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Everything posted by Akriti

  1. Akriti

    well, this is not a riddle but a question that ni had on my mind since a very long time.......... We all know that when ever we feel the presene of someone near us without touching, it is because of wave nature of matter (particle has dual nature- wave and particle). But many people have a sensation when they are dealing with ghosts. So , does this tells that ghosts are matter. But as far as i know ghosts are out of the science world?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!
  2. Akriti

    nope sorry Wow thats a lot of guesses. But no to all.
  3. Akriti

    i knew that too but i am a little late to tell the answer first as jmr did't use spoilers
  4. Akriti

    Hmmm ....... i used all the symbols that are present on the keyboard. well , i know that the puzzle is really difficult.So,
  5. Akriti

    He bought only one girl mouse. How can only one mouse mate!!!!
  6. Akriti

    nope nice guess but sorry no
  7. when are more of "detective smith" coming?

    really eager for them!! :P

  8. Akriti

    come on try........................ plz.............. ???????????????????? :unsure:
  9. Akriti

    I could be on the river or in the desert I could be in the swamp or a sparkling city I am rather rectangular and can make lots of noise What am i?
  10. Akriti

    i know thats not gonna be right
  11. Akriti

    1. Quag 2. Q-Cumber 3. peace 4. Akriti 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  12. Akriti

    thats a vey old riddle
  13. Akriti

    i never said it to be solved here its afternoon .so didnt know that :unsure: Ah I got my mistake. Plz ignore the solved part!!! That was my bad!!my mistake!!! SORRY!!
  14. Akriti

    Onc upon a time a policeman went to a place that was suspected to be the home of a criminal. There he found this note. Can u help him to decote it..... o()~_A~oA-{-[-!A(%{(%$A}-A=~[-Ao(A~oo~%$Ao=-Ao=-~o`-#(-`A~!)A$?)!~"A=?^=}=-o=-`A}-A=~[-Ao(A^/`)-`A=?^A(`A!(oA}?{{A+-Ao=-A!-*oA(`)-`A(]Ao=-A+(&&=}-A=~[-Ao(A$--"A=?^A~oAo=-A"`-[?(/&A=-~);/~`o-`&A(]Ao=-A#~!#
  15. Akriti

    Hope this one is not as bad as the previous one!!!! :P
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