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Everything posted by Mekal
well the night is supposed to end at 4ish CST, but I don't start the night post until around 8ish due to my activitys. plus, this way the night and day posts generally end at the same time, so there is no confusion.
Oh, and also, I read over the night 1, I was in a rush and I forgot to mention that JS was saved by one of the medics. sorry lol
BTW, for clarification, SomeGuy was saved via the Framer's ability and for CP, this was the final roster i used. 1) Kat 2) Akaslickster 3) Scsw - DEAD Killed by: Prisoners 4) Limey voting for SG 5) RainThinker 6) Abhisk - voting for Kat 7) GMaster479 - 8) underground_dan voting for woon 9) woon voting for rainthinker 10) crazypainter - voting for Limey 11) SG - voting for Kat 12) Marth - Voting for Slick 13) GC - voting for SG 14) JS
Day 1: Scared of heights, and for good reason. A wide mob surrounded one point. In the middle, scsw lie with a pool of blood around his head. “He killed him!” “I saw her down here last night!” “I heard the gunshot” :it couldn’t have been me, I was in bed before 11!” the scared mob of people Yelled. As blame was tossed around, two people seemed to get majority of it. The mass amount of people that seemed more like a mob with pitch forks slowly started to come to some crazed reason that the passengers Kat and SomeGuy were the ones behind it all. The 2000 passengers started to watch as some of the others started to drag SomeGuy and Kat up the stairs. “I am innocent! I may have had criminal offences in the past, but I really have changed” screamed kat. Tears started to fall down her checks. Next to her, SomeGuy attempted to reason with the maddened people. “Listen, I know that seeing a dead person can mess with your head, but is this really the best way to go about it? A mad lynching with no reason?” The people who were dragging Kat made a cry as she broke free long enough to escape. Hitting the ground, she got up and started running. Unfortunately for her, the mob was able to get organized to start chasing after her. Kat looked back at her attackers, but in the same moment, she lost sight of the soft serve ice cream machine. Crashing into it, the mob swarmed around her and picked her up over her head. Continuing up to the 13th deck, they caught up with Someguy. Someguy was being positioned over the rail, but his feet and arms were grabbing the bars, slowing the horrible process of killing. By the time Kat was almost over, Someguy was only avoiding a horrible death by hanging on to the railing. Suddenly a scream echoed through the halls as Kat was thrown over. Her shirt caught on a flag, than was ripped off as her body mass pulled though the fabric. People watched, some justified, some horrified. SomeGuy was still in the process when a gunshot was fired out of the blue. The people closest to the railing ducked and hit the floor. Luckily, the mysterious gunshot didn’t hurt anybody, but did give the time for SomeGuy to climb up the railing and escape into the hallway. as half of the mob went chasing Someguy, the rest lowered down to retrieve the shirt that was caught on the flag. one of the men realized what it was. The angry mob was too crazed to realized what uniform she was wearing. The uniform of the room cleaners... Host: Mekal Co-host: Brandonb Ship Manifest: 1) Kat - DEAD Lynched, Found to be: Room Cleaner 2) Akaslickster 3) Scsw - DEAD Killed by Prisoners 4) Limey 5) RainThinker 6) Abhisk 7) GMaster479 8) underground_dan 9) woon 10) crazypainter 11) SG 12) Marth 13) GC 14) JS NIGHT 2 HAS BEGUN. sorry kat. It sucks to die early on.
Night post coming... one sec...
Voting is over. Expect the day post at around 9:30 central time. I am being dragged to some party by a friend...
btw, the final decision is that both players in the tie will die. you guys have 45 minutes remaining.
ya, i will try and find a replacement... thanks for letting me know ahead of time
hmm. its probably going to be either both are killed, or a coin toss... I have yet to decide... also, The day ends in 3 hours. I still would like a vote from Woon, Rainthinker, and akaslickster...
