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Everything posted by araver

  1. araver

    UN Mafia

    ----------------------------------- Act 6 Dawn came and one by one, delegates came into the central room. No one cared about breakfast anymore. They quickly glanced around and noticed that for the first time, only one of them was missing. The Hooded Figure appeared, somewhat earlier. Even his glance was less dark than the first night. "Gentlemen, you know the drill. And by the way, let me wish you a Merry Christmas. Well, to be honest, one of you will not. And remember, there is no excuse from voting." Hooded Figure: Araver 1. Blahblah 2. DarthNoob - Lynched and found to be North Korea 3. Hirkala 4. EDM - Killed by Secret Alliance 5. JS - Lynched and found to be Afghanistan 6. Framm - Killed by Secret Alliance 7. Slick /Petrus - IMPRISONED by Australia until N4 8. Segul - Killed by Canada 9. maurice 10.firno 11. golfjunkie Day 3 ends at 11 PM EST December 26th (almost 3+24=27 hours). Reminder: No vote = Random lynch from all living and non-imprisoned players. Tie = Random lynch from all tied players. Imprisoned players cannot vote and cannot be voted. Clarification on the leaving part/vote weight: Rules say that if a player is able to leave, his vote counts x0. But since the host cannot be sure that he is actually able to leave until AFTER the lynch (since surviving the lynch is necessary for leaving), the vote counts x1 until the lynch is over. I think Molly left me a little paradox to solve here and I should have clarified that statement in the rules before. Let me know if there's something unclear about this rule.
  2. araver

    UN Mafia

    Act 5 The australian was out again tonight with another gadget from his collection. The robot crawled underneath Petrus' door and found the nearest heat emanating target - Slick. As robots cannot be confused by replacements, as soon as Slick started to move, the trap sprung. The robot crawled to his body and took the drop of blood then started broadcasting. Somewhere near, someone's control beeped once then started retransmitting to the nearest satellite. An answer will be in until daybreak. ----------------------------------- Somewhere else in the complex, the quiet American was contemplating the events of the last days. Based on what he had heard, tried to narrow down China by scribbling his piece of paper. The table looked a step closer to being complete. Still room for the unknown, but he decided he this try would have better chances. This time, the Hooded Figure had to be searched for. He found him in the hallway and passed him the piece of paper. The Figure smiled and nodded slowly. Up and down. ----------------------------------- Even less spying went on that night. End of Act 5
  3. araver

    UN Mafia

    All actions in. Night-post coming up.
  4. araver

    UN Mafia

    Petrus is replaced because of inactivity by Slick. 1. Blahblah 2. DarthNoob - Lynched and found to be North Korea 3. Hirkala 4. EDM - Killed by Secret Alliance 5. JS - Lynched and found to be Afghanistan 6. Framm - Killed by Secret Alliance 7. Slick 8. Segul - Killed by Canada 9. maurice 10.firno 11. golfjunkie
  5. araver


    BOUGH - if 0 then C _ _ _ _ since only change from COUGH-1. if 1 then I'm barking the wrong tree
  6. araver


    BOXES - if 0 then _ _ N _ _ only change from BONES-1
  7. araver

    UN Mafia

    Forgot to mention Night 3 will end when I have all actions in! Day 3 will be more than 24 hours to compensate.
  8. araver

    UN Mafia

    Act 4(continued) Discussions started slowly on this day, as people were not sure what had happened the previous night. Accusations started early and puzzle pieces were gathered. But the center of the puzzle still remained unknown. And some refused to participate. Three votes were pinned on one of those that chose not to defend. And they waited for the day to end. As the day ended, the delegates began to stir again. They all thought that the end was near and had plans for the future. "Is it over? Did we won?" "Gentlemen, I see some of you have reached a decision. Very well, I will take Afghanistan with me", said the Hooded Figure and made JS dissapear with a flash. "As to your questions, I believe you all read the rules and know what I am allowed to and what you are allowed to. Night awaits you." 1. Blahblah 2. DarthNoob - Lynched and found to be North Korea 3. Hirkala 4. EDM - Killed by Secret Alliance 5. JS - Lynched and found to be Afghanistan 6. Framm - Killed by Secret Alliance 7. Petrus 8. Segul - Killed by Canada 9. maurice 10.firno 11. golfjunkie End of Act 4
  9. araver

    UN Mafia

    Day will still end at 11 PM EST, but daypost will be up only one hour after. Sorry about that, but I skipped too much sleep lately. If Framm is around and wants to write the post, he has my blessing (and all my knowledge on PM).
  10. araver

