Ok, you guys want a reason for why I vote like I do?
First, I'm still new to mafias (I think I've only been in 4 before this, and two of them I died within N1/D1).
I don't know how to figure out who everyone is. I'm lost as to how you guys narrow down the lists.
I also work two jobs, one job (Solar pool heater installation/repair/assembling) and the other is a waiter.
I don't get a lot of time to read and analyze the posts.
I live in the Eastern time zone so I'm not home before 10:00pm EST on weekends since I close the restaurant. So by the time I get home I only have a short period of time to get my vote in.
I also just met a girl so I spend a lot of free time with her too. And if you see me online after 2am, odds are I've been drinking/smoking and not really understanding anything I'm reading.
I assure you guys I'm not a baddie, I'm just a busy guy. Actually, lynching me might actually make my days easier, I don't need to make sure I log in everyday.