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Everything posted by MikeD

  1. mboon was trapped by chess, so she can't post to say anything, or defend herself. (@TheCube is that why you want to vote for her?, seems like a baddie move?) And since she was trapped by chess she can't not be Super Smash Bros or Call of Duty. I not defending her, it just easier to leave her to be RID Kill as Minecraft. If she is a indy, she can't be chess, so if Battleshipp is alive he should RID kill mboon as checkers. If she is a baddie she will die as Minecraft when the indies RID Kill her as such.
  2. MikeD

    Sixy Rollo

    PARKED If = 0 then M????? because of the P/M swop elseif = 2 then P????? because of the P/M swop
  3. MikeD


    I GUESS we are bad at GUESSing.
  4. Question: Did Hidden G know that the baddies will choose Molly Mae and that is why he suggested it? Or did the baddies pick Molly Mae because Hidden G suggested that he would be a good spy target???
  5. I don't know when I will next onlne again so, so if there is no self block: @Psyko - since you are almost 100% baddieless( ), i sure you will be the target of the next NK (sorry). So if you have any infomation (and are allowed to post) then please share, eg if you are spy or RID Kill who were your targets. @Chutes&Ladders - if you are still alive save psyko. Lets us put the pressure on mew or marksmanjay today. mboon can only be MInecraft, if is a baddie, so indy (i know that you are around still becasue chess acted last night, not sure if Battleship is) I think you should RID kill her as Minecraft tonight.
  6. @psykomakia - you were OKed by Super Smash Bros (Block). So only your night actions (if any) were blocked, it should not affect you today. I could be wrong but... @TheCube - Psyko seems to be 100% not baddie because he was blocked, but all three baddie actions showed up. Unless he blocked himself, but i thought that is not allowed. @Host - Is self block/trap allowed
  7. BrainIAC: Y-san Roster: 1) Hirkala 2) marquessa 3) curr3nt 4) 5) 6) Brainiac100 7) Panther 8) Framm 9) MikeD 10) 11) 12) 13) Flamebirde 14) 15) Back-ups: 1) 2)
  8. I am sure that at least one of the three (jay, mew, mboon) that voted for flame is a baddie. So i going to vote for mew, and see what he has to say. Host: Aaryan 1. marksmanjay 2. MiKi Brainiac100 3. psykomakia 4. MikeD - voting for mew 5. gvg 6. EDM 8. mew 10. Hidden G 11. mboon 12. TheCube DEAD: 13. curr3nt - Killed Night 1 by the Baddies 7. Flamebirde - Lynched Day 1 and found to be Candy Land 9. Molly Mae - Killed Night 2 by the Baddies Backups: 1. Thalia 2. 3.
  9. MikeD

    Knock Out

    Detroit Lions -- New Orleans Saints -- Washington Redskins -- Atlanta Falcons - 25 Chicago Bears - 22 Carolina Panthers - 20 San Francisco 49ers - 19 Seattle Seahawks - 16 Dallas Cowboys - 16 Detroit Lions - 10 New Orleans Saints - 3 Washington Redskins - 1 Knocked Out 10. St. Louis Rams 11. Arizona Cardinals 12. New York Giants 13. Green Bay Packers 14. Philadelphia Eagles 15. Minnesota Vikings 16. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
  10. MikeD

    Four Letters ROLLO

    REAL BACK = 0 HIGH = 0 DOWN = 0 LAMP = 0 FLAG = 1 CURB = 0 DUCK = 0 FLOG = 0 EXAM = 1 FRAY = 1 SNAP = 1 AJAR = 1 MEAL = 3 WHAT = 1 HEAL = 3 VEAL = 3 Brainiac +5, nana77 +10, Hidden G +5, MikeD +16 You up, Hidden G. I will do the scores now.
  11. MikeD

    Four Letters ROLLO

    ?EAL BACK = 0 HIGH = 0 DOWN = 0 LAMP = 0 FLAG = 1 CURB = 0 DUCK = 0 FLOG = 0 EXAM = 1 FRAY = 1 SNAP = 1 AJAR = 1 MEAL = 3 WHAT = 1 HEAL = 3 VEAL = 3 Brainiac +5, nana77 +10
  12. MikeD

    Four Letters ROLLO

    ?EAL BACK = 0 HIGH = 0 DOWN = 0 LAMP = 0 FLAG = 1 CURB = 0 DUCK = 0 FLOG = 0 EXAM = 1 FRAY = 1 SNAP = 1 AJAR = 1 MEAL = 3 WHAT = 1 HEAL = 3 Brainiac +5, nana77 +10 @nana77 - I believe you are only allow to guess one word per post. (So I only used your first word)
  13. MikeD


    that is RIGHT
  14. MikeD

    Four Letters ROLLO

    ??A? BACK = 0 HIGH = 0 DOWN = 0 LAMP = 0 FLAG = 1 CURB = 0 DUCK = 0 FLOG = 0 EXAM = 1 FRAY = 1 SNAP = 1 AJAR = 1 MEAL = 3 WHAT = 1 Brainiac +5
  15. MikeD

    Knock Out

    Detroit Lions -- New Orleans Saints -- St. Louis Rams -- Atlanta Falcons - 25 Chicago Bears - 22 Carolina Panthers - 20 San Francisco 49ers - 17 Seattle Seahawks - 16 Dallas Cowboys - 16 Detroit Lions - 12 New Orleans Saints - 8 St. Louis Rams - 3 Washington Redskins - 1 Knocked Out 11. Arizona Cardinals 12. New York Giants 13. Green Bay Packers 14. Philadelphia Eagles 15. Minnesota Vikings 16. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
  16. MikeD

    Seveny Rollo

    FEARFUL If = 0 then T?????? because of the T/F swop elseif = 2 then F?????? because of the T/F swop
  17. MikeD

    Knock Out

    New Orleans Saints -- St. Louis Rams -- Washington Redskins -- Atlanta Falcons - 25 Chicago Bears - 20 Carolina Panthers - 20 San Francisco 49ers - 17 Seattle Seahawks - 16 Dallas Cowboys - 16 Detroit Lions - 14 New Orleans Saints - 10 St. Louis Rams - 7 Washington Redskins - 3 Knocked Out 11. Arizona Cardinals 12. New York Giants 13. Green Bay Packers 14. Philadelphia Eagles 15. Minnesota Vikings 16. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
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