Hey, guys. MM was a diffrent game, and that shouldn't be used in stratagy for this game. so no more mention of that.
links: Intro/Rules Night 1: Deadly Snacks
If one were to look from one of the balconies at the royal promenade, you would only see 6 people. 2 of those 6 were sitting Night 1: Deadly Snacks At Sorrento’s having a late night snack. The other 4 were grouped together, sitting at one of the tables lining one the long hallway. “listen, I’m tired… I think I’m going to go to bed…” said scsw’s wife. “okay, I will meet you up at the room” scsw replied. After a couple of minutes, having finished his pizza, he got up. Walking towards the elevator, he nodded towards the four men sitting at the table. Turning around he saw a small glint. He stopped mid-turn and turned back. Underneath one of the mans shirts was a gun. He quickly turned around, but was a bit to sudden about it. 2 of the four men got up quickly and grabbed his arms, pinning him. “so you saw my gun?” The framer asked. “um, no sir. I d… didn’t see a…anything…” stuttered the Prisoner’s trapped victim. “well, either way, we can’t have you go telling the authority’s about us, can we?” asked the Framer. “wh…what are you going to do to me?” asked scsw “well isn’t it obvious?” the framer asked. Pulling out the gun, he attached a silencer and shot a muffled shot. Scsw’s body fell lifeless to the floor. “we are going to kill you… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joe’s Student walked out of the stateroom. Walking towards the elevator, he heard a muffled noise, something that sounded like a shot. He jumped, and at the same moment, something plowed into him. Js, being caught off guard was rocketed towards the railing that, being on the ninth floor, was a drop off of 4 storys. At the last moment, JS looked at his attacker. He wore a black uniform with four letters that he couldn’t make out, but guessed that it spelt SWAT. Shortly after wondering why a SWAT agent would attack him, he was rocket over the rail. The SWAT agent , being satisfied, walked back towards the staircase. He had done his job for tonight. However, what he didn’t see was Joe’s student hanging onto the decorative net that was attacked to the wall. Taking a deap breath and letting his heart rate return to normal, he climbed back onto the balcony. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the sun rose, the morning announcements came on, but instead of the normal announcement, a distorted voice came on… “ We have managed to convince our member of the Secret Duo that their best chance of victory is to side with the baddies. To prove that he agrees with this course, he has given us the ID of his partner. His name is Abhisk. We would like to see him lynched to prove that he is the member of the Secret Duo. If he is not, then it would appear that we have a traitor in our midst.” Host: Mekal Co-host: Brandonb Ship Manifest: 1) Kat 2) Akaslickster 3) Scsw - DEAD Killed by: Prisoners 4) Limey 5) RainThinker 6) Abhisk 7) GMaster479 8) underground_dan 9) woon 10) crazypainter 11) SG 12) Marth 13) GC 14) JS It is now Day 1! Port of call: at sea. The day will end at 8:00pm central.
sorry, 8:00 central, my time. so 9:00 for you... I think...probably around 8:15 though...
k... I lengthened the night 3 hours, so only one more hour to get those PM's in... night post should be up by 8:00 *starts thinking about styles of death*
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Intro: They want revenge… Time: 8: 26pm Date: 6/15/09 Location: Florida state prison. The night before the RCD(royal Caribbean disaster) In the exercise yard, the prisoners were chatting about their old lives and such, like what they going to do when they got out of prison, if they ever did. But in the shadows of the exercise yard, the Techie smiled. He already had a plan to escape; he just needed a few… volunteers. Approaching a trio who were boasting about their wives and girlfriends, The Techie began to think about his “Sales Pitch”. “My girlfriend is a hot blond and chose ME out of at least 20 other guys that were drooling after her” boasted one of the men. “Pardon me” interrupted the Techie,” but I have been watching you for around 30 minutes and all you have managed to do is talk about your girlfriends, which my bet is that they don’t even exist” One of the men stepped out in front. “Who appointed you the judge of us?” Coolly, The Techie replied. “Nobody, But I was just wondering, what are you going to do once you get out?” All three of the men laughed. The man that stepped up spoke again. “I don’t think you get it. We are in here for LIFE! I killed 7 people, this one framed a person and made out with 3 billion dollars, and this one beat up the attorney general and threatened him until he gave him 500 grand! We are on death row man!” Perfect, thought the Techie… Time: 3:12 