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Everything posted by araver

  1. Added Star Trek Mafia Signups as the queue is empty at the moment. If anyone wants to host another mafia in between UN Mafia and Star Trek Mafia, let me know.
  2. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TOWER - 1 FUDGE - 1
  3. araver

    This will start after UN Mafia, as there is no other Mafia on queue. Host: Araver 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Backups 1. 2. 3.
  4. araver

    Intro ------ Around 2373, shortly after discovering a Wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant, the nations of the Alpha Quadrant encounter one of the biggest military force they have ever seen - The Dominion. The Dominion moves to establish a foothold in the Alpha Quadrant by admitting the Cardassian Union as members of the Dominion. Diplomatic moves establish a neutrality with the Romulan Star Empire. Tensions rise as Dominion Changelings penetrate the Federation and the Klingon Empire and lead to an all-out war in the Alpha Quadrant. Trapped in the Alpha Quadrant by the Federation minefield and without reinforcements, the Dominion has to break the blockade. Alpha Quadrant alliance needs to stop the Dominion's forces from conquering key strategic points in the quadrant and find a long-term solution to block the wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant. Join this war and ensure this battle is won by your faction! United Federation of Planets / Starfleet -------------------------------------------------- WinCon: Wins if all Dominion forces are dead (including Odo if he chooses to side with them). Captain Jean-Luc Picard - Captain of the USS Enterprise, a celebrated and well-respected Starfleet officer, archaeologist and diplomat that witnessed and played a key role in major turning points of galactic history. He favors taking risks and is a brilliant tactician in warfare. He believes in peace and the strength of alliances, both during peace times and war times. Famous quote – “Reports of my assimilation have been greatly exaggerated” Action: Cannot be killed at night. His word carries weight (x0, x1, x2) depending on where he chooses to put that weight. Has BTSC with his First Officer. Captain William T. Riker – First officer of USS Enterprise, refused to accept a command even after being field-promoted as Caption during the first invasion of the Borgs. Famous quote: "Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise". Action: Plays the role of fate - can redirect one person at night. Has BTSC with his Captain. Captain Ben Sisko – Commanding officer of the Deep Space 9 station and the USS Defiant. He blames his wife’s death on Picard who was leading the Borg attack at Wolf 359 after being assimilated by the Borg. Due to his exemplary leadership, he is promoted from commander to captain and becomes a key leader of Federation forces against the Dominion. He will break his or Starfleet principles if he sees no other way to win a war. Famous quote: “Ignorance to what is to come is the most important thing to understand about humans. It is the unknown that defines our existence. We are constantly searching, not just for answers to our questions, but for new questions. We explore our lives day by day, and we explore the galaxy, trying to expand the boundaries of our knowledge.” Action: Can block a person each night. If Worf dies, his block ability is replaced by a trap ability. Lt. Commander Worf – The first Klingon to enter and graduate the Starfleet Academy. Has served as a Lt. and Lt. Commander on the USS Enterprise before moving to DS9 and subsequently to USS Defiant. Famous quote: “If winning is not important, then, Commander - why keep score?“ Actions: Trap a player for the night. He has a 50% chance of finding out his role. Lt. Commander Data – Second officer on the USS Enterprise. A Soong-type android, the first and only such being to ever enter Starfleet. Unfortunately, being the only android in the service, the natural disinclination to attribute command abilities and respect to an artificial being - as well as the long-undetermined issue of his self-determination rights - hampered Data's command advancement and led to service in operations division only. As a tactician, Data devised the first known defense to the Picard Maneuver. Famous quote: “I come from a town so small, we had a fraction for a zip-code. -... - It was so small, in fact, we didn't have a godfather of crime, we had a nephew.” Action: His logical reasoning serves him best, yet sometimes he needs a human’s gut-feeling to make him reach his target. (Oracle - He can ask the host two yes or no questions each night.) Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge - Chief Engineer on the USS Enterprise. Due to a birth defect, he was born blind. He received a VISOR (Visual Instrument and Sensory Organ Replacement) rendering him able to see in the infrared and ultraviolet ranges and beyond. His excelent technical and analytical abilities as well as his versatility and his cooperative leadership style earned him quick promotions from Lt (junior grade) to Lieutenant and then to his present position. Famous quote: “I think it's the universal greeting when you don't like someone.(answering Riker’s statement "Photon torpedo. Isn't that the universal greeting when communications are down?")” Action: Using his VISOR he can see people’s true colors, but only if he focuses on one area. (Spy one target per night) Lt. Thomas Riker - A result of a transporter accident in 2361 that created two William Thomas Rikers, genetically indistinguishable from each other, with personality and memories identical up to the point of the duplication. He was stuck on Nervala IV alone for 8 years until he was rescued by Enterprise. He remained an impulsive and reckless person, as opposed to his cautious and duty-driven counterpart who served as first officer under Picard. He joined the Maquis resistance, stole USS Defiant from DS9, and was captured and imprisoned in a labor camp on a Cardassian planet. Famous quote: “Looks like you got your evening all planned. Hope you've got room for the unexpected” Action: Can’t help himself to take out people standing in his way (Kill) Lt. Julian Bashir – Deep Space 9 chief medical officer. Although Human, his parents had him illegally genetically enhanced when he was a child because he could not keep up with his peers. The procedure made him mentally superior to most humans, and greatly enhanced his physical abilities. Somewhat tactless, he nevertheless develops friendships with several of the station's residents. Famous quote “ Inter arma enim silent leges. "In time of war, the law falls silent." Cicero. So, is that what we have become - a 24th century Rome, driven by nothing other than the certainty that Caesar can do no wrong?” Action: He’s eager to use his skill to save someone even if they just met. (Save) The Dominion – Have BTSC. -------------------- WinCon: Win by majority and only if