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Everything posted by nana77

  1. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    big yellow circle no lines in spot 14
  2. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    is 9 empty? 10? 11? 12?
  3. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    large yellow hexagon with no lines in spot 8, or in both spots 2 and 4.
  4. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    big red circle with lines in spot 14
  5. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    little yellow circle with no lines in 6? (or 7) also, what would happen if an object could fit in 2 different spots, ie fit rules 1 and 3 or fit rules 2 and 4, since there are no overlaps just for 1/3 and 2/4? Or does your list of objects exclude such, so it can not happen?
  6. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    Big yellow circle with lines in spot 14
  7. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    little yellow circle with no lines in spot 14
  8. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    little yellow circle with no lines in spot 3
  9. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    little yellow circle with lines in spot 1 (or 2,3,4)
  10. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    is spot 13 empty?
  11. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    little yellow circle with lines in spot 14
  12. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    large yellow circle with lines in spot 11 and can I also ask for the small yellow circle with no lines in spot 8?
  13. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    large red circle with stripes in position 7
  14. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    small red triangle with lines in spot 7
  15. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    small red circle with lines in spot 7
  16. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    small blue circle with lines in position 5 (or 6,7,8)?
  17. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    small blue circle with lines in position 2 (and can I go ahead and check it in positions 3 and 4 too?)
  18. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    small blue circle with lines in position 1
  19. nana77

    Guess the Rule

    (still waiting to hear if position 13 is empty) small blue circle with lines in position 14
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