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Wilson last won the day on November 20 2018

Wilson had the most liked content!

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  1. If I’ve eventually found it (?) , then your ending is in keeping with the theme :-)
  2. You’ve got me all over the place with this one. Don’t think that I’m 100%….but I’ll go with (SUB)TITLE?
  3. Nembutal Yellow capsules Street name Yellow Jackets
  4. Maybe not the dope, but the demographic of the dopes who use it? From the right……W.A.S.P?
  5. Wasp colouring reference? It fly’s :-)
  6. Controlled? Workings…..Con, Trolled, Control, Coed.
  7. Check your inbox Shakee.B))

  8. consortium? Just a note, you may find Lovett cryptocrosswords a fun pastime. Good tutorial on codes and strategies. I'm hooked.….Ty, will start studying :-)
  9. Hey Wilson. I'm curious why riddles answered are still on no best answer board. New format for me so what am I doing wrong? Thanjs.

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