Switching up the game a little just for giggles.
1 letter point for correct position
0.5 letter points if the letter is immediately to the right or left of the correct position
***Example game***
SHAKE - Word to guess
1. HANDY - 1 : 0.5 each for HA
2. CAKED - 1.5 : 0.5 each for AKE
3. HOUSE - 1.5 : 1 for E and 0.5 for H : 0 for S since it is not next to the correct position
4. SHIEK - 3 : 1 each for SH, 0.5 for E and 0.5 for K
5. ASCOT - 0.5 : 0.5 for S
I will include the above in a spoiler for all guess results along with any clarifications you all need. Proving letters should be fun!
***Actual game***
1. GRAPH - 0
2. SUCKS - 1.5