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Everything posted by TwoaDay

  1. TwoaDay

    FACTION WARS History of planet lizx-12. For centuries, war has consumed lizx-12. The three factions have been fighting for global domination for as long as records have been written. Because of the way technology has advanced on lizx-12, the wars are fought in the air in SHV’s (Solo Hover Vehicle). All three factions use the same SHV’s so many fights are very balanced. No faction has ever gained significant ground and no great advancements have been made recently because research buildings are always targeted first. All the years of fighting has worn on the planets resources and population. It seems that soon the war will be coming to a close. All the factions are putting everything on the line for these final battles. RULES There are going to be 18 players and me, the host Each person will be randomly assigned a faction so there are 6 in each faction. Everybody’s factions are secret at the beginning of the game. Everybody has equal abilities, which faction you are on does not change what you can do. When all the members from two factions have been eliminated, all six members from the surviving faction win, it does not matter if they are alive or dead. Wars on lizx-12 consist of 24-hour days and 24-hour nights. IMPORTANT: you MAY PM ANYone at ANYtime to try to meet up with your faction, plan with your faction or try to find out others factions. Daytime actions: Once every two days each person may start a dogfight. To do this you must simply PM me the name of the person you would like to fight. If they are from your faction I will tell you but will not notify the other person, and you will not get to attack anyone. this means you may not attack again the next day. If you choose someone from a different faction, I will roll a die. 1,2=you win, they die, their faction is revealed to all. You are not revealed 3,4,5= you are evenly matched and retreat, you learn the faction your opponent is from. 6= you lose, you die and your faction is revealed to all. They are not revealed. Nighttime actions: Each person may participate every night they have not successfully killed someone the night before You may send me a PM saying that you would like to attack somebody and who you are going to attack them with. If the person you want to attack with sends me a PM saying they would like to attack the same person you are attacking and they say it will be with you then you automatically kill that person and their faction is revealed to the public. Also revealed is the faction of the killers. BUT… the person you attack with must be from your faction and you must attack someone from a different faction. If you fail to meet these criteria in any way, my response will be a PM saying attack failed. It will be mentioned in the day meeting: -if you attacked but the person you planned to attack with did not, I will say someone of faction tried to kill (insert name here) alone and failed -if you and the other person attack with each other and are of the same faction but attack diff. People OR some one from your faction I will say two (insert faction here) members met up but failed to kill anyone ALSO IMPORTANT: all day actions happen simultaneously or at least in a way that everybody can do what they wanted to. if you die during the day, you still could kill someone. same goes for night actions Yes its as simple as that, if this goes well I'll expand and make a more complex game Sign-up sheet 1. Randro (reserved) 2.Lost in Space (reserved) 3. clozobozo (reserved) 4. Twin bro (reserved) 5. Kat (reserved) 6. Idne (reserved) 7. Peace*out (reserved) 8. Star tiger (reserved) 9. Hellgate London (reserved) 10. Renan (reserved) 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. everyone that reserved, please confirm that you still want to play by posting the sheet in the thread, but remove the "(reserved)" from next to your name.
  2. TwoaDay

    cool game, i got rabbit
  3. TwoaDay

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    nice post, lets start day 2!!
  4. TwoaDay

    is anyone having trouble with these? plz tell me if there is a problem
  5. TwoaDay

    these are tough to make so i hope you like them each letter above the line represents a digit that has a difference of one from the digit represented by the same letter below the line. 1)the digits are 0,1,2,3,4,5 and 7 ..B E A U T Y +..B E A S T ___________ ..D I S N E Y 2) digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 ....P I X A R + M O V I E __________ ...W A L L E 3) digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 ..P R I N C E +...F R E S H ___________ ...B E L A I R what digit or digits are represented by each letter? (ignore periods plz)
  6. TwoaDay

    yes, very epic posts 1000
  7. TwoaDay

    ehh, a cat charmer is pretty much string on a stick, good riddle.
  8. TwoaDay

    well, at least you can stop being a fan right after you post.i think this is to have less negative posts
  9. It seems that if I go to someones account or one of my friends tries to click mine, it only works sometimes, btw my links on my page

  10. TwoaDay

    Not what I had but still correct
  11. TwoaDay

    It means if there was a C above the line and a C below the line they would have a difference of one. But anyway you are correct , this one was easy
  12. TwoaDay

    Matrix Thrill-ogy

    I don't know who to got for now, I wanted to vote for jarze and I'm not sue about CP being a baddie, hopefully I get on again before the day ends
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