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Everything posted by Mekal
Sorry guys... I am kind of swamped with my entire family over and stuff... i think i have to drop
Host: I 1) Joe's Student 2) Peace found the CC is short 3) dawh found the CC stays in a Basement, has a Red Truck, has Hazel eyes, wears a Hat, his hair is Black, carries a Knife, Hums, has an Average build, and has blood-type O. 4) DMS here's what i got A Knife, Garage, Grey, Hazel, Average, Red Sox Hat, Hums, Red Chevy Truck 5) A. Person - found that CC has blood type B, has a handgun, and drinks 6) Twin Pop - found out that the CC stays in the garage 7) Kat - found out that the killer wears a hat 8) Cherry Lane - found the CC hangs out in a basement, has a black car, has black hair, wears glasses, drinks, uses a gun and is short 9) reaymanator - found evidence of a watch and blood type O 10)mekal - Got a lead that the killer has gray hair and likes to hang out in the garage
Okay, I need to see what Impervious is doing... But maybe...
Thats fine, family first... I hope she does better I'll pray for her...
cl? Dawh? Itachi already confirmed that the killer likes to hang out in the garage and has Blood B... I don't know how you guys got your answer...
oh well, but just saying, the trivia gets ALOT harder... you won't be able to look for it in Wikipedia But you really should watch it... you won't regret it... "Look! Sleeping people!"
Good... if kat is on Blue or Red she will get a score booster The real question is, did you use wikipedia or actually watch the show? "I Can't feel my torso!"
LOL but didn't you mean Lawyers, not layers?
Okay guys... What Rookie says is what goes, so only the Appropriate quotes, and try to cut down untill the game start... now... I will PM the roles on friday when i have more time, but i may start it on Saturday... but... as for now... **TRIVIA QUESTION** Junior. 1) What species is he 2) how was he concieved? 3) What two words could he say? [/Trivia Question] First person to get this right will get an early score add on. "Well, he untied me, and then he "Accedentaly shot himself in the back..."
"yes, thats right. I'm a gay robot.", "You lied to me" once caboose gets infected by omally it just gets funnier
Oh... one more thing that is in the final draft... You won't know who is on your team... The BTSC spreed looks like this... A.I. : BTSC Reds: No BTSC Blues: Tex and Church have BTSC, but nobody else has one. Doc: No BTSC Triva: At any time i can give trivia. The first person that answers it gets the score of their team bosted if they are a red or blue. Each person may only answer one question per day. You will see the full set of rules on the game thread...
You can quote it as much as you want... blarg... I like me...
one more thing... There WILL be trivia in the game that will improve the score of the Red and Blue teams. I suggest that you watch the show... Blood Gutch Chronicals is on youtube, Reconstruction is on www.redvsblue.com
Director of Project Freelancer: Mekal 1.RainThinker 2.Peace*Out 3.Impervious 4.Kat 5.reaymond 6.Dms172 7.SomeGuy 8.TwinPop 9. A. Person 10. Izzy 11. 12. 13. 14. New P.M. in... Just 4 more people
It kind of ruins the point when you immediately get on here and tell us your accomplishment
Oh, BTW, i am going to be gone most of Tommorrow and the day after... So ask you questions now
ya, the rules i posted up here are not the final draft... But the A.I. do not get a group kill... they win if every living A.I. is locked in or if a majority is reached. The actuall set of rules that i will post will be more specific...
Well, he spends all night kissing up to Sarge, and he gets nothing accomplished except sarges favor... JUST LIKE IN RVB
Oh, i forgot to mention that the A.I can also win if they kill to a majority.
Red Vs. Blue Mafia The Baddies: The A.I: Every night, each A.I chooses a target. Each A.I will be given a message stating weather the target is the Assigned Freelancer. If they are then the A.I has “Locked in” and cannot die, but cannot kill. If it is not the Assigned freelancer, Then they can either break the persons mind, or they can use the targets ability.(Note: the A.I. will not get what ability the target has until after the A.I decides on whether to kill or Manipulate) The A.I. win if all alive A.I. are locked in. if the Assigned host dies they will be given a new way to lock in. Omega(A.I.): Locks in if he targets Tex Delta(A.I.): Locks in if he targets Wash Gamma(A.I): Locks in if he targets Wyoming Innocents: At the end a score will be given to each team and that will decide the winner. Win if all of the A.I. are dead. Blues: Church(Blue)(TL): Has BTSC with Tex. Due to the fact that he is the Alpha A.I. every other day he may look at someone and see if they are an A.I.. Tucker (Blue): Every other night he may use Junior to suck somebody’s blood, making the target unable to use their night/day ability. Caboose (Blue): A complete idiot, but has super natural strength. Any night, but not 2 nights in a row, he has a ½ chance of blowing up someone by detonating Andy (When detonating Andy there is a 1/2 chance that the person will die, and a 1/2 chance that the person will be incapacitated), and a ½ chance of accidentally loading his gun with crayons (In which he may leave a message for the night post). Tex(Freelancer)(Blue): Every even night may kill somebody. Has BTSC with Church. On any night, but not 2 in a row, she may chose to use her suit upgrade to become invisible, and unable to be found by anyone except her A.I., however, she may not kill Washington (Freelancer)(Blue): Every even night may save somebody from a A.I, but not from A Freelancer Reds: Sarge(Red)(TL): 2 times in the game he may use another’s abilities by choosing the role Simmons 2.0(Red): After reading the Red Army handbook 29.5 times, he has gained certain abilities. Each night he PM’s me a role and I will return with the action (Kissing up to Sarge, saving, killing, spying, role manipulation, or Previous choice). He will then have the choice to decline or accept the action. Griff(Red): Because he is too lazy to do anything, Every night he sleeps in a cave, lowering the kill chance of others attacking him to %25 Donut(Red): ALMOST as stupid as caboose… every other day he may confuse someone SO much that they can’t vote. Wyoming(Freelancer)(Red): Every even night he may kill someone, or he may stop time and save himself Doc: Wins with Blues if the game ends on an even day/night, and wins with the Reds if it ends on a odd day/night. Doc: A *Cough cough*“Doctor”*Cough Cough* that can save anyone every night, but only himself 2 times. Rules: visit Unrealitys “Newbie’s Guide to mafia” for a basic overview. Director of Project Freelancer: Mekal 1.RainThinker 2.Peace*Out 3.Impervious 4.Kat 5.reaymond 6.Dms172 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. This will start on December 1st
I think as of now we are full, but you can always join as a backup. But, you can sign up for Red vs. Blue Mafia(P.M. me) or James Bond Mafia (P.M. Reaymond or Kathleen)
Well the one thing is that My evidence is for the actually Killer and everyone else's is for the Copy cat.
When you start plotting out the future mafia's on your assingnment notebook at school When your S.S. notebook is filled with BD stuff like RVBM rules and a new game i am thinking of hosting... When your Family is coming to town and you still haven't cleaned your room... When you are thinking of somehow getting a shirtmaking company to create a shirt that says "WARNING!!! BRAINDEN ADDICT!!!" When you actually CLEANED the Naproom (dont ask what it is...) so that you can get some peace when on BD.