both Picard and Sisko are dead. Female Changeling (Founder) – a Founder chosen by the Great Link, a giant gelatinous sea of shapeshifters, to represent the interests of the Changelings in both the Gamma and Alpha Quadrants. Instigated a bloody, genocidal interstellar war in order to conquer their inhabitants and worlds and subjugate them to the rules of the Dominion: a major galactic political power established by the Founders to defend their interests at all costs. The Female Changeling harbored a particular mistrust and hatred towards non-Changelings - whom she referred to as solids - believing them to be infinitely inferior and unworthy beings by design. She was trapped in the Alpha Quadrant during the start of the Dominion War and helped coordinate the Dominion's war efforts. Famous quote: “You may win this war, Commander, but I promise you, when it is over, you will have lost so many ships, so many lives, that your "victory" will taste as bitter as defeat” Action: Follows her target and assumes his abilities. Does not forget any stolen ability, but can only use one per night and only if she forfeits using her Changeling ability that night. If spied upon, she assumes the form of a random Starfleet player (Steal and gather abilities). Weyoun(Vorta) - The Vorta are a humanoid species genetically engineered by the Founders of the Dominion to act as field commanders, administrators, scientists and diplomats. Vorta act as the commanders of the Jem'Hadar and are tasked with the distribution of ketracel-white, the drug that ensures the loyalty of the Jem'Hadar. Weyoun became a well-known Vorta in the Alpha Quadrant during the Dominion War, serving as the Dominion representative to the Cardassian Union. He is the only "Solid" that the Female Changeling claimed that she had ever trusted. Famous quote “Of course I'm paranoid, everyone's trying to kill me.” Action: Can follow one person each night and learn his role. If he spies Odo, his identity is revealed to Odo only. If Odo already chose to side with the Dominion, he joins the BTSC. (Spy) First Omet'iklan (Jem’Hadar) - The Jem’Hadar are a genetically engineered humanoid race from the Gamma Quadrant, the military arm of the Dominion and one of the most powerful military forces in the galaxy. The Jem'Hadar worship the Founders as gods, even if the vast majority of the Jem'Hadar have never actually seen a Founder. They have built their service to the shapeshifters into a religion, literally regarding the Founders as living gods, to the extent that the Jem'Hadar ritualistically commit suicide if they fail to protect a shapeshifter from harm. Jem'Hadar uniforms allow their wearers to be almost completely unaffected by many forms of anti-personnel force field. Famous quote: “I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This, we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember - victory is life!” Ability: Each night can choose to either draw his weapon and engage in combat with the enemy (Block) or "shroud" themselves, a form of camouflage that acts as a personal cloaking field (Invulnerable to kill). If the Vor’ta is dead, his ketracel white reserves will be depleted and his block is replaced by a Kill. Will die and take his target with him if the Founder is targeted for a successful kill / RID Kill. Gul Dukat - A Cardassian military officer known for both brutal actions and cunning schemes. He was a Cardassian military officer who was assigned command of Terok Nor, the mining station and command post in orbit of Bajor that was later known as Deep Space 9. He was the Prefect of Bajor in the final years of the Bajoran Occupation and opposed the Cardassian withdrawal from Bajor which damaged his career. After the withdrawal, Dukat became the commander of the Second Order in the Cardassian Military. He can be charming, generous, do the right thing and but also commit atrocities towards those he perceives as enemies. He negociated Cardassia’s entry in the Dominion. Famous quote: "Cardassia will be made whole. All that we have lost will be ours again. And anyone who stands in our way will be destroyed. This I vow with my life's blood: for my son, for all our sons." Action: Can follow a target each night and tell which person they visited. He can “sweet-talk” someone during the day to forget his vote (Make one vote count x0) Romulan Star Empire ---------------------------- WinCon: Successfully RID Kill 2 out of 3 secret targets selected by host before the game starts. If two of her targets are killed by others or is lynched, no new targets are added but ability and WinCon is changed: she can kill instead of RID Kill and can only win if she’s the last one standing. Commander Sela - A Romulan-Human hybrid; her mother was Lieutenant Natasha Yar of the USS Enterprise-D from an alternate timeline, while her father was a Romulan general. She became a commander in the Romulan military and became a major player in plots to disrupt the alliance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. She tried to kidnap and brainwash Starfleet officer Geordi La Forge into killing a Klingon governor, supported the sisters of Duras in an attempt to covertly gain control of the Klingon empire and conspired tricking Spock into providing the Romulans with a reason for invading Vulcan. Since the Romulan Empire is still neutral in the Dominion Wars, she continues to pursue the empire’s interests only. Famous quote: “Everything in me that was human died with my mother; all that's left now is Romulan. Never doubt that.” Action: Can RID Kill at night. Her RID Kill takes precedence over both Starfleet and Dominion kill. Is able to make her vote count x2 during the day (only if she chooses to via PM). Indy ---------------------------- WinCon: Win with the faction of his choice. Odo - Constable Odo is the DS9's incorruptible chief of security. He is a Changeling, capable of assuming any shape he wishes, but usually assumes a shape of a male adult humanoid. He was found in the Denorius Belt, brought back to the planet Bajor by the Cardassians (who maintained a military occupation of Bajor), and raised in a laboratory by a Bajoran scientist. Odo yearns to find his own people, but when he finally does, he is less than pleased to discover that they rule the Gamma Quadrant with an iron fist. Famous quote: “Patience is a lost virtue to most. To me, an ally.” Action: He must decide to join a faction (Starfleet or the Dominion) in N1. If he does not choose, the host will choose for him. He does not have a night action but as a Changeling has the ability to appear as a random Starfleet when spied. Day Rules: - Tie lynch on day 1 means no lynch. Any other day it means random lynch among the tie. Night Rules: - Order of actions: Trap > RID Kill > Save > Redirect > Kill > Block > Oracle> Steal action > Spy/Follow. - Trap = Block + Save and stops a RID Kill - All succesful actions are shown in the night-post, including spies and redirects (only the person that was redirected is shown).
  5. araver


