ok, yeah, i think i have my sherlock holmes mafia pretty good. I just need some help with athelney jones. i dont have anything yet. maybe a faction spy? but yeah, if you guys could look over this and let me know if my balance is off or something. and i'll probably post sign-ups ASAP. i'm aiming for next wednesday.
WINCON: capture or kill Professor Moriarty, and be the majority.
Sherlock Holmes-famous detective
-can spy 1 role from a player on odd nights
-can arrest a suspected criminal on odd nights instead of spying, but has 50% chance of failing
can ask arrested person yes or no questions
when arrested, that person cannot perform an action the next night, but can still vote for a lynch. whatever action they were doing on the night they are arrested, will still be done.
-has BTSC with Dr. Watson
Dr. Watson-Sherlock Holmes's friend/roommate; is a doctor
-can save/heal 1 person per night
-has BTSC with Sherlock Holmes
Stanley Hopkins-a detective for whose career Sherlock Holmes has hope
-can make a lynch vote count for 0x, 1x, or 2x
Mycroft-Sherlock Holmes's brother
-can RID kill at night, but not two nights in a row
Wiggins-head of Baker Street Irregulars
-can spy and/or redirect an action every night
redirection is Wiggins's choice
Inspector Alec MacDonald-Scotland Yard detective
-can spy 1 role from a player each night
Inspector Athelney Jones-Scotland Yard detective
WINCON: outlive Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, and Inspector MacDonald.
Professor Moriarty-leader of all London gangs
-can spy 1 action per night-takes two hits to kill at night, can still be lynched. i.e. if targeted for a kill N1, will not be killed. but if targeted for kill N4, will be killed.
Irene Adler-criminal under Moriarty
-can help Moriarty escape if targeted for arrest. she can do this twice, but she doesn't know if its worth it or not. i.e. if she uses her ability on a day she thinks holmes will arrest moriarty, but he doesn't, she will have wasted a chance and cannot get it back.
Lord Blackwood-criminal
-can redirect a lynch vote
WINCON: outlive Shelock Holmes and be the last group standing.
Inspector Lestrade-Scotland Yard detective
-can redirect target at night
Inspector Gregson-Scotland Yard detective
-can block 1 person's action on even nights