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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver

    It looks insanely complicated, but does the trick. Kudos Kornrade . And welcome to the den! I'm looking forward to reading your contributions.
  2. araver


    POISE - if 1 then _ _ _ _ T since O is known, MOCHA-1, POISE-1 therefore MOIST-2. POESY - if 2 then _ _ _ S _ since O is known, POLES-1, STERN-0, RELAY-0 therefore POESY-2. If POISE>1 and POESY=1 then _ _ I _ _ since O is known so POESY-1, POLES-1, GRATE-0 therefore POISE-2
  3. araver

    Welcome to BrainDen!
  4. araver

    I've given some thought on this and failed once. It still looks possible, but I think resorting to some sort of computer program might be needed to get it right. For now, my failed attempt: And rest of my thoughts
  5. araver

    Thank you for the compliment. But the beauty of proposing a puzzle on BD is that people usually come up with ideas/answers/strategies different than your own. This is why you should read their arguments or at least comment if you accept their answers. My argument is that considering the first answer is completely random breaks the consistency assumption mentioned in the puzzle. You have chosen neither to approve nor deny that. But if it's true, it makes my solution valid, and your previous response "To ask them about(the next question),will not force them to tell the truth,they will remain totaly "at random" to the first question whatever it is." false. Secondly, for your hint
  6. araver

    OK, so any hosts for CtC 9? Octopuppy, do you wish to play the mean-algorithm now?
  7. araver


    USERS +10 maurice +20 Glycereine +10 araver PEPSI - 0 PAPER - 0 LASTS - 1 WATER - 0 SKIPS - 1 ASHES - 2 ASHED - 1 CORNS - 1 ACHED - 0 TSARS - 3 USERS - 5 Updated scores: Glycereine - 777 plainglazed - 615 Cherry Lane - 532 maurice - 462 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 384 Unreality - 284 Maquis - 247 araver - 209 dawh - 205 t8t8t8 - 190 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 111 JarZe - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5 Glyc, you're up.
  8. araver


    _ S _ _ S +10 maurice PEPSI - 0 PAPER - 0 LASTS - 1 WATER - 0 SKIPS - 1 ASHES - 2 ASHED - 1 CORNS - 1 ACHED - 0 TSARS - 3
  9. araver


    _ S _ _ S +10 maurice PEPSI - 0 PAPER - 0 LASTS - 1 WATER - 0 SKIPS - 1 ASHES - 2 ASHED - 1 CORNS - 1 ACHED - 0
  10. araver


    Yeah, sorry about that. _ _ _ _ S +5 maurice PEPSI - 0 PAPER - 0 LASTS - 1 WATER - 0 SKIPS - 1 ASHES - 2 ASHED - 1 CORNS - 1
  11. araver


    _ _ _ _ S +5 maurice PEPSI - 0 PAPER - 0 LASTS - 1 WATER - 0 SKIPS - 1 ASHES - 2 ASHED - 3 CORNS - 1
  12. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ PEPSI - 0 PAPER - 0 LASTS - 1 WATER - 0 SKIPS - 1 ASHES - 2
  13. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ PEPSI - 0 PAPER - 0 LASTS - 1 WATER - 0
  14. araver


    Thanks maurice _ _ _ _ _
  15. araver

    Secret of Mana Mafia

    Sage Joch: LJ 1. Molly 2. maurice 3. Framm 4. Segul 5. araver 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Backups: 1. NickFleming Guess I'll be a redshirt for this one too.
  16. araver


    Yup it's a little incomplete because it doesn't say CHEAT=0. CHATS = CARDS = CAKES = 1. because CANDY = 0, CHEAT = 0. Which leaves _ _ATS, _ _RDS and _ _ KES =1. You can't have any combination of third letter from one word and fourth letter from another word covering all 1's so you need at least one fifth letter to be correct. But the fifth is S therefore _ _ _ _ S
  17. *cough* baddie vote manipulation *cough*
  18. araver

    That's why I said its not so clear. However the trick should work because: 1) One decides whether he chooses to be a truth-teller or a liar before answering the question. 2) When evaluating/reading the question they know they are and forever will be either a truth-teller or a liar. This way, they are forced to answer to any question regarding the future, since they now their allegiance now (truth-teller, liar). 1 cannot be false since otherwise they cannot answer the first question as a truth-teller or a liar. They need to look and interpret the question. 2 cannot be false since it follows logically from 1 and the OP "And as he did he will be fixed to that persona and will not change it( i.e.If he tells the truth,will always tell the truth, if he lied,will always lie)" Wolfgang, I understand you tried to create a random outcome of the first question but it's just not possible in the context of this OP. They cannot at the same time be random for the first question AND decide to be truth-teller or liar for all eternity. They need to look at the question and interpret/evaluate it before answering. There's no way to come up with a YES/NO answer without looking at the question. - what if they choose No and the question is "Are you going to tell the truth forever?". Contradiction since both truth-teller and liars answer Yes to that question. - what if they choose Yes and the question is "Are you going to lie forever?". Contradiction since both truth-teller and liars answer No to that question. So, you cannot choose the answer randomly without looking at the question and afterwards claiming either to be a truth-teller or a liar (depending on the answer). You break consistency that way. They need to decide before answering and need to look and interpret the question.
  19. araver


    Correct reasoning, although not very explicit. LOTUS
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