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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. that cant be good... night post + bonfire... im afraid
  2. you know what... im going to nick name all of you and say the most random things like "I think mochka is a mafiso," so i can annoy the heck out of people just to get back at your annoying posts that preety much just say "are you thinking about azien" or something along those lines
  3. MUWAHAHAHAHA And i would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling innocents
  4. That would be awesome. But what would be cooler is if there was NML(National Mafia Luege(i spelled that wrong.))
  5. that game sounds awesome. mabey i could start that game in my high school.
  6. hmm... a club that hates war... OF COURSE ILL JOIN! Drydung Lemonymelon Akaslickster Yellowsubmarine Greycells Unreality LIS Crazypainter F_I_F Twoaday Bobbob Nayana Pw0nzd Tolecnal Frost ROF Lenochka Mekal
  7. ooookaayyy... this is kind of awkward... it like theres an argument about me, yet im not even in it.... im sorry that i wasn't lynched? nayana: im glad that youll play mafia VII
  8. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    lol, i realized that the best stratagy was to look like a no0b
  9. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    But my ghost will haunt pengville FOREVER
  10. i told everyone that i was going to a waterpark for the rest of the day, so everyone knew that was the reason. im really sorry. you should still play.
  11. oh so youve already seen me sing the final countdown, and then die 5 minutes later?
  12. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    oh, sorry... i did look back at the sign up but there wasn't much i wanted to say
  13. Host: Unreality 1) GC - invincible first night 2) Frozen 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh (backup: Sinistral) 6) Ysan 7) LIS 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl 13) ROF 14)Mekal
  14. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    congrates innocents. You guys did amazing. at least i lived to the last day.
  15. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    and... NO CONTEST lol, you guys already caught me, im a QA, and ya, im the MoD, i hope frost dosn't get mad at me for telling you this before the day is over, but i cant win, not that i had much to work with. GC was a QA and Itachi was a mafiso, so i couldn't use any of there identity's. mind you, i laughed really hard when i found out my role is the same as last time. i think im getting attached to it
  16. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    ya okay. you caught me. thers no chance of me winning now. wait for it...
  17. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    how about we end it tomarrow. i SWEAR im an innocent now can we just wait till tommarow? frost will probably put the night post in the day post scince nothing can happen!
  18. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    ya, i will, HEALER, oh, wait on second thought, HEALER, or third thought,NINJA jk i am the healer, please believe me. also, if tolecnal is the pinguin, then that way nobody dies in the lynching, nobody dies at night, and i get my innocence confirmed. everybody wins.
  19. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    okay, then tolecnal dosent have to die, just let me prove my innocence tonight.
  20. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    1) Unreality - [spy] 2) Brandonb - [Janitor] 3) Frozen - [Possible Quarky] 4) Slick - [Penguin] 5) TwoaDay - [bomb] 6) Yoruichi-san - [Ninja] 7) Mekal - [Healer] 8) Itachi - [Mafia] 9) CrazyPainter - [shaman] 10) Cherry Lane - [Grim Reaper] 11) LIS - [Mafia] 12) Nayana - [Doctor] 13) Dawh - [inuit] 14) pw0nzd - [icon] 15) GC - [Quarky] 16) Dusty - [Defender] 17) Puzzlegirl - [Quarky] 18) Tolecnal - [Possible Quarky] 19) Rene83 - [Mafia] 20) Sinistral - [illusionist]
  21. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    okay, then if i cant get lie detected then i will propose this . we wait one more day, (it cant hurt scince the last QA (i still say tolecnal) cant kill) then, 2aday can lie detect me, and then tommarro if you still find me suspicious EVEN AFTER I AM PROVEN INNOCENT, then i will do a no contest.
  22. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    first off. then whos the healer, that right its ME, second off, i refuse to say a no contest unless everyone makes the poor decision of voting agianst me.
  23. Mekal

    Mythological Mafia

    acually, now i think frozen is the MOD , and he altered 2adays lie detect, and i am the person to get lynched, or if the illousionist is alive... i think he is just trying to avaid suspicioin. once again, I AM THE HEALER, haave fun lie detecting me if you want
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