Date: 6/16/09 Location: Miami SWAT HQ “ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! YOU LET HIM ESCAPE!!! AGAIN!!!” Yelled the newly promoted S.W.A.T captain. He was tracking the elusive Terrorist that had escaped from The Oasis of the Seas. He had recently been seen on the coast of Florida. The S.W.A.T agent was guessing that he was attempting to get to another country via boat. “HOW ON EARTH DID 26 TEAMS OF 7 MANAGE TO LET ONE PERSON ESCAPE!!!” The S.W.A.T agent screamed, continuing on his rampage. One of the team leaders begain to stutter out an answer. “w-w-well he m-m-managed to go down th-th-through a man hole…” “And yet a person with no knowledge of underground Miami escapes a humongous force of the best trained officers in the country?” stated the S.W.A.T agent, beginning to calm down. “Well, we think he is heading for the docks…” “Well, then what are waiting for? I want a list of all the ships in the yard and when they are scheduled to leave!!!” Immediately, people started shuffling towards their desks… Time: 8: 39pm Date: 6/15/09 Location: Florida state prison. The night before the RCD. The Techie began his plan. “Okay, so we will meet at 2:23. that is 2 minutes until the changing of the guard. As they change, we will sneak in and cut the fence. They rigged the fence so that the alarm will go off if it is cut, so we will have to run exactly 23 meters and to get to the Maintenance tunnel where we will walk until we meet a long time friend …” Time: 2:31am Date: 6/16/09 Location: Florida State Prison The 4 prisoners ran like all hell was loose. The “plan” hadn’t gone as they wanted it to. To start it off, the guard came 3 minutes too early, and it had just gone down from there. The killers supposed death blow missed, only glancing off the guards head. It took 3 more seconds for one of the prisoners to hit him again to knock him out, but not in time to stop him from setting off the alarm. It took them even longer to find the loppers than they expected, and by the time they were through the fence, almost all the guards in the high security prison were hot on their trail. The prisoners were around 10 meters from the maintenance tunnel when the first bullets started firing… Time: 3:18pm Date: 6/16/09 Location: Miami SWAT HQ “I should have guessed...” mumbled the SWAT agent. He was looking at a list of the boats leaving the Port of Miami. One of the names stood out. The Freedom of the seas. He turned towards the nearest Mission handler. “You, Come with me.” In a matter of minutes, The SWAT agent and his mission handler were geared up and was heading out the door. Time: 2:32am Date: 6/16/09 Loaction: Under the Florida State Prison S***! Yelled one of the prisoners. He jumped a good 7 feet down the shaft. Enough to almost break his ankles. The other prisoners scrambled down the rungs. One of them started running down the maintenance tunnel when the techie called him back. “We are heading the other way.” He replied “What? That’s towards the prison!” the prisoner said “I know, it’s the way they won’t expect. Now hurry up before we get caught” The prisoner that jumped groaned loudly. “What about him?” said the prisoner “and where is Jake?” “Your friend got shot. As for him, we will have to carry him to the meeting point.” Replied the Techie. Wondering what he got himself into, the prisoner picked up his friend and started walking. 5 minutes later… “I think that it should be your turn to carry him.” The Prisoner Breathed. Around 2 minutes into the short hike, the prisoner with the busted ankles went unconscious “No need. We are here.” The staring Techie replied. After a couple minutes of clumsy climbing, the small band made it to the top. Awaiting was a large black van… Time: 3:46PM Date: 6/16/09 Location: Miami Port, In front of The Freedom of The Seas “Listen lady! We NEED to get in there! This is a national security issue! We don’t have time for us to go through registration!” The SWAT Agent’s Handler pleaded, or so it seemed. By now the SA was probably already on the boat. He was just the distraction. “Sir, it will just be one more second. If you could please wait…” But the lady was cut off by the Handler’s hand grabbing the 2 keys from the machine. In less than a second, he was through the doors running down the halls of the ship. Time: 3:44am Date: 6/16/09 Location: Ally behind a mafia owned Hotel The large van slowed to a stop.