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Everything posted by Mekal

  1. That was ALOT of fun ... i just went after the bomb, then y-san while the defender was still alive then finally y-san again... Anyways, can the PM please get me out of jail? i need to stop stealling the other prisoners phone tokens... *whisper* i think there going to gang beat me...
  2. wow... are you stupid or somthing... you just gave the QA's a target. not only that but you are going to get killed since none of the doctors are going to want to save you... if you wanted to die then you should have just not posted yesterday... or told UR to have a B-U replace you.
  3. Gosh, those other Prisoners really need to stop having such big pockets The Problem with that is that the mafia will immediately switch from the original person because they know that the doctor/healer was going to save that innocent... Edit: grammer
  4. I only said that because i was having horrible luck today... i don't REALLY need one, its just if the doctor wants to, then i am a canadite Edit: grammer
  5. okay, im sending this phone call using a token i stole from another prisoner yes, i am still in prison.(i never should have talked about my tax evasions ) the PM is holding me here cause i sent him a riddle to find out my role but i should be out soon because UR told him/her... see you guys later
  6. oh, thanks... No... Really? <_< oh well... with my luck the mafia will end up killing me. and just for the heck of it, can i get a doctor?
  7. hold on, i just got on... WHAT THE HECK???!!?!?!?! Someone please explain the logic here... so they take away my vote, then they arrest me?!?!?!? What have i done?!?!?!!!!! you know what... im going to work on the riddle. mabey figure out to the PM is so i can yell at him... Grumble grumble grumble...
  8. just so you know, being laid back can mean alot of things... one reason is that you don't want to draw attention if you are a baddie... another is that you are an innocent and you know that you can come out with your role if you need too... its very rare that you can get a baddie because the are laid back... it is just a style of playing. My personal style is to be more in the conversation.
  9. things: 1)What the heck? that was the most random choice, i hadn't even voted.... 2) well at least i dont have to think too hard 3) Phaze: i was voting for tolcnal because i thought it would turn out better... then i withdrew my vote realizing that we would get a fake... 4)Hope fully they wont notice my Tax Evasions over the years Edit: Rene: i wasn't rushing to lynch, i was just joking around...
  10. oh shoot, i just realized somthing (besides the fact that i REALLY need to go to bed), the QA's get somthing out of this ether way, i fwe don't lynch tolecnal, then they meet up. if we do and the GR is reaveiled, then that will make winning for the QA's alot easier. so think about it, the mafia wouldn't give the real identity of the GR, they would give a fake to keep the QA's from winning... so the new question is should we risk the QA's meeting up, or lynching tolecnal... this is a new ultimatum, so i am going to withdraw my vote for now... note once again WITHDRAW MY VOTE PLEASE. Edit:grammer
  11. accually, they cant really feed us more than 3 baddies, scince they have to find the QA's first... and plus with the ninja killing 2 nights in a row, we might be able to end up fine...
  12. good times... good times... oh wait, didn't i say i was going to bed? oh well, i have trouble sleeping when Mafia is going on. so, BrandonB has a point in that the bomb isn't going to help us that much, So, (im really sorry tolecnal) im going to vote for tolecnal (im pretty sure that i was going to not vote for the bomb anymore, what is mafia doing to my head? ) also, it will keep the QA's apart for now. Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost - voting for GC 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh - voting for LIS 6) Ysan 7) LIS 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl - voting for LIS 13) ROF 14) Mekal - voting for voting for tolecnal 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter - voting for LM 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty - voting for LIS 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal Edit: i am going to hate myself for a while after this. i just think it will end up being the best way...
  13. Okay, im going to bed in a second. (i have a tennis tournament) if im on before the day post, then ill vote for someone... but as for now... i am not voting. hopefully that does not make me inactive...
  14. ya, he has been oddly supporting the lynching of tolecnal... but i dont know... i think he is just looking at the ultimatum diffreantly then us...
  15. yes you do, it will be included with the QA kill.
  16. The Problem is, the mafia can just lie and just like that we lynched a fellow innocent... Edit:grammer
  17. hey, UR, was that the EXACT letter that the mafia PMed you, or did you spice it up a bit? Edit: also, how much time is left in this day...
  18. because its EXTREAMLY suspicious how i voted for the philosopher. anyway, here is my vote Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday - 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl 13) ROF 14) Mekal-LM 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal as you said, LM has been dodgy...
  19. that the spy should or should not spy on Tolecnal?
  20. hmm... mabey we should get the spy to check who tolecnal is... unless CL was the spy... dose anyone agree Edit: acually, i change my mind... the spy couldn't even tell us anyway unless he wanted his identity reveled...
  21. my post was only a note of the fact that i was just starting to see the clues... nothing like that since there are no clues. way to get suspicious about nothing. this game makes people way to paranoid...
  22. gosh, there finnally isn't hints and im just starting to find some. like the fact that frost had super human strength(he lifted the fridge) and he may be the defender or the ninja... oh well...
  23. okay, my idea is to wait till tolecnal is on, then let tolecnal chose... i don't think its really fair to her that we lynch her one the first day... but thats just me
  24. Host: Unreality 1) GC 2) Frozen 3) Frost 4) Brandonb 5) Dawh 6) Ysan 7) LIS 8) Clueless 9) Twoaday - not voting 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson 12) Puzzlegirl 13) ROF 14) Mekal-The philosopher (nobody) 15) Rene 16) CrazyPainter 17) Pw0nzd 18) Dusty 19) LM 20) Dnae 21) Tolecnal okay, my vote is in
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