    _ _ _ _ _ TOWER - 1 It was ... once we stopped playing it safe
  6. araver


    Scores updated: Glycereine - 788 plainglazed - 664 maurice - 644 Cherry Lane - 532 Maquis - 445 araver - 417 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 384 Unreality - 284 dawh - 225 t8t8t8 - 190 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 116 JarZe - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5 Panther - 5 And _ _ _ _ _ is up!
  7. araver


    _ _ _ _ Y because R I _ _ _ is known, RUGBY - 2 and BUGGY - 1 which by removing RI_ _ _ means _ _ GBY=1 and _ _GGY=1. So B/G cannot be fourth letter. G cannot be third because of ROGUE-1 (and R____is already known) so Y is the only possibility left.
  8. araver

    UN Mafia

    I understand what your thinking, but no, in this Mafia, no vote=tie between all living non-imprisoned players. So I will lynch a random living player.
  9. araver

    UN Mafia

    There are more than 15 hours till the end of the day and it's Christmas Eve, so people will be around eventually, but probably not very much. BTW: I have no problem with that last post, but we're here on BrainDen's rules so please don't attract attention from one of the Admins or Moderators. Thank you.
  10. araver

    UN Mafia

    ----------------------------------- Act 4 Dawn came and one by one, delegates came into the central room. Breakfast ready as usual. The noticed long before the Hooded Figure appeared that three of them were missing this time. "Gentlemen, this day I will take someone away so choose carefully. But since you did not bother to fill in the surveys I sent you, this day will not be extended in any way. Lesson: always fill in surveys! They might save your life someday." Hooded Figure: Araver 1. Blahblah - IMPRISONED by Australia until N3 2. DarthNoob - Lynched and found to be North Korea 3. Hirkala 4. EDM - Killed by Secret Alliance 5. JS 6. Framm - Killed by Secret Alliance 7. Petrus 8. Segul - Killed by Canada 9. maurice 10.firno 11. golfjunkie Day 2 ends at 11 PM EST December 24th (No living people expressed their desire for a longer day).
  11. araver