“Does it still hurt?” the driver asked. They had been driving for about an hour on their way to wherever they were going. The driver had iced the man’s legs and wrapped them when they were a safe distance away. The Prisoner, or now fugitive, had been slipping in and out of sleep for a while. A small groan was the reply that the driver assumed was a yes. Although with the arguing going on in the back of the car, he could be mistaken. “HE PROBABLY HAS BOKEN ANKLES, JAKE GOT SHOT, AND YOU ARE TAKING US SOME WHERE WITHOUT TELLING US WHERE!!!” shouted the only non-informed and injured prisoner. “It is not the where that is important, it’s the how.” The Techie calmly replied. “And the more you bug me, the more suspicious you will seem. Remember, I am not required to tell you all of my plans, just as you are not required to stay with me. But, before you make any hasty decisions, remember that they probably have every news station in Florida broadcasting this story. You won’t make it without me.” “Shut up” The driver said. The Techie was scilenced. ”now listen, I know the man who owns this place, he is a ‘business’ partner of mine, so don’t go screwing this up…” 10 and a half hours later… “Get up.” A harsh voice yelled. The 3 fugitives yawned and started slipping out of the comfortable beds. In 4 minutes, they were dressed and walking out of the Hotel. They slipped out through a side door into a blue Sudan. One of the fugitives wondered how they had gotten a new car, but relized that as long as it had 4 wheels, he was fine. They got into the car and drove off… At around 3:21, the 4 misfits arrived at the port of Miami. “This is where you are taking us? On a boat?” asked one of the fugitives. “Not just any boat, that boat.” The techie said as he pointed up to the massive white hull. Somehow, the prisoners managed to get onto the cruise ship without any trouble what so ever. They even got room keys. “One of the advantages of being a Hacker.” the Techie said while grinning… Time: 3:54 Date: 6/16/09 Location: On The Freedom of the Seas At one point, one of the 4 outlaws walked out of their room. He walked into the elevator and rode up to the Viking crown lounge. Getting out, the Prisoner walked around the circular room, making sure that none of his “buddies” had followed him. Satisfied that he was not being followed, he turned and headed over to sit down with a person. “Hello little sibling” said the man in the chair. “Hey” said the prisoner, not making eye contact. “do they know we are meeting? Will they be a problem?” asked the older sibling. “no. They can probably help, but this is a list of people who are going to be a problem if we don’t eliminate them.” The Prisoner handed over a small piece of paper with 12 names on it. “were going to have to stick together if we want to pull through with our plan…” came the reply. Suddenly, the ship honked its horn, signaling that it was time to depart from the harbor... Host 'Mekal' and his co-host 'Brandonb' are proud to present... CRUISE SHIP MAFIA 3 RULES OF THE SHIP The Day: It lasts 24 hours exactly, like always. During the day, everyone votes for someone to be lynched and thrown overboard. The Night: It will be 18 hours, and we must have all PMs in by that time (though if you’re a little late, I won’t really care). We both have school, so the night post will not be posted at the same time, usually later, but most likely within 24 hours. Excursions: every day that we are at a port of call (Itinerary will be posted in Intro ) I will post the available excursions at the end of the night post the night before. You may choose your excursion by PM. One excursion each day might lead to some insights which will be returned at the end of the day. Guide to Mafia:(<-LINK) Please consult Unreality's guide for all further info about how to conduct yourself while onboard the vessel. THE SHIPS BRAVE CREW AND GUESTS The Prisoners As a group they get to make one kill each night (they must choose which member of their BTSC will carry out the attack). They have BTSC and win as the last faction standing. The BTSC Prisoners know the ID of The Traitor. The Framer:(Starts with BTSC) Any day but not two in a row, may stop the lynch of a player that he can RID. However, he gives his true ID to the player that he saves. The Intimidator:(Starts with BTSC) Each night may choose a player to secretly beat-up. The Intimidator sends a message and a player ID to the host as his target. The host passes on the message to the target, and if The Intimidator selects the same player again the following night, he kills that player. The Techie:(Starts with BTSC) Each night he taps into the ship’s intercom system and makes a public announcement which will be posted in the night post. When the Techie is killed, his role is revealed. The Traitor: Knows the identities of all the prisoners and wins with them, but blends in with the regular passengers. But may not have BTSC until the prisoners choose to recruit him. Once recruited, takes on the ability of any prisoner that died before him. If no prisoner deaths have occurred at the time of recruitment, then the traitor has no ability. **If spied (before being recruited) just appears to be ‘medic’. If spied after being recruited he appears as ‘Traitor’. Independents Stage Magician: (Objective is to be the last one standing) A real magician who passes as an entertainer, he is using his talent for hypnosis to ever-expand his repertoire of abilities. Each night he may take both of two actions; 1-choose a player to hypnotize and learn their role PLUS how to use their ‘original unique’ ability (this does not kill his target.). 