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Everything posted by EDM

  1. EDM

    is this an anagram riddle......??????
  2. EDM

    That was wonderful!!! I bet *plainglazed* will be proud!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Why are you standing there; look I'm definitely a word you've seen in the book Emphasize; why?.....reason it out Don't yell at me; it's not what you thought Wanna play pool? i detest math, Put them together; and that is that... (like most of my riddles, please find the word and the relation with the title) (P.S: It's not movies this time) Now I hope it's easier to solve...... , or more confusing.........
  4. sorry MrsP........that's not it...... I should have edited it..............I'll re-write it...............gimme a min............
  5. EDM

    i'll be SO surprised if it's wrong! cool answer!!......
  6. glad to hear you say that as I can't make one anyway; I've already given all possible hints that I can think of in the earlier posts.........
  7. you are right........it's not right.......... but keep trying....
  8. any more guesses?????
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