they can fall/land on ends

    of "string thin" meter stick with other at 1000 mm /199 interval.

    Should the direction probability affect the time they all fall at the

    ends of the ruler? Nice programmable puzzle. Welcome sergyegi!

  4. post-53237-0-95425500-1358495079_thumb.j

    Take all the black pieces except for the King and
    all the white pawns out of the board on initial position.
    From this position White makes regular chess moves.
    Black King can jump to any unattacked square.
    Black King is not allowed to capture White pieces.
    Check mate the Black King.
    This has a 9 moves solution but less than 20 will do..
    Thanks to Prime for the assist
  5. Ultimate Mate


    Take all the black pieces except for the King and all the white pawns out of the board on initial position.

    Now play White on regular moves, ask someone lift up the Black King and place it anywhere safe

    (e.i. unoccupied or unattacked squares) including its previous position.

    Lets see how long will it take for you to capture the flying King..

    This has a 9 moves solution but less than 20 will do..

  6. Simplifying 3 weighings solution.

    : if tilted
    13 12 > 12 11
    : try heavier to identify heavy & proper coin
    13 > 12
    : use known proper coin to identify the lighter coin
    11 < 12

    :if balanced
    11 13 = 12 12
    : try any side
    12 = 12
    : use known proper coin to identify the heavy and light coin
    13 > 11


    Both approached of K-man and Prime are CORRECT !
    Nevertheless they consumed 3 coins on weighing.

    But what about the coffee?
    They're the key to cheaper way.
    using coin for weighing is
    just an option..for checking

    Here is a how \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

    fill up all other cups from cup 2.
    drink the remaining to stay awake.
    now empty with coin inside..
    put cup 2 in cup 1, let overflow.
    take cup 2 out and put it down.
    we have now coffee level for coin 2,

    we know that the weight of volume
    of coffee displaced is equal to the
    weight of sumerged volume of cup.
    -bouyancy principle.

    next, empty cup 3 into cup 2
    put cup 3 in cup 2, let overflow.
    take cup 3 out and put it down.
    we have now coffee level for coin 3,

    next, empty cup 4 into cup 3
    put cup 4 in cup 3, let overflow.
    take cup 4 out and put it down.
    we have now coffee level for coin 4,

    this somehow revealed the relative

    weights of 4 coins. the higher the lighter.
    drink the remaning coffee to keep aware

    and check the any coins using the

    balance machine once.

  7. 1. Acquire a waterproof marker (or in this case, a coffeeproof marker).

    2. Mark the two spare coins from your pocket with the marker.

    3. Return to the vending machine.

    4. Insert two of the unmarked coins into the vending machine along with both marked coins.

    a. If the machine malfunctions, continue inserting combinations of unmarked coins with the two marked coins while enjoying your free coffee.

    b. If the machine fails to malfunction, the two remaining coins are your cheat coins.

    i. Go to Vegas.

    ii. Win.

    1. Yes you can acquire the marker! But the marker/pen vendo say " Insert 2 Coins Here"

    4.a. The Coffee machine is already malfunctioned ..people are in queue for the free

    b. If the machine fails to malfunction(because of the cheat coins), the cheat coins may not be dispensed anymore.

    i. Win more coins first on the arcade, need some transport money.

  8. Your light and heavy cheat coins weigh like 2 proper coins
    but looks the same.They always hit the jackpot in any
    slot machines. Drowsy, you accidentally used them on
    a vending machine along with 2 other proper coins.
    However the coins malfunctioned the machine causing it
    to dispense hot cup of coffee with the inserted coin inside.
    To test weights, you may insert a coin using the beam-
    balance machine once.

    \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/

    ___________ __________
    / -- \
    [----------------] o o

    A) With 2 spare coins in pocket,how can you identify the cheat coins ?
    B) How many spare coins is needed if the first trial is balanced ?

