Act 6
Discussions started very soon on this day, as people were almost sure of everything now. Confusion soon ensued when opinions were challenged and more outing ensued.
After lunch, with three votes pinning him down, one of the delegates renounced his previous arrangements and decided for an all-out attack. New plans were started, but the Hooded Figure felt he needed to intervene:
"Gentlemen, I see some of you have misinterpreted a rule:
Imagine A and B are left and A decides to leave and B doesn't. Now imagine A and B vote for each other the next day. If both their votes count x1, it's a tie and I will flip a coin and A *may* win and leave. Hence, if he leaves and I count his vote as x0, he would not have been able to leave. Herein lies the paradox of that rule.
Therefore votes count x1 until a player leaves."
A few moments later, BlaBlah realized that not even his best laid plans could not have gotten him of that situation. With sportmanship, China pleaded no contest and the day ended. The Hooded Figure took his hand and disappeared in a flash.
The remaining players looked at each other, then Hirk stoop up. "Gentlemen, it has been a pleasure to work with you. Without breaking the principles I stand for, I am looking forward to future cooperations. Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I'll just show myself out." Sweden tried the door that appeared after the Hooded Figure left and smiled as it opened. "So long."
The three remaining players looked at each other: Australia, USA and Russia were able to leave tonight, with no obstacles in their way. They shook hands and returned to their quarters. Sleep will come tonight and tomorrow freedom will be earned.
What about England? Well, after waking up and reading the transcripts of the day he considered his two possibilities: Either allow for Aus and USA to leave and be able to leave the next night or kill one of them and still be able to leave the next night ... that was no choice at all. Too much blood was spilled already. Two more nights of sleep will do the trick.
End of act 6
1. Blahblah - Lynched and found to be China
2. DarthNoob - Lynched and found to be North Korea
3. Hirkala - Left after D3 - WON
4. EDM - Killed by Secret Alliance
5. JS - Lynched and found to be Afghanistan
6. Framm - Killed by Secret Alliance
7. Slick /Petrus - Left after D5 - WON
8. Segul - Killed by Canada
9. maurice - Left after D4 - WON
10.firno - Left after D4 - WON
11. golfjunkie - Left after D4 - WON
Kudos to Hirk, maurice, firno, golfjunkie and Slick for completing your WinCons and leaving successfully!
Congratulations to all players, I've seen a good game (from where I'm standing ).