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Everything posted by Aaryan

  1. Aaryan

    EST, count me in.
  2. Aaryan

    Hmm... Time zone differences would make a problem, along with things like no Internet. That would leave some people at an unfair advantage.
  3. Aaryan

    One Up Me

    ...he's in a lot of portraites.
  4. Aaryan

    How about The "random conversationalists" o.O that's a real word...
  5. Hey Cubie you should sign up for mafia! Unreality has a guide pinned to the games section and there is a Newbie Mafia signup by Hirkala. Try it!!

  6. Aaryan

    Newbie Mafia

    Hey araver can I co-host?
  7. Aaryan

    I like the analogy Anon used for Jalebi, so put me up as a pro. Guess the person I'm talking about (the clue is not reall, just an example of what it's kinda like)
  8. Aaryan

    Good luck in College :)

    What degree are you going for?

  9. Aaryan

    In a fewdays, because I have to make the riddles AND contact the people I need.
  10. Aaryan

    Good to have you back, Kmaster.
  11. Aaryan

    hey Shadow, Night Post?
  12. Aaryan


    he'll START one.
  13. Aaryan

    Sixy Rollo

    CARBON If 1, then B is fourth because the only change from CARTON to CARBON was T->B and the score added one.
  14. Hey Yodell I'm wondering if you'd like to play Riddle Scavenger hunt; it's a game I made.

  15. Aaryan

    Team 1: Thalia, Silver Surfer, TheCube, peace Team 2: KlueMaster, Anon26, Akriti MozzyMokala (Team 3): Yuli, Izzy, Maurice, Hirkala, Latest update.
  16. Aaryan

    Ok, if we can get one more person for Team 2 (even better we can have more teams!), then we can start.
  17. Aaryan

    Eat Poop You Cat VIII

    Odd - Caption / Even - Drawing 1. TheCube - sent to maurice 2. momo - sent to Aura 3. Aura - sent to peace 4. peace is out - sent to MoMa 5. MoMa - sent to Andromeda 6. andromeda - sent to Q-Cumber 7. Q-Cumber - sent to plainglazed 8. plainglazed - sent to Izzy 9. Izzy - sent to EDM Shadow7 10.Shadow7 - sent to Aaryan 11. Aaryan-sent to EDM 12. EDM? 13. Framm - pending a drawer signs up in the 12 spot.
  18. Well... Since the year is winding down my enlist teacher is letting us basically just do our fairy tales. But we are reading a little bit of Twelfth Night.

  19. Sorry, biology.

  20. Aaryan

    One Up Me

    It was easily broken.
  21. English...

    But in Middle School we had Englistory, because English and History classes wereright next to each other so we had both... THAT was cool.

  22. Aaryan

    Xxxx Rollo

    INCAPABLE no insinuation
  23. Aaryan


    It's ok, just make sure next time you know the RULES
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