2-in addition he may use one of his collected abilities on any chosen target. *The Stage Magician is invincible for the first night and day. (If targeted during the first night he will be saved by a Doctor/Nurse, if targeted for lynch during first the day, he will be saved by The Framer). **If spied just appears to be ‘medic’ Secret Duo: (Objective is to be the last two [or one] standing) Two random BTSC players (one random Mafioso and one random Innocent). Between them they have an additional ability to save (never the same player 2X in a row), and an additional secret ability. **If either is spied, then they show up as their normal roles. The Innocents They win as the last faction Standing The Doctor: Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Gains BTSC with nurse if there is any interaction between them (If Nurse and Doctor choose to save the same player, or if the Doctor chooses to save Nurse, or visa versa.) **Cannot save the Mission Handler. **If spied just appears to be ‘medic’ The Nurse: Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Gains BTSC with Doctor if there is any interaction between them (If Nurse and Doctor choose to save the same player, or if the Doctor chooses to save Nurse, or visa versa.) **Cannot save the Registry Worker. **If spied just appears to be ‘medic’ The Minor Thief: A minor Thief who breaks into random staterooms for fun. Each night the Host PMs one of three random abilities (1-killing, 2-saving, or 3-block action) to the MT, and then the MT may select a player to use it against. Room Cleaner: After years of Cleaning rooms and seeing the ongoing of the cruise, The RC has finally gotten a promotion. The cleaner picks a player and then I tell them what the action is (1-cleaning[invulnerability for himself], 2-killing, 3-saving, 4-spy [received after the night post is made], 5-vote manipulation [override the chosen player’s vote to force him to secretly vote with the RC’s choice], or 6-choice of previous 5) to which the RC can either decline or carry out the action. **If vote manipulation is used on the Casino Junky, it will only effect one of his votes. Registry Worker: Holder of the ship’s manifest. Each night he may take a peek at the manifest to find out the role of a particular player. (PMs the Host the name of a player each night and the Host PMs their role following the night post). The Prison Guard: arrests a person for one night (must PM me the player's name before the day post). That player will be stuck and only able make only 1 post while in jail (or else they get gang beat and stay in the hospital for another day). The detainee may not use any night power while in prison. Casino Junky: Due to his gambling addiction, he must to make (1/4)*n predictions each night about what specific night actions will take place (Role-Y will choose Player-X, and may not predict any sort of inactivity). For each action he gets correct, he gets an additional vote in the following day’s lynch. If he gets all predictions correct, he strikes the jackpot and purchases the services of a bodyguard to protect him from attack for the night, on top of the additional votes. (the results of 1/4*n will always be rounded down but never equal less than 1, n=number of living players) S.W.A.T: A Expert in his field who kills for the Innocents. Since he is an accomplished fighter ever since the events on “Freedom of the Seas”, he was sent to eliminate the new threat. Kills any night but not two in a row. If the Mission Handler is attacked on the night that the SWAT is attacking someone, then the SWAT abandons his initial target and kills the player that is targeting the Mission Handler. (knows the ID of the Mission Handler) Mission Handler: The person who helps the SWAT keep updated. As long as the SWAT is alive, The Mission Handler cannot be killed. Once the SWAT dies, the Mission handler becomes a vengeful maniac gaining the following ability. Any night but not two in a row, the Mission Handler may choose to do only one of the two following actions: 1- Act as a vigilante and kill a chosen player. 2- Act as a bodyguard to a chosen player.*(see spoiler for details) Host: Mekal Co-host: Brandonb Ship Manifest: 1) Kat 2) Akaslickster 3) Scsw 4) Limey 5) RainThinker 6) Abhisk 7) GMaster479 8) underground_dan 9) woon 10) crazypainter 11) SG 12) Marth 13) GC 14) JS NIGHT 1 BEGINS
ya, sorry about that, I was sending them in bursts... 1 at a time... it should be there now... I think that i am going to start the game thread in around 20 minutes...
