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Anza Power

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Anza Power last won the day on July 18 2017

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  1. I saw this riddle before, and I implemented an HTML version of it: http://anzapower.webs.com/riddles/amoeba/game.html And actually it has already been posted:
  2. Question, can the digits repeat inside an L-shaped area? For example the 14+ be: 2 6 6 ??
  3. Or dump everything and have 0 in all of them
  4. Actually it's O(1). Your comment got me thinking, I couldn't say that it's in NP because there is no n in the problem, We have 130 as a starting point and we want to see if any of the binome(129,8) dice combinations have 120 different sum... Unless you are referring to the problem with "N-sided Dice", then yeah that's crazy exponential...
  5. Is the arrival time continuous or discrete (whole minutes)? Can we assume the distribution is uniform? Continuous time is the interesting case so let's look at that with uniform distribution:
  6. No other conditions, although if you want something really interesting try having a continuous function... Oh, that's even simpler than what I had in mind:
  7. Question is why would I go around pushing cubes in holes that are in other cubes?
  8. Well, except that we are given the river as is, with a fixed width and a bridge perpendicular to its flow. We do not know whether the line joining the cities lines up with the bridge - a very special case with a trivial solution. We also do not know that the cities are equidistant from the river - a fact that bears on bridge placement if is not parallel to the joining line. I'm curious to know the two different ways BMAD has to optimize the bridge placement. You might've misunderstood me a little bit, I should have detailed a bit more, let the river be of width 1 unit, align the axis such that the x axis is parallel with and centered the river, in other words the river would be the area -0.5<y<0.5, now "removing" the river means collapsing it and so every point that was below it now goes up by 0.5 units and every point above it goes doen 0.5 units...
  9. No other conditions, although if you want something really interesting try having a continuous function...
  10. You mean show that for any shape there exists a direction such that if you slice through it you get two equal halves?
  11. Find a one-to-one and on mapping from the closed segment [0,1] to the open segment (0,1).
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