    UN Mafia

    Act 3 The australian was out again tonight. Plenty of gadgets left to use. The robot crawled underneath BlaBlah's door and found the nearest heat emanating target. As soon as BlaBlah started to move, the trap sprung. The robot crawled to his body and took the drop of blood then started broadcasting. Somewhere near, the Canadian's control beeped once then started retransmitting to the nearest satellite. An answer will be in until daybreak. ----------------------------------- The Canadian was looking for Segul tonight. He found pacing his room undecided. As he raised his eyes to meet his attacker, Segul looked surprised. The Canadian was too quick for him, his EM gun rendered Segul unconscious in a second. He moved and uncovered Segul's neck, draw out a seringe and finished the job. ----------------------------------- The Afgan was out tonight with a double mission. He found Framm's door cracked and gently slid in. He waited in the shadows and just as Framm entered, he struck. "This infidel will no longer cause problems", he thought to himself and hurried down the corridor to his second mark. He listened for a while and heard breathing and a sigh from inside. He slid the envelope under the door then blocked it as usual. Maurice will not be moving for the rest of the night. ----------------------------------- Somewhere else in the complex, a quiet American was contemplating the events of the day. He was trying his luck into narrowing down China by scribbling a table on a piece of paper. The table looked far from complete, but he decided he could would try tonight one of the possibilities. Just as he was about to go out to find the Hooded Figure, the figure appeared in front of his door. Nodding slowly. From left to right. ----------------------------------- Less spying went on that night and almost in vain as the Hooded Figure had already cleaned out the bodies. End of Act 3 -----------------------------------
  12. araver

    UN Mafia

    Night post coming up.
  13. araver

    UN Mafia

    *cough* meta-gaming *cough*
  14. araver


    ROGUE - if 3 (unlikely, but just for the fun of it) then R_GU_ since BONDS=AWARE=0
  15. araver

    Adding plainglazed's correct clue: 4 */* 2 = 5 12 */* 17 = 28 30 */* 10 = 36 100 */* 93 = 186 42 */* 35 = 72 100 */* 21 = 116 12 */* 11 = 22 19 */* 29 = 48 41 */* 31 = 72 11 */* 18 = 28 238 */* 222 = 444 ------------------ 48 */* 73 = ? As he solved it, I did not post any more clues, but if anyone still wants to solve it, I will post more.
  16. araver


    TOTAL - if 1 then T _ _ _ _ since BONDS=METAL=0
  17. araver


    LABOR - if 3 (unlikely) then _ _ BOR since LAUGH-0
  18. araver

    UN Mafia

    12 hours to go in Night 2 ... Please get the actions in.
  19. araver

    Original Mafia Sign Up

    No, I don't think so. He was last active in Mar 19 2010 (says on his profile) so I don't think he's coming around very soon. Also, most of the people who did signup back then (March, April) are also missing since then. So there aren't much chances of this to start anytime soon. I'd suggest you signup for the next Mafia from active hosts (see the thread. A new signup thread will probably be posted once UN Mafia is over.
  20. araver

    UN Mafia

    Act 2 (continued) At first, it seemed that no one had decided how to use diplomacy in the context of the game. Their inability to make alliances out in the open and behind-the-scenes made some of them look like scared little children at first, too afraid to speak lest they attract too much attention to them. The Hooded Figure was partially amused by the situation, yet he decided not to make any changes that would break the equilibrium. As time started to fly, more vigorous accusations were made and hunches started to turn into votting patterns. Questions were asked, answers were in, votes were tallied. One accusation stuck and with quite a few votes on him, one delegate snapped and pleaded no-contest to the accusations. However, the Hooded Figure did not appear. After a while, they all decided to keep talking and make the best out of the day. More scenarios were proposed, possible alliances were openly discussed until the Hooded Figure appeared, right on time, and declared the day over. "Gentlemen, do you have a decision for me?". Quietly, DarthNoob rose and everyone around nodded. "Very well, I will take the North Korean delegate with me. This day is officially over.", said the Hooded Figure, before disappearing with DarthNoob. At the same time, maurice walked in: "What did I miss?". But no one cared much for talking right now. One by one, delegates left the central room wondering what would the night bring. Some of them were thinking of novel ways to use their allowed powers in this game, others were already starting to put their plains in motion. End of Act 2 Hooded Figure: Araver 1. Blahblah 2. DarthNoob - Lynched and found to beNorth Korea 3. Hirkala 4. EDM - Killed by Secret Alliance 5. JS 6. Framm 7. Petrus 8. Segul 9. maurice 10. firno 11. golfjunkie Night 2 ends at 11 PM EST December 23rd Please let me know via PM if you would like Day 2 to be a 3 x 24 h day ending on 11 PM EST December 26th!
  21. araver

    UN Mafia

    No contest accepted. Day post coming up.
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