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Everything posted by fabpig

  1. fabpig


    I'd kick myself if it was this and I didnt enter it...... MIXED
  2. fabpig


    Naaah.... Mixed up was I ago years.
  3. fabpig


    if EX_R_ then EXTRA can't be 2
  4. fabpig

    Before it gets to a virtual punch-up, can I point this out from the "read before posting" bit: BrainDen is here for the enjoyment of our members. Moderators will take appropriate action, with or without further warning to ensure a rewarding experience for everyone. This means that offensive, flaming, disrespectful or harassing content of any type can lead to the termination of an account.
  5. fabpig

    Super P I've seen your posts and answers and been awestruck.....but you've got to assume that the downpour was Melbourne time...(?!)
  6. fabpig


    silence - audere est facere
  7. fabpig


    WINCH Vinee entered one just before your last update
  8. fabpig


    dingbat Notice how Maurice is using words like "drunk" and "cuckold" since I started playing again? You read my biography, buddy?
  9. fabpig

    The "cold" is a bit misleading. Yes, gold is mined in some colder areas, but it's only recently that China has overtaken South Africa as the world's leading producer....and I don't consider SA to be cold. It's also produced in some volume in Australia, Mali, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and the Caribbean. So, when I think of "gold", I don't of "cold" (other than it rhymes)
  10. fabpig


    And Maquis wins with a chuckle. that's a double v. Must admit it looks like a w on my screen too
  11. fabpig


    RINSE if 2 then N = 3rd letter. I given, not R as RAPID= 0, NOT S from FIRST = 1, NOT E from PIQUE = 1 Edit....tooooo slow beaten to it
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