Ya, thats fine. lets get this cruise rolling! so we should be departing tomorrow!
Host 'Mekal' and his co-host 'Brandonb' are proud to begin selling tickets to... CRUISE SHIP MAFIA 3 Hurry up and get your name on the manifest before this boat departs! RULES OF THE SHIP The Day: It lasts 24 hours exactly, like always. During the day, everyone votes for someone to be lynched and thrown overboard. The Night: It will be 18 hours, and we must have all PMs in by that time (though if you’re a little late, I won’t really care). We both have school, so the night post will not be posted at the same time, usually later, but most likely within 24 hours. Excursions: every day that we are at a port of call (Itinerary will be posted in Intro ) I will post the available excursions at the end of the night post the night before. You may choose your excursion by PM. One excursion each day might lead to some insights which will be returned at the end of the day. Guide to Mafia:(<-LINK) Please consult Unreality's guide for all further info about how to conduct yourself while onboard the vessel. THE SHIPS BRAVE CREW AND GUESTS The Prisoners As a group they get to make one kill each night (they must choose which member of their BTSC will carry out the attack). They have BTSC and win as the last faction standing. The BTSC Prisoners know the ID of The Traitor. The Framer:(Starts with BTSC) Any day but not two in a row, may stop the lynch of a player that he can RID. However, he gives his true ID to the player that he saves. The Intimidator:(Starts with BTSC) Each night may choose a player to secretly beat-up. The Intimidator sends a message and a player ID to the host as his target. The host passes on the message to the target, and if The Intimidator selects the same player again the following night, he kills that player. The Techie:(Starts with BTSC) Each night he taps into the ship’s intercom system and makes a public announcement which will be posted in the night post. When the Techie is killed, his role is revealed. The Traitor: Knows the identities of all the prisoners and wins with them, but blends in with the regular passengers. But may not have BTSC until the prisoners choose to recruit him. Once recruited, takes on the ability of any prisoner that died before him. If no prisoner deaths have occurred at the time of recruitment, then the traitor has no ability. **If spied (before being recruited) just appears to be ‘medic’. If spied after being recruited he appears as ‘Traitor’. Independents Stage Magician: (Objective is to be the last one standing) A real magician who passes as an entertainer, he is using his talent for hypnosis to ever-expand his repertoire of abilities. Each night he may take both of two actions; 1-choose a player to hypnotize and learn their role PLUS how to use their ‘original unique’ ability (this does not kill his target.). 2-in addition he may use one of his collected abilities on any chosen target. *The Stage Magician is invincible for the first night and day. (If targeted during the first night he will be saved by a Doctor/Nurse, if targeted for lynch during first the day, he will be saved by The Framer). **If spied just appears to be ‘medic’ Secret Duo: (Objective is to be the last two [or one] standing) Two random BTSC players (one random Mafioso and one random Innocent). Between them they have an additional ability to save (never the same player 2X in a row), and an additional secret ability. **If either is spied, then they show up as their normal roles. The Innocents They win as the last faction Standing The Doctor: Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Gains BTSC with nurse if there is any interaction between them (If Nurse and Doctor choose to save the same player, or if the Doctor chooses to save Nurse, or visa versa.) **Cannot save the Mission Handler. **If spied just appears to be ‘medic’ The Nurse: Picks a target to save each night. Cannot pick the same target to save twice in a row. Gains BTSC with Doctor if there is any interaction between them (If Nurse and Doctor choose to save the same player, or if the Doctor chooses to save Nurse, or visa versa.) **Cannot save the Registry Worker. **If spied just appears to be ‘medic’ The Minor Thief: A minor Thief who breaks into random staterooms for fun. Each night the Host PMs one of three random