  9. from salty origin
    many odor skin
    so bitter bite
    made drink bright

    sweaty grasp
    a leapy gasp
    pretty color orb
    smoothly curved

    Like rock and
    falls like sand
    Like honey and
    flows like cream

    pain in the eyes
    but healty sighs
    thrown from atop
    sounded a plop

  10. Plan: NEWS
    North=Y East=G West=R South=B
    Color Rows
    Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    G _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    R _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    B _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    1 enters stand in front of door "stationary"
    2 enters, 1 face (NEWS) according to color of 2,
    2 knew his own color, stands on his color row facing
    (NEWS) according to color of 1,1knew his own color.

    3 enters, 1 face (NEWS) according to color of 3,
    3 knew his own color, stands on his color row
    4 enters, 1 face (NEWS) according to color of 4,
    4 knew his own color, stands on his color row

    ..goes on until last prisoner then 1 stands on his color rows

    Note: 1 reset initial position as the prisoners walks their rows

    hey WG this is a nice puzzle for my friends

  11. Color Rows
    Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    G _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    R _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    B _ _ _ _ _ _ _



    Plan: using 4-way path
    Y G R B
    |o o| o/ \o
    |o o| /o o\

    set-up stage:
    1 enter and face the door
    2 enter, walk behind 1 and face the door
    3 enter, pass 1& 2 ( 1 of 4 ways) according to color of 1,
    then stands behind 2 and face the door ..so 1 knew his own color
    1 pass 2&3 (1 of 4 ways) according to color of 2,
    then stands behind 3 and face the door.. so 2 knew his own color
    2 pass 3&1 (1 of 4 ways) according to color of 3,
    then stands behind 1 and face the door ..so 3 knew his own color

    sitting down stage:
    4 enter , time for 3 to sit down in color row ,
    pass 1 & 2 (1 of 4 ways) according to color of 4
    Now 4 knew his own color, stand in front of 1 facing door and waits for 5..

    5 enter , time for 4 to sit down in color row ,
    pass 1 & 2 (1 of 4 ways) according to color of 5
    Now 5 knew his own color, stand in front of 1 facing door and waits for 6..

    ..goes on until "Last" prisoner has nothing to wait on, but also now knew his color,
    just sit down. Finally, 1 & 2 sit down in color row .

  12. A round, thin, warpable and bit stretchable cake is the
    solution specs for this puzzle.."the whole cake" is
    a big pancake.The 3 bears love honey syrup on their hot cakes!
    she did cut the 3 "slice radii" (120deg "Y") at the same time..
    first she made a tiny hole on the pancake to mark its center.
    then mark the ends of these slice radii on the cake edge.
    Next warping it into a "D" shape along one of slice radii making
    the other two slice radii (or edge marks) aligned. If she cut the
    two aligned slice radii she could have only 2/3 & 1/3 of the cake.
    So instead,she warped it again to align the 3 slice radii.
    Finally cut them straight starting from the center hole .
    / ___________________________________
    / B(____________________________________\
    /___________________________|____________________________________|| C
    (_____ ______________________|____________________________________/
    A x
  13. The problem never stated what the cake would be cut with. Could be a knife, or possibly some pitchfork shaped utensil.


    | |

    | |

    | | <-- Awesomely drawn cake

    | |

    | |


    ^ ^

    || ||

    ||===|| <-- Poorly drawn multi-pronged cutting apparatus



    Hi there Bobby,

    Thats is awsome piece of hardware..but they cant afford to buy such.

    thanks for the idea.

  14. If the cake was just a regular rectangle...

    Would cutting a circle out of the middle be considered a "one straight" cut? To keep the numbers simple, if the cake were 2 feet x 4.71 feet, she could cut a circle with a 2 foot diameter out of the middle. You would then have a circle piece with an area of 3.14 feet, and the two side pieces with the same area.

    Hi welcome to the den.

    Good 1, [ (

    ( ) ) ] same weight but bears may have issue on it and hard to explain they are as big without a weighing scale,all might demand the circle one . Thanks for this solution

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