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Everything posted by 'Cat'astrophe

  1. What about IMPRESS, FISHEYE and ABATERS??
  2. 'Cat'astrophe

    Sixy Rollo

    Last letter Y By my previous post it was either UL or UY BUTLER shows 1 So UL is out UY correct
  3. 'Cat'astrophe


    :lol: I think that's a melon
  4. Swapnil is correct..with Ed getting the first bit of the puzzle. . Kat could not say their ages definitively since there were two combinations 50,7,7 and 49,10,5 for her age 64. Swapnil's logic is perfect for determining their ages.
  5. 'Cat'astrophe

    Sixy Rollo

    Second letter U Kind of a lengthy explanation..but here goes: GAMETE showed up a 0 CORNEA showed up a 0 So GUILTY GUINEA GULLEY GUILTY showed 2 so possible letters: IL, UL, IY, UY, LY, UI LY is not possible since WIELDY shows up 1 UI is not possible since GUINEA shows up 1 So its IL, UL, IY or UY In any case I or U are correct If IL was correct, consider GUILTY and GULLEY. Out of the non striked letters only I is replaced with L but it still showed up 2. So IL is out. With the same logic IY is out too. So its down to UL or UY. In any case U is correct.
  6. Kat was travelling in a train and she was getting kind of bored. The passenger oppposite her was a math professor and they had chatted for some time but he was just rambling on. "Looks like i'm boring you", said the profeesor,"so how about a puzzle? First tell me your age." Kat thought this to be rather impolite but told him her age. The professor resumed, "I know three people. The sum of their ages is equal to your age. The product of their ages is 2450. Can you tell me their ages?" Kat thought for a while and declared, "It's not possible to solve this." The professor said,"I know. But if I tell you that I am younger than the oldest of them, you will be able to tell me their ages as well as mine." What is the professor's age?
  7. Yeah well..i really should start writing better riddles So as Anon says:
  8. 'Cat'astrophe


    Third letter U Last letter T My line of thinking: BOARD showed up 0 so O and R are out So for the 2 for COURT...it can be CU, UT or CT If CU then CLUBS shud have shown 2 If CT then COAST shud have shown 2 Hence only UT Next guess: VAULT
  9. What is this feeling A man in debt or The Loss of a huge bet When its Exam time or When there's a famine How your hungry stomach feels When someone throws back your desserts A Little of it increases your zeal But too much will rob you of your sleep. I wrote this long back..its kind of crude and rudimentary...
  10. solved by jpar on 4 Lookin forward to writing more riddles
  11. yup..Jpar's got it..i guess its self explanatory.. @shadlyn: the 'blind men' were supposed to be window blinds
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