abilities (1-killing, 2-saving, or 3-block action) to the MT, and then the MT may select a player to use it against. Room Cleaner: After years of Cleaning rooms and seeing the ongoing of the cruise, The RC has finally gotten a promotion. The cleaner picks a player and then I tell them what the action is (1-cleaning[invulnerability for himself], 2-killing, 3-saving, 4-spy [received after the night post is made], 5-vote manipulation [override the chosen player’s vote to force him to secretly vote with the RC’s choice], or 6-choice of previous 5) to which the RC can either decline or carry out the action. **If vote manipulation is used on the Casino Junky, it will only effect one of his votes. Registry Worker: Holder of the ship’s manifest. Each night he may take a peek at the manifest to find out the role of a particular player. (PMs the Host the name of a player each night and the Host PMs their role following the night post). The Prison Guard: arrests a person for one night (must PM me the player's name before the day post). That player will be stuck and only able make only 1 post while in jail (or else they get gang beat and stay in the hospital for another day). The detainee may not use any night power while in prison. Casino Junky: Due to his gambling addiction, he must to make (1/4)*n predictions each night about what specific night actions will take place (Role-Y will choose Player-X, and may not predict any sort of inactivity). For each action he gets correct, he gets an additional vote in the following day’s lynch. If he gets all predictions correct, he strikes the jackpot and purchases the services of a bodyguard to protect him from attack for the night, on top of the additional votes. (the results of 1/4*n will always be rounded down but never equal less than 1, n=number of living players) S.W.A.T: A Expert in his field who kills for the Innocents. Since he is an accomplished fighter ever since the events on “Freedom of the Seas”, he was sent to eliminate the new threat. Kills any night but not two in a row. If the Mission Handler is attacked on the night that the SWAT is attacking someone, then the SWAT abandons his initial target and kills the player that is targeting the Mission Handler. (knows the ID of the Mission Handler) Mission Handler: The person who helps the SWAT keep updated. As long as the SWAT is alive, The Mission Handler cannot be killed. Once the SWAT dies, the Mission handler becomes a vengeful maniac gaining the following ability. Any night but not two in a row, the Mission Handler may choose to do only one of the two following actions: 1- Act as a vigilante and kill a chosen player. 2- Act as a bodyguard to a chosen player.*(see spoiler for details) Host: Mekal Co-Host: Brandonb (Make sure all PMs go to both of us) Ship Manifest: 1) Kat (Reserved) 2) Akaslickster (Reserved) 3) Unreality (Reserved) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14)
also, just a couple details of inactivity. Although it is better than nothing, only making one post a day with your vote and no solid reason counts as inactivity. It may not get you kicked out but it still ruins the game if too many people do only this. ~Waves~
lol... no offense... but you do realize that you used the wrong spelling of their... it should be they're
Host: GMaster479 Co-Host: scsw 1. Clozobozo 2. Abhisk 3. Peace! 4. underground_dan 5. Limey 6. RPGBully 7. Eeeeep 8.Mekal 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. I'll go ahead and play on this one...
Seriously, religion Topics are getting to be a bit annoying. they are insulting, not to mention unethical. plus, we have enough of them. Religion is something chosen by an individual. and that is not something you should be arguing for or against. In my opinion, no religions are better than others. I just happen one more than the others, and that by attempting to say one religion is better, you are insulting that person. As my teacher once said: all religions are different paths to the same place
wait... I think i found something... reay, did you post any hints in your posts as to your role? If not, then I think you might be innocent...
Wait, let me get get this straight... The guy that I was arguing for and YOU against was killed by the wolves, and I am suspicious? That is really crapy reasoning... Put my vote down for reaymond