    And the abridged version as promised to Slick: United Federation of Planets / Starfleet ------------------- WinCon: Wins if all Dominion forces are dead (including Odo if he chooses to side with them). Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Human) - Action: Cannot be killed at night. His word carries weight (x0, x1, x2) depending on where he chooses to put that weight. Has BTSC with William Riker. Captain William T. Riker (Human) - Action: Plays the role of fate - can redirect one person at night. Has BTSC with Picard. Captain Ben Sisko (Human) - Action: Can block a person each night. If Worf dies, his block ability is replaced by a trap ability. (Block/Trap) Lt. Commander Worf (Klingon) - Action: Trap a player for the night. He has a 50% chance of finding out his role. (Trap) Lt. Commander Data (AI) - Action: His logical reasoning serves him best, yet sometimes he needs a human’s gut-feeling to make him reach his target. He can ask the host two yes or no questions each night.(Oracle) Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge (Human) - Action: Using his VISOR he can see people’s true colors, but only if he focuses on one area. (Spy one target per night) Lt. Thomas Riker (Human) - Action: Can’t help himself to take out people standing in his way (Kill) Lt. Julian Bashir (Human) – Action: He’s eager to use his skill to save someone even if they just met. (Save) The Dominion – Have BTSC. -------------------- WinCon: Win by majority and only if both Picard and Sisko are dead. Female Changeling (Founder) - Action: Follows her target and assumes his abilities. Does not forget any stolen ability, but can only use one per night and only if she forfeits using her Changeling ability that night. If spied upon, she assumes the form of a random Starfleet player (Steal and gather abilities). Weyoun(Vorta) - Action: Can follow one person each night and learn his role. If he spies Odo, his identity is revealed to Odo only. If Odo already chose to side with the Dominion, he joins the BTSC. (Spy) First Omet'iklan (Jem’Hadar) - Action: Each night can choose to either draw his weapon and engage in combat with the enemy (Block) or "shroud" themselves, a form of camouflage that acts as a personal cloaking field (Invulnerable to kill). If the Vor’ta is dead, his ketracel white reserves will be depleted and his block is replaced by a Kill. Will die and take his target with him if the Founder is targeted for a successful kill / RID Kill. Gul Dukat (Cardassian) - Action: Can follow a target each night and tell which person they visited. He can “sweet-talk” someone during the day to forget his vote (Make one vote count x0) Romulan Star Empire ---------------------------- WinCon: Successfully RID Kill 2 out of 3 secret targets selected by host before the game starts. If two of her targets are killed by others or is lynched, no new targets are added but ability and WinCon is changed: she can kill instead of RID Kill and can only win if she’s the last one standing. Commander Sela (Romulan) - Action: Can RID Kill at night. Her RID Kill takes precedence over both Starfleet and Dominion kill. Is able to make her vote count x2 during the day (only if she chooses to via PM). Indy ---------------------------- WinCon: Win with the faction of his choice. Odo (Changeling) - Action: He must decide to join a faction (Starfleet or the Dominion) in N1. If he does not choose, the host will choose for him. He does not have a night action but as a Changeling has the ability to appear as a random Starfleet when spied.
  11. araver

    Well, I got half of the characters from the Next Generation and half from Deep Space Nine hence the Dominion Wars theme (which is common and happened during DS9 time with all TNG characters in). But feel free to write up a Borg-themed one. I did not have inspiration for one, but I'll definitely play one
  12. araver

    I'll prepare a short version (no bios - actions only)
  13. araver

    Brontson's Team: [1] Framm [2] Araver [3] ... I second that
  14. araver

    *shrug* If that comes up, sure, but it's been idle for a very long time now.
  15. araver


    QUIET +10 maurice +20 plainglazed +9 araver TOWER - 1 SLATE - 0 FUDGE - 1 POWER - 1 NUDGE - 1 PUREE - 2 HUMOR - 1 PURSE - 1 PARSE - 0 QUIET - 5 Scores: Glycereine - 788 plainglazed - 684 maurice - 654 Cherry Lane - 532 Maquis - 445 araver - 426 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 384 Unreality - 284 dawh - 225 t8t8t8 - 190 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 116 JarZe - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5 Panther - 5
  16. araver


    _ U _ E _ +10 Maurice TOWER - 1 SLATE - 0 FUDGE - 1 POWER - 1 NUDGE - 1 PUREE - 2 HUMOR - 1 PURSE - 1 PARSE - 0
  17. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TOWER - 1 SLATE - 0 FUDGE - 1 POWER - 1 NUDGE - 1 PUREE - 2 HUMOR - 1
  18. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TOWER - 1 SLATE - 0 FUDGE - 1 POWER - 1 NUDGE - 1
  19. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TOWER - 1 SLATE - 0 FUDGE - 1 POWER - 1
  20. araver


    Yes, did not scroll back for that Here it is now: _ _ _ _ _ TOWER - 1 SLATE - 0 